Lectures 3-4 Flashcards
Treaty of Westphalia
I was signed in 1648 and ended the 30 Years War in the Holy Roman Empire. It is seen as the beginning of international relations, as it introduced the ideas of modern state sovereignty and legal equality between states.
Social Contract Theory
A theory espoused by thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau is that the citizens’ political obligations and the state’s power are dependent upon a contract or agreement between them and the state. Defines authority and is the core concept in constitutions.
Branches of State
The way a state separates powers (legislative/executive/judicial etc.)
Levels of State
Different parts of the state separated by the principle of federalism (federal vs. provincial/state)
Natural Rights
The theory of rights that all humans have no matter what political system they live under. Based on an obervation of human nature.
A politcal system where the state controls all aspects of social and economic life.
A political approach that recognizes many different powers and interests within a system. According to this approach, power is not held within a single group or the electorate, but instead by competing groups and factions.
A political system where the power in a state is controlled by a few elites (Aristotle’s regime types would define as oligarchy/aristocracy)
Night Watchman State
A libertarian model of the state that is limited and minimal, only existing to protect internal/external security and rights such as life, liberty, and property. Popularized by Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974).
The ability to make something happen by doing it, convincing someone to do it (soft), or forcing someone to do it (hard).
Modern theorists (Chomsky, Marx, etc.) believe that it is held in a top-down manner by institutions and elites and is repressive.
Post-modern theorists (Foucault etc.) believe that it instead exists beyond state/institutions, circulates instead of being held, and can be productive.
The legitimate exercize of power.
Supreme power of lawmaking within a territory. Based on both the relationship with other states
and the relationship to citizens and subgroups within the state.
Weber’s Typology of Authority
Three forms:
- Traditional: Rooted in long-standing beliefs and practices of a society. It exists and is assigned to particular individuals because of that society’s customs and traditions (eg. a hereditary king)
- Rational-legal: Rooted in the law and is based on a belief in the legitimacy of a society’s laws and rules and in the right of leaders to act under these rules to make decisions and set policy (eg. elected government with peaceful transfer of power)
- Charismatic: Based on an individual’s extraordinary personal qualities and from that individual’s hold over followers because of these qualities.
Marxist Theory of Politics
The theory that the power of the state is illusionary and real power exists in the oppressive economic realm. Believes that rights are part of superstructure that justifies capitalism.
The Modern State
Two definitions:
- A political and legal entity with a permanent population, defined borders and territory, central sovereign government, monopoly on the use of force, and is recognized as such by other states.
- The governing entity that is the apparatus of the governing, consisting of separated powers and institutions to delegate power
Note: Not the same as a nation or a government