Lecture: Week 9 Flashcards
What is the difference between primary and secondary structures of oppression?
Primary structures are more attitudinal and implicit (racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, etc.)
Secondary structures are more institutional and explicit (policies, rules, public institutions/bodies, etc.)
True or false: mutual aid strategies will be the most effective way to support vulnerable populations to survive, mobilize, resist, and build necessary infrastructure for communities because it is about solidarity, not charity
True or false: people often come to a social movement because they need something
True: eviction defense, child care, social connection, advocacy, etc.
True or false: assisting in a crisis is a necessary part of political participation in a community
True; it is hard to be part of organizing when you are facing barriers to survival
What is mutual aid?
A form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions through building new social connections and supporting each other’s survival
True or false: effective social movements always include elements of mutual aid
True or false: the Black Panther Party is a good example of implementing mutual-aid/survival-based programs
True: free breakfast program, free ambulance program, free medical clinics, a school aimed at providing a liberating curriculum to children, etc.
How does mutual aid reduce stigma?
Getting support in a context that sees systems, not people, as the problem can help combat isolation and relocate blame
True or false: mutual aid is effective because it exposes the failures of the current system and shows an alternative approach
What are some characteristics of mutual aid?
-Demonstrates ways to do things together, in ways people were told were not possible
-Organizing human activity without coercion
-Voluntary participation in transformative, sincere efforts
True or false: mutual aid is the same as charity