LEED Process Flashcards

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A team in a goal setting-workshop has selected to pursue LEED Gold, identified credits to pursue and assigned responsible parties to each credit and prerequisite. After evaluating possible energy strategies what does the team need to document for IP Credit Integrative Process?

A. The credit calculations for each credit

B. The aggregate costs of the meetings

C. How the analysis informed the design decisions in the OPR and BOD

D. The preliminary project schedule


C. How the analysis informed the design decisions in the OPR and BOD

The credit documentation requires describing how the analysis informed the design decisions in the project’s OPR and BOD.

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Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

A. Achieve EQ Credit Interior Lighting Option 1 Lighting Control and EQ Credit Interior Lighting Option 2 Lighting Quality

B. Provide views for 90% of all regularly occupied areas

C. Demonstrate spatial daylight autonomy of at least 90% is achieved for regularly occupied floor areas

D. Agree to purchase RECs for 10 years


B. Provide views for 90% of all regularly occupied areas

EQ Credit Quality Views can earn exemplary performance by providing views for 90% of all regularly occupied areas.

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A LEED reviewer has sent a project team technical advice on one of the design credits that was submitted in a split review. What does the project team need to do?

A. Respond to the technical advice the LEED reviewer sent

B. Nothing, it is up to the project team if they want to take the advice of the reviewer

C. Document a narrative for the technical advice and submit it during any appeals process

D. Update the narrative of the credit and resubmit it for another design review


A. Respond to the technical advice the LEED reviewer sent

When a LEED reviewer responds to a credit/prerequisite the review will contain comments and technical advice. Technical advice includes things that need to be revised and updated for the credit/prerequisite to be earned. An example might be ‘Revise the building operating plan to include all design setpoints for all HVAC equipment throughout the building.’ or ‘Provide a revised preventive maintenance plan that includes…’.

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Which statement is true about Credit Interpretation Requests (CIRs)?

A. CIRs cannot be submitted in regard to the LEED Accredited Professional credit.

B. Product vendors can access all CIRs to meet any updated credit requirements.

C. CIRs can only be submitted during the design phase of a project.

D. CIRs can be submitted for prerequisites.


D. CIRs can be submitted for prerequisites.

CIRs can be submitted for any prerequisite or credit for the project’s rating system.

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A project was registered in January of 2013. In April 2013 USGBC published Addenda for a credit the project team is pursuing. What statements are true regarding this project? (Choose 2)

A. The project team must follow any addenda published in April, 2013

B. The project team can choose to follow any addenda published prior to January, 2013

C. The project team can choose to follow any addenda published after April, 2013

D. The project team must follow any addenda published prior to January, 2013


C. The project team can choose to follow any addenda published after April, 2013

D. The project team must follow any addenda published prior to January, 2013

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A LEED AP in a goal setting workshop is working on their first LEED BD+C: Schools project. What prerequisites would be applicable to the project and need to be assigned to team members?

A. SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment and EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance

B. MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction - Mercury and SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment

C. IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design and MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction

D. EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance and IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design


This is the answer — A. SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment and EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance
The following credits / prerequisites are specific to Healthcare only. It is important to know which credits/prerequisites are specific to the different rating systems


IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design
SS Credit Places of Respite
SS Credit Direct Exterior Access
MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction - Mercury
MR Credit PBT Source Reduction - Mercury
MR Credit PBT Source Reduction - Lead, Cadmium, and Copper
MR Credit Furniture and Medical Furnishings
MR Credit Design for Flexibility

SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment
SS Credit Site Master Plan
SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities
EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance

B. MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction - Mercury and SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment

MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction - Mercury is for LEED BD+C: Healthcare.

C. IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design and MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction

Both of these are for LEED BD+C: Healtcare.

D. EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance and IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design
IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design is for LEED BD+C: Healthcare.

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A project team member has excluded a section of land in order to meet the requirements of one of the LEED credits. Which statement is true about this action?

A. This action is not allowed.

B. This action is allowed if the gross floor area of the LEED project building is less than 2% of the gross land area within the LEED project boundary.

C. This action is only allowed if a project narrative is written to explain the exclusion.

D. Certain sections of land can be excluded from the site boundary if a responsible party submits a licensed professional exemption form.


