left realism Flashcards
why do EM’s end up in poor housing conditions? Rex
landlords may have racist and stereotypical views against ethnic minorities
why are racial minorities more likely to experience relative deprevation?
-social exclusion
-ending up in worse housing
-council would favour those who lived in the longer area over immigrants
What are some evaluations for Rex?
2017,36% of people who applied for help due to being homeless were BAME,compared to 16% of uk being BAME
68% of white households owned their home vs 17% of black african households
What did Ball study and moethods?
-studied 15 schools between 1991-1994
-schools were in very middle or working class areas
-visited schools,attended meetings,and interviewed teachers and parents
what were Ball’s findings?
-league tables meant schools would attract academically able students
-setting and streaming those in top sets would receive more resources to achieve
-SEN students under-resourced as schools focus more on able students
How does class affect education inequality? Ball
-MC people have more cultural capital than WC
-WC people have less resources,time,money and contacts needed to manipulate the system
-MC parents have material capital
How does ethnicity affect education inequality?
-language barriars
-lack of knowledge on how the education system works
What’s Weber’s view on social stratification
-emphasise on the struggle for scarce resources on society
-e.g economic resources,power and prestigue
What is Weber’s concept of class in market economics?
-like Marx,Weber defined a class as a group in a similar market position
Who are the major class divisions between? Weber
-those who own the means of production and those who don’t
-property owners enjoy better life chances
-recognised differences in propertyless groups based on skills and market positions
What are the class groups? Weber
-propertied upper class
-propertyless white collar workers
-petty bourgeoise
-manual working class
What are the differences between Marx and Weber?
-Weber emphasized market value,not just property
-diversification of class not polarisation
-revolt wasn’t inevitable,different forms of protest
-political power is not necessarily linked with class inequalities
What is status situation?
-prestigue and social honour in society
Evaluation for Weber?
+-analysis is more indepth than other theories,considers various factors
What is Rex and Tomlinson’s ethnic minorities argument?
-ethnic minorities face low power and status
-black ‘underclass’ experience more opression than general working class