Lectures 1-2: Intro to Pulm, Anatomy, Histology Flashcards
When bronchi lose their cartilage they’re called
Describe respiratory epithelium
Ciliated, pseduostratified columnar, with goblet cells
The functional subunit of the lung…
The lungs are designed for…(3)
Large surface area, short diffusion path, concentration gradients
Airspace is lined by (cell type)
Type I Epithelium
Components of the blood-air barrier
Thin cytoplasm of Type I pneumocyte, fused BMs, endothelial cell cytoplasm
Can Type I cells divide?
Describe Type II pneumocytes
Divide to replace injured Type I cells
What happens in chronic bronchitis/asthma
Increased airflow resistance –> impaired ventilation
What are some examples of alveolar filling diseases (2)? What does this lead to?
Pneumonia, edema –> impaired ventilation
Three ways to alter perfusion in lungs
Destruction of alveolar capillaries; alteration of pulmonary blood flow (pulmonary HT); obstruction of blood flow (thrombus)
Two ways to impair diffusion capacity
- Loss of alveolar/endothelial area (emphysema); 2. Thickening of alveolar wall (fibrosis)
Four structural design for protection against the environment
Nasal hairs (larger particles), branching airways (collect medium particles), muco-ciliary escalator, alveolar macrophages (tiny particles)