A. This action is not allowed.

Land cannot be excluded for the purposes of complying with a credit/prerequisite. This is known as gerrymandering.

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If a project boundary is not obvious because of ownership by multiple entities, which action should the project team take?

A. Submit a CIR

B. Use a boundary that best serves the project

C. Ask the project owner which boundary to use

D. Review the minimum program requirements


D. Review the minimum program requirements

This is the first place to look for suggestions.

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A LEED BD+C project will be constructed and operated on a permanent location on existing land, and will be a minimum of 1,000 SF (93 m2). What else must the project do to meet the minimum program requirements?

A. The project team must perform a simple energy box model

B. The project must have at least one LEED AP on staff

C. The owner must hire a CxA that has experience on at least two other LEED projects

D. The project boundary must include all contiguous land that is associated with the project and supports its typical operation


D. The project boundary must include all contiguous land that is associated with the project and supports its typical operation

This is the 3rd MPR the project would need to meet.

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An office complex near a lake is being designed. The project will be built on a prime tract of undeveloped real-estate 40 ft. (12 meters) from the lake. The project will be located 1/8 mile (200 meters) from 3 public bus lines.

Which credit would NOT be achievable for the project?

A. SS Credit Rainwater Management

B. SS Credit Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat

C. LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection

D. LT Credit Access to Quality Transit


C. LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection

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A project team wishes to get a Credit Interpretation Request on a credit and prerequisite that are unrelated. Which action will assist with this process?

A. Submit only one CIR for the prerequisite

B. Submit one CIR covering both the credit and prerequisite

C. Submit two CIRs: one for the credit and one for the prerequisite

D. Submit only one CIR for the credit


C. Submit two CIRs: one for the credit and one for the prerequisite
Inquiries must request guidance on just one credit or prerequisite (unless there is technical justification to do otherwise) and generally contain one concise question or a set of related questions.

Projects spend money on CIRs for prerequisites for the same reason as for credits - to find out if a particular solution qualifies the project for meeting the requirements. The project may meet the requirements of the prerequisite but sometimes submitting a CIR is the only way to find out.

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The project team for an office building is considering a composting program. Which statement is true regarding the IN Credit Innovation for a composting program?

A. Composting 100% of a project’s organic waste can earn the project exemplary performance.

B. LEED would reject IN Credit Innovation submission for a composting program unless it was a Regional Priority.

C. A LEED AP would be required to design a composting-management plan in order to meet the IN credit requirements.

D. If Project ABC earns IN Credit Innovation for implementing a composting program, then Project XYZ will also earn the credit.

E. IN Credit Innovation can only be earned if all occupants of the building are allowed to participate in the program.


E. IN Credit Innovation can only be earned if all occupants of the building are allowed to participate in the program.
The three basic criteria for achieving an IN credit for a category not found in the LEED rating system are as folows:

Quantitative. This means the concept must have measurable/quantifiable environmental benefits. Establish a baseline and compare it with the final outcome to determine the improvement. How much environmental benefit did the strategy achieve?
Comprehensive. The process or specification must be comprehensive. For example, if a new material could be used in every floor of a building, the project team can’t use it in just one floor. A process that only addresses a part of the project isn’t considered comprehensive and does not meet the credit requirements.
Transferrable. The concept must be able to be used on other projects by other project teams. It can’t be a concept that only applies to a unique aspect of one project.

The IN point for a composting program would only be allowed if all building occupants would have access to the program. For example, a project team can’t say that they are limiting a program to the occupants on floors 1-5 and that occupants on floors 6-10 can’t participate because there isn’t enough space for all the compost.

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Which action is an example of an overlapping benefit that a project team might find during ongoing discovery while iteratively testing alternatives and refining an analysis?

A. Deciding to increase ventilation by 30%

B. Using the waste heat from a mechanical system to heat hot water

C. Selecting one paint over another for aesthetic reasons

D. Removing an underfloor air-distribution system due to cost


B. Using the waste heat from a mechanical system to heat hot water

This is an example of looking for new opportunities in the design that support the project goals.

