Leg Flashcards
contents anterior compartment lower leg
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallicus longus
tibialis anterior
peroneus tertius
deep peroneal nerve
anterior tibial artery and nerve
contents lateral compartment lower leg
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
superficial peroneal nerve
contents deep posterior compartment lower leg
flexor hallicus longus
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis posterior
fibular artery and vein
posterior tibial artery and vein
tibial nerve
contents superfical posterior compartment lower leg
Branches of the sciatic nerve
tibial and common peroneal
Arteries of lower limb
common iliacs
internal and external iliacs
external iliac > common femoral > superficial femoral and profunda femoris
profunda femoris > medial and lateral circumflex and perforating branches
superficial femoral > popliteal > anterior tibial and peroneal trunk
anterior tibial > dorsalis pedis
tibioperoneal trunk > posterior tibial and peroneal
Where does the femoral artery become popliteal
adductor hiatus
contents adductor canal
femoral artery
femoral vein
nerve to vastus medialis
saphenous nerve
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
arterial supply and innervation adductors
obturator nerve L2-4
profunda femoris
Where does the dural sheath terminate?
Origin of gluteus maximus
ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion of gluteus maximus
IT tract (3/4) and gluteal tuberosity of femur (1/4)
Nerve supply gluteus maximus
Inferior gluteal nerve L5 S1 S2
Actions of gluteus maximus
extension of thigh
lateral rotation
balance pelvis on thigh
steady femur on knee
Origin gluteus medius
insertion gluteus medius
lateral greater trochanter
nerve supply gluteus medius
superior gluteal L4 L5 S1
actions gluteus medius
prevent pelvis tilting
gluteus minimus origin
gluteus minimus insertion
anterior GT
nerve supply gluteus minimus
superior gluteal L4 L5 S1
action gluteus minimus
medial rotation
tensor fascia lata origin
posterior to ASIS
tensor fascia lata insertion
IT tract
nerve supply TFL
superior gluteal L4 L5 S1
action TFL
assists gluteus maximus to stabilise the thigh
piriformis origin
piriformis insertion
upper GT
nerve supply piriformis
direct fro S2/3
action piriformis
lateral rotation
obturator internus origin
obturator membrane
obturator internus inserion
medial GT
nerve supply obterator internus
nerve to obturator internus L5 S1 S2
origin gemelli
lesser sciatic notch
insertion gemelli
tendon obturator internus
nerve supply gemelli
superior - nerve to ob internus
inferior - nerve to quad femoris
origin quadrator femoris
ischial tuberosity
insertion quadrator femoris
trochanteric crest
nerve supply quadrator femoris
nerve to quadrator femoris L4 L5 S1
boundaries of greater sciatic foramen
anterior/superior - greater sciatic notch
inferior - sacrospinous ligament
posterior - sacrotuberous ligament
boundaries lesser sciatic foramen
anterior - ischium and sacrospinous ligament
posterior - sacrotuberous ligament
structures passing through GSF
things above piriformis
things below piriformis
structures passing through GSF above piriformis
superior gluteal vessels
superior gluteal nerve
structures passing through GSF below piriformis
inferior gluteal vessels
inferior gluteal nerve
internal pudendal vessels
internal pudendal nerve
sciatc nerve
posterior cutaneous nerve
nerve to quadratus femoris
nerve to obturator internus
structures passing through LSF
tendon obturator internus
nerve to obturator internus
internal pudendal vessels
pudendal nerve
lateral rotators of thigh
obturator internus
quadratus femoris
gluteus maximus
abductors of thigh
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
Where do you find ligamentum teres?
central fovea head of femur
angle of femoral neck
125 degrees
smaller angle in women