Head and Neck Flashcards
First Branchial Arch derivates
Trigeminal nerve
Muscles mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor palati
Second Branchial Arch derivates
Facial nerve
Stapes, styloid process, upper body of hyoid, cornu of hyoid
Posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, stapedius.
Third Branchial Arch derivates
Lower body of hyoid, greater cornu
Fourth to Sixth Branchial Arch derivates
Vagus, Laryngeal and Recurrent laryngeal
Thyroid, Aryteroid, corniculate and cuneiform
Pharynx, larynx, palate
First Pharyngeal Pouch derivates
Eustacian tube, middle ear, mastoid, antrum
Second Pharyngeal Pouch derivates
Palatine tonsil (tonsillar fossa)
Third Pharyngeal Pouch derivates
Thymus, inferior parathyroid
How many branchial arches
How many pharyngeal pouches
Fourth Pharyngeal Pouch derivates
superior parathyroid, part of thyroid
Why do some people get thyroglossal cysts?
traces remaining of diverticulum from thyroglossal duct (foramen caecum)
Why do some people get cleft lip?
failue of fusion of frontonasal ad maxillary processes
Why do some people get cleft palate?
failure of fusion of primary (premaxillary) and secondary (hard and soft) palates
Why do some people get spina bifida?
failure to fuse of neural arches
What is the difference between spina bifida occulta and manifesta
occulta = vertebral anomaly, meninges intact
manifesta - meningicoele or meningomyelocoele - associated with hydrocephalus
What are the fascial layers of the neck?
Platysma - superficial layer of muscle anterior neck
Investing fascial layer - around muscles of neck and partotid/submandibular glands
Prevertebral layer - vertebrae and prevertebral muscles. brachial and cervical plexuses, floor of posterior triangle
Pretracheal layer - hyoid to pericrardium. Thyroid, larynx, pharynx, trachea, oesophagus.
Contents of carotid sheath
common (-internal) carotid artery
vagus nerve
internal jugular vein
What is most lateral in the carotid sheath
Borders of anterior triangle
ramus of mandible
midline of neck
anterior border of SCM
Which nerve innervates the infrahyoid muscles?
ansa cervicalis
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
What action do the infrahyoid muscles produce
open mouth against resistance
Origins of common carotid arteries
right - brachiocephalic
left - aortic arch
At what level does the common carotid bifurcate?
C3 - anterior thyroid