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Which special considerations would be part of the LEED project scope? (choose 2)

A. A shared facility that may be used by the project occupants

B. Underground parking

C. An off-site amenity

D. Daylight modeling


A. A shared facility that may be used by the project occupants

C. An off-site amenity

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Which elements are not covered under the LEED BD+C: Core and Shell rating system? (choose 2)

A. Structure

B. HVAC system

C. Envelope

D. Tenant fit-out

E. Furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E)


D. Tenant fit-out
Tenant fit-outs are part of the LEED ID+C.

E. Furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E)
FF&E are part of the LEED ID+C rating systems. Furniture is also addressed in LEED BD+C.

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The owner of a space has had a lot of turnover in the project team, resulting in delays in LEED documentation. How long can the project team wait to submit the construction phase review?

A. No later than 18 months after any new version of LEED is released

B. No later than two years after the project is substantially completed

C. No later than two years after signing the lease agreement

D. No later than 18 months after project registration


B. No later than two years after the project is substantially completed
Deadline for submitting for review

For LEED BD+C and LEED ID+C rating systems, you will need to submit for your construction phase review (preliminary standard review or preliminary construction review) no later than two years after your project is substantially completed (the date on which your building receives a certificate of occupancy or similar official indication that it is fit and ready for use).

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A national park located in MLO lighting zone 2 has walking paths around a lake, a 150-car parking lot, a national flag in front of the visitors center, and a small amphitheater for giving presentations. The road leading to the park has government mandated lighting. What exterior lighting would be exempt from SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction?

A. National flag, the amphitheater, and the roadway

B. Walking paths, landscape lighting, and parking lot

C. Parking lot, roadway, and walking paths

D. Roadway, national flag, and parking lot


A. National flag, the amphitheater, and the roadway

There are exemptions from uplight and light trespass requirements. Check the rating system requirements for the complete list of exempt lighting.

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A project team for a LEED BD+C Healthcare is in a goal setting workshop. What credits would be applicable to the project and need to be assigned to team members?

A. SS Credit Direct Exterior Access, EQ Credit Quality Views, SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities

B. SS Credit Places of Respite, SS Credit Direct Exterior Access, MR Credit PBT Source Reduction - Mercury

C. MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, LT Credit High Priority Site, SS Credit Site Master Plan

D. SS Credit Site Master Plan, SS Credit Site Assessment, EQ Credit Acoustic Performance


B. SS Credit Places of Respite, SS Credit Direct Exterior Access, MR Credit PBT Source Reduction - Mercury
The following credits / prerequisites are specific to Healthcare only. It is important to know which credits/prerequisites are specific to the different rating systems


IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design
SS Credit Places of Respite
SS Credit Direct Exterior Access
MR Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction - Mercury
MR Credit PBT Source Reduction - Mercury
MR Credit PBT Source Reduction - Lead, Cadmium, and Copper
MR Credit Furniture and Medical Furnishings
MR Credit Design for Flexibility

SS Prerequisite Environmental site assessment
SS Credit Site Master Plan
SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities
EQ Prerequisite Minimum acoustic performance


A 10 acre multi-building development has five buildings. How is the LEED boundary determined if each building will be a separate LEED project?

A. Each building has the boundary at the edge of a two-acre area

B. The project team determines the LEED boundary for each LEED project

C. The LEED boundary is at the perimeter of the ten-acre area

D. The LEED boundary is at the edge of each building’s footprint


B. The project team determines the LEED boundary for each LEED project
The LEED boundary is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. For single-building developments, this is the entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary. For multiple building developments, the LEED project boundary may be a portion of the development as determined by the project team. (-USGBC)


A project team in a goal-setting meeting is discussing potential sites and integrative synergies. What strategy would earn the project a LEED credit?

A. Locating a project’s functional entry within 200-yards (180-meters) walking distance of a bicycle network that connects within 3 miles (4,800 meters) of a LEED v4 LEED ND Certified Plan project

B. Reducing parking by 10% from the required baseline ratio of the project type

C. Locating the site in an area with a combined surrounding density of 22,000 SF / acre (5,050 m2 / hectare) of buildable land

D. Locating the project in an area that has received LEED v4 LEED ND Conditional Approval


C. Locating the site in an area with a combined surrounding density of 22,000 SF / acre (5,050 m2 / hectare) of buildable land
This is the minimum density for LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Option 1 Surrounding Density.


