Lecture week 8 Flashcards
what is the hypothesis
what is the null
what is the alternative
what happens if we reject the null
what happens if we accept the null
what does the type of hypothesis test picked depend on
what is the parametric test for comparing paired samples
paired t test
what is the non- parametric test for comparing paired samples
Wilcoxon signed rank test
what is the parametric test for comparing 2 independent groups
indépendant sample t test
what is the non- parametric test for comparing 2 independent groups
mann-whitney u test
what is the parametric test for comparing more than 2 independent groups
one way ANOVA
what is the parametric test for comparing more than 2 independent groups
kruskal wallis test
what is the parametric test for correlations between continuous variables
Pearson correlation test
what is the non- parametric test for correlations between continuous variables
spearman rank correlation test
what parametric and non-parametric test is used for comparing/ correlating categorised data
chi square test
When summarising data we should be concise and include things like what
how do we display data that is normally distributed
how do we display data that is not normally distributed
what are distributions
what are the 8 types of distribution
what is uniform distribution
what is the formula for uniform distribution
what is normal distribution
what is the shape for normal distribution
what is Log- normal distribution
what is Binomial distribution
As N gets larger, the distribution approaches that of a….
what is Poisson distribution
what is Student t distribution
what is Chi-square distribution
what is Fisher F distribution