Left Realism Flashcards
Runciman explanation of relative deprivations?
Through how deprived individuals feel when compared to others in society
How are we more aware of relative deprivation ?
What does young believe is cause of crime ?
Relative deprivation mixed with individualism is a major cause of crime
How do people react to relative deprivation?
Groups form subcultures as a solution to deal with relative deprivation and some groups may turn to religion or crime as a mean of closing the deprivation gap
Criminal subcultures ?
They still subscribe to the values and goals of mainstream society but their legitimate access to them are blocked
What does lea and young believe are the causes of crime
Relative deprivation , subculture and marginalisation
What does young say about society that we live in ?
We now live in a state of late modernity , where instability , insecurity and exclusion makes crimes worse
What policy does Kinsey , lea and young oppose ?
They oppose zero tolerance policing in favour of a multi agency approach where the police are supported by local communities , schools and councils
How does young believe we should tackle crime ?
He believes we should tackle crime at structural causes such as poverty, inequality and discrimination
What are the criticism of left realism ?
- Most people are relatively deprived but most don’t commit crime.
- Left realists ignore corporate crime which is more harmful than street crime
- They focus too much on inner-city crimes which makes the problems appear worse than they are.
- it has been criticised as overly deterministic- not all individuals (relates to crit 1 )
- Rely on quantitative data from official statistics and victims survey but this does not give a true picture of crime rates, nor does it give any in depth explanation of the motives of crime
What is left realist view ? And what can they be compared to ?
They can be compared to Marxist as they take a socialist view and are opposed to the inequalities of capitalist society which they see as the root cause of crime
Unlike Marxist though they are reformist rather than revolutionary socialists.
They believe that gradual reforming the best way to achieve equality
What does relative deprivation do ?
1. Relative deprivation- how deprived someone feels relative to those around them , if a individual feels that others unfairly have more than them then they may resort to crime. Modern media( and social media ) allows everyone access to messages of material wealth ( cultural inclusion) which is not attainable to many members of society ( economic exclusion)
What do they believe are main causes of crime ?
- relative deprivation
- Subcultures
- Marginalisation
What does subcultures do ?
For left realists a subculture is a group solution to the problem of relative deprivation.
Criminal subcultures want society’s materialistic goals but resort to illegitimate means to achieving them
What does marginalisation do ?
Powerless groups in society such as the unemployed youth have no organisation to protect their interests like worker unions and no clear goals .
They have a sense of powerlessness which leads to frustration and further pushes them to the edge of society.
Feeling like outsiders can lead to rejection of norms and values resulting indeviant behaviour