How is the LEED boundary defined for a single building development? (choose 2)

A. The edge of the development footprint

B. The edge of the building footprint

C. The entire project scope - generally limited to the site boundary

D. The portion of project site submitted for LEED certification


C. The entire project scope - generally limited to the site boundary
The LEED boundary is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. For single-building developments, this is the entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary.

D. The portion of project site submitted for LEED certification
The LEED boundary is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. For single-building developments, this is the entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary. For multiple building developments, the LEED project boundary may be a portion of the development as determined by the project team. (-USGBC)


During an early design review, a project team has decided to consolidate the building footprint and add underground parking. These changes can contribute to earning which credits? (Choose 2)

A. SS Credit Rainwater Management

B. SS Credit Heat Island Reduction

C. WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction

D. LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint


A. SS Credit Rainwater Management

B. SS Credit Heat Island Reduction


What best defines the project boundary?

A. Platted property line of the project defining land and water within it

B. Portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification

For single building developments, this is the entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary - they are not necessarily the same thing.

C. Total area within the legal property boundaries of the site; this encompasses all areas of the site, including constructed and nonconstructed areas

D. Total area within the platted property line not including any non-constructed areas


A. Platted property line of the project defining land and water within it

The project boundary is the platted property line of the project defining land and water within it. (-USGBC)


Which action would earn a project an IN Credit?

A. Having a LEED Green Associate work on a project as a principal participant

B. Using 100% passive ventilation (natural ventilation) in a building

C. Achieve double the requirements or meet the next incremental percentage threshold of an existing LEED credit

D. Implementing an Environmental Tobacco Smoke control policy for the entire building


C. Achieve double the requirements or meet the next incremental percentage threshold of an existing LEED credit
For exceptional performance, doubling the requirements or meeting the next incremental percentage threshold can earn an IN credit.


A team member is reviewing the LCA narrative for MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Option 4 Whole-Building Life Cycle Assessment. What table is going to be included in the narrative?

A. Table comparing the LCA impact indicators for different service lives of the buildings

B. Table comparing the LCA impact indicators for different building orientations

C. Table showing the assemblies that were included in the analysis

D. Table showing the percent change for all impact indicators between the baseline and proposed buildings


D. Table showing the percent change for all impact indicators between the baseline and proposed buildings
The requirements are to reduce at least 3 impact categories by 10% and not increase any category by 5%. The LCA narrative will include a table listing each impact category and the values from the LCA.


The LEED reviewer response from a preliminary review indicates a project will be 1 point short of LEED Platinum. What should the project team do if they still want to pursue LEED Platinum?

A. Submit new or revised documentation for credits that were denied or require more information, or attempt additional credits before submitting the final review

B. Install extra bicycle racks to earn exemplary performance for LT Credit Bicycle Facilities

C. Exclude 10% of the gross floor area to try to improve the project’s energy performance

D. See if the project can be certified under a different rating system


A. Submit new or revised documentation for credits that were denied or require more information, or attempt additional credits before submitting the final review

The team can accept the preliminary review results as final if they are satisfied, submit new or revised documentation, or attempt additional credits before submitting the project for a final review.


A project team member finds an issue not addressed in the LEED reference guide regarding indoor plumbing fixtures and submits a suggested approach to the credit during the standard LEED review process. What is true about this approach?

A. If the approach is accepted it can be precedent-setting and can be used in future project reviews

B. They will receive a determination in the review comments at the discretion of the reviewer assigned to the project.

C. The approach will be rejected because it is outside the scope of the review process

D. The approach will be rejected and a Project CIR will need to be submitted instead


B. They will receive a determination in the review comments at the discretion of the reviewer assigned to the project.

When dealing with an issue not addressed in available LEED guidance material, project teams have the option of submitting a suggested approach during the standard LEED certification process. They will receive a determination in the review comments at the discretion of the reviewer assigned to the project.


Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

A. Achieving the Ergonomics Pilot Credit
This is a pilot credit, not exemplary performance.

B. Manage 100% of the rainwater that falls within the project boundary

C. Locating the building’s main entrance within 1/2 mile (800 meters) walking distance of eight or more diverse uses

D. Implementing a building education program about the green features of the building


B. Manage 100% of the rainwater that falls within the project boundary

SS Credit Rainwater Management has exemplary performance for managing 100% of the rainwater that falls within the project boundary.


A project building that originally registered as one building has undergone a design change and now has two different structures. Which action should be taken to determine if the building can remain a single project?

A. Contact LEED technical customer service

B. Submit a LEED interpretation

C. Submit a project CIR

D. Submit the issue via the feedback button within leedonline.com


A. Contact LEED technical customer service

This path is meant to provide assistance with existing LEED guidance or processes.


Which part of the LEED development cycle is used for streamlining the approach to particular needs, constraints, and opportunities of different project types?

A. Adaptations
The process of making adaptations to existing ratings systems and their credits provides an efficient and streamlined approach for responding to the particular needs, constraints, and opportunities of different project types.

B. Recertification

C. Interpretations

D. Addenda


A. Adaptations

The process of making adaptations to existing ratings systems and their credits provides an efficient and streamlined approach for responding to the particular needs, constraints, and opportunities of different project types.


Which of the following may earn a project IN Credit Innovation for Innovation?

A. Achieving a higher certification level than the one set in the preliminary rating

B. Implementing a green education program

C. Achieving LEED certification under two different rating systems

D. Having a building with 100% occupancy


B. Implementing a green education program

A green education program is one of the more common innovation strategies.


Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

A. Achieve SS Credit Heat Island Reduction Option 1 Nonroof and Roof and SS Credit Heat Island Reduction Option 2 Parking Under Cover and place 75% of parking under cover

B. Achieve a 50% energy savings

C. Doubling the highest transit service point threshold for alternative transportation

D. Use 100% non-potable water for all flushing fixtures
WE Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction can earn exemplary performance for a 55% reduction.


C. Doubling the highest transit service point threshold for alternative transportation

LT Credit Access to Quality Transit can earn exemplary performance for doubling the highest transit service point threshold.


A 100,000 SF (9,290 m2) new office building will have mixed-mode ventilation and steam boilers. The building owner wants to hire a consulting firm owned by a relative for the Cx process. What is true about this decision?

A. The firm can be hired if they have worked on at least two other projects that were around 100,000 SF (9,290 m2) in size and had mixed-mode ventilation and steam boilers

B. The firm can be hired if all of the findings are reported directly to the LEED reviewer and not the owner

C. The firm can be hired if they participate in the integrative process and are part of the design and construction team

D. Relatives are not allowed to be hired as a CxA in LEED


A. The firm can be hired if they have worked on at least two other projects that were around 100,000 SF (9,290 m2) in size and had mixed-mode ventilation and steam boilers

For fundamental commissioning the CxA must have experience working on at least two other projects with similar scopes of work. The owner gets to determine if the experience is similar or not for those two other projects when comparing them to the new project.


How can a project team avoid errors and expenses in LEED documentation prior to submitting the project for review?

A. Verify that numeric values (FTE, site area, etc.) are consistent across credits

B. Proofread the submission

C. Check for completeness

D. Wait until the project is substantially complete before collecting material quantities

E. Request that the USGBC LEED reviewer does a quality assurance review

F. Require that each person assigned to a credit store their own documentation until submission


A. Verify that numeric values (FTE, site area, etc.) are consistent across credits

B. Proofread the submission

C. Check for completeness


Which project would not meet the minimum program requirements for certification?

A. A building project that is three stories high

B. A modular classroom that can be moved to another location on the school property

C. A new laboratory building located partially underground

D. A new building on an office campus located next door to an existing certified building


B. A modular classroom that can be moved to another location on the school property
Structures must be permanent, so a temporary classroom would not qualify.


Which design decisions can earn a project IN Credit Option 1 Innovation in a new construction project?

A. Providing 15% on-site renewable energy

B. Green housekeeping program that uses cleaning chemicals approved by Green Seal

C. Providing 70% of a project’s electricity using green power

D. Having a 100% green roof system for each building that is part of the project


B. Green housekeeping program that uses cleaning chemicals approved by Green Seal

Green housekeeping is considered innovation for BD+C projects.


