Leg Pull Prone Flashcards
What is the purpose of Leg Pull Prone?
Purpose: Strength – core, lumbar spine and shoulders
Teach the set up for Leg Pull Prone
All levels have the same start position:
* Lie prone on the mat, raise your chest and bring
your forearms to rest on the floor, with your
elbows below your shoulders
* Shoulders and pelvis stabilised
* Keep spine long
* Neck in neutral
* Core stability muscles engaged
Teach the preparation for Leg Pull Prone
Layer 1 (preparation):
* Inhale to prepare
* Exhale and press the pubic bone towards the
mat and allow the hip bones to come away from
the mat
* Hold and breathe naturally
Teach the exercise Leg Pull Prone
Layer 2 (exercise):
* As above but as you exhale lift hips off the mat a
little higher
* Maintain neutral spine
* Hold 10-15 seconds and breathe naturally
* Complete this once only
Teach the progression for Leg Pull Prone
Layer 3 (progression):
* As above but curl toes under and lengthen
through both legs, raising the knees from the
* Hold and breathe naturally
* Complete this once only and hold 10-15 seconds
What are the teaching points for Leg Pull Prone
- Maintain shoulder stability
- Avoid squeezing the buttocks
- Keep breathing
- Keep length through spine
- Keep tension out of lumbar spine
- Keep pressure off forearms and hands
- Ensure core muscles are engaged and spine is in neutral
* Maintain neutral and ensure that you do not sag in the middle
* Make sure hips are not raised above shoulders
* Breathing should not be laboured
* If you begin to struggle return to lower exercise level
* Keep hips still
Give a visual for Leg Pull Prone
Imagine you have an egg under your hip bones
What are the prime movers for Leg Pull Prone
Prime movers: Deltoids, pectorals
What stabilising muscles are used for Leg Pull Prone?
Stabilisers: Transversus abdominis, rotator cuff (teres minor, subscapularis, supraspinatus,
What are the joint actions for Leg Pull Prone?
What is the plane of movement for Leg Pull Prone?
sagittal plane
What are the repetitions for Leg Pull Prone?
Hold for 10-15 seconds
What are some progressions for the Leg Pull Prone?
Why are some adaptations for Leg Pull Prone?
- Stay with the prep exercise
- Hold for less time
- If on Progression 1 an
adaptation could be:
» Knees on floor, toes tucked
under, extend one leg and
then the other. Hold and
then lower legs one at a
What are some modifications for Leg Pull Prone?
- Cushion/towel under
elbows - Rolled up mat