A 2-story mixed use project will have retail space on the first floor and hospitality space on the second floor. Since there more than two rating systems that might be applicable to a project, how should the project team decide which rating system to use?

A. Use both rating systems and achieve all rating system specific credits for both LEED BD+C: Retail and LEED BD+C: Hospitality

B. If an appropriate rating system falls between 40% and 60% of the gross floor area, project teams must independently assess their situation and decide which rating system is most applicable

C. Choose the rating system that will result in the lowest certification costs

D. Check the local code official what rating system to use


B. If an appropriate rating system falls between 40% and 60% of the gross floor area, project teams must independently assess their situation and decide which rating system is most applicable

LEED has a 40/60 rule to help project teams decide on a rating system:

If a particular rating system is appropriate for 40% or less of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should not be used.

If a particular rating system is appropriate for 60% or more of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should be used.
Project teams with buildings and spaces that do not fall into the scenarios described in a) and b) must independently assess their situation and decide which rating system is most applicable.


A hotel project in a historic district requests that the walkoff mats in the primary direction of travel for the main building’s entrance be less than 10 feet (3 meters) long due to the constraints of the historic building porch depths. Who should address this request?

A. The project administrator

B. LEED technical customer service

C. A GBCI certification reviewer

D. The USGBC steering committee


C. A GBCI certification reviewer

If a project team needs guidance on an issue before submitting for certification review, the project CIR process is available to them. The project CIR will be determined by a GBCI Certification Reviewer familiar with the project’s specific circumstances.


Which design decisions can earn a project IN Credit for exemplary performance? (Choose 2)

A. Purchasing 50%, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed building products meet the responsible extraction criteria

B. Purchasing 95% of products that are extracted, manufactured, and purchased within 100 miles (160 kilometers) of the project

C. Sourcing at least 40 products with EPDs from 5 different manufacturers

D. Reusing 90% of a building


A. Purchasing 50%, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed building products meet the responsible extraction criteria
This earns exemplary performance for Option 2 Optimization

C. Sourcing at least 40 products with EPDs from 5 different manufacturers


The LEED project boundary may not include land that is owned by a party other than that which owns the LEED project unless:

A. The land is part of a larger campus project

B. The land is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building

C. The land will be donated for the purposes of earning an ID point

D. The land will be included in a future LEED certification


B. The land is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building

See Reasonable Site Boundary in the reference.

The only exception to the LEED project boundary of land not owned by the project owner is land that is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building.


Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

A. Conduct a 24-hour waste stream study to identify the project’s top five recyclable waste streams

B. Providing a bicycle maintenance program and information about nearby bicycle networks

C. Use 100% low-emitting materials

D. Achieve a HVAC background noise level of 35 dBA or less


C. Use 100% low-emitting materials

EQ Credit Low Emitting Materials can earn exemplary performance under both options. 100% of products must meet the requirements.


The LEED Pilot Credit for Occupant Engagement is listed only for the O+M rating systems. What is true about a LEED BD+C project’s ability to use the credit on the project?

A. The project could use the Pilot Credit as an Innovation credit if the LEED Credit Reviewer approves the request

B. If the pilot credit does not have your rating system listed as applicable, the project cannot pursue the pilot credit

C. The project could use the Pilot Credit as an Innovation credit without any approval

D. The project cannot use this credit because


B. If the pilot credit does not have your rating system listed as applicable, the project cannot pursue the pilot credit
Occupant Engagement is not part of the BD+C rating systems.

Pilot credits are only available to certain rating systems. If the pilot credit you’re looking at does not have your rating system listed as applicable, you cannot pursue the pilot credit.


A project has achieved one pilot credit, has earned exemplary performance in three credits, and has used a strategy for innovation. How many points would this project earn?

A. 5

B. 3

C. 4

D. 2


C. 4


Innovation earns up to 4 points. The example earned 1.

Pilot credits earn up to 4 points. The example earned 1.

Exemplary performance earns up to 2 points. The example achieved 3 credits, but 2 points is the maximum number that can be earned.

The maximum for the Innovation credit is 5 points.

One additional point can be earned for LEED AP.