Lecture Unit 8: Consumer Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Flashcards
What is attitude?
- It is a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object
- Thus, an attitude is the way one thinks, feels and acts toward some aspect of his or her environment, such as a retail store, television program or product
What is consumer attitude?
=is a predisposition consumers have toward a product or service
What are some cosumer attitude examples?
- consumers might be skeptical about the value of a new type of technology
- they might hold a negative opinion about a particular brand due to past experiences
What are the two types of attitutdes?
- Explicit attitudes are conscious beliefs that can guide decisions and behavior
- Implicit attitudes are unconscious beliefs that can still influence decisions and behavior
What are the 3 dimensions of attitudes?
- Attitude strength: Strong attitudes are those that are firmly held and that highly influence behavior
- Attitude accessibility: refers to the ease with which it comes to mind
- Attitude ambivalence: refers to the ratio of positive and negative evaluations that make up that attitude.
Define the 3 attitude components and their manifestation
- Emotion or feelings about specic attributes or overall object (>Manifestations)
- Beliefs I about specific attributes or overall object (>Manifestations)
- Behavioral intentions with respect to specific attributes or overall object (>Manifestations)
What are multiattribute attitude models?
= Models that examine the composition of consumer attitudes in terms of selected product attributes or beliefs:
- attitude-toward object model
- attitutde-toward behavior model
- theory of reasoned action model
What is attitude-toward object model?
- attitude is a function of the presence of certain beliefs or attributes
- useful to measure attitudes toward product and service categories or specific brands
What is attitude-toward behavior model?
- the attitude toward behaving or acting with respect to an object (rather than the attitude toward the object itself)
- corresponds closely to actual behavior
What is the theory of reasoned-action model?
- includes cognitive, affective and conative components
- includes subjective norms in addition to attitude
What is affective component?
- Feelings or emotional reactions to an object
- increasingly used by marketers to provide a richer understanding of attitudes than that based solely on the cognitive or “thinking” component
Why are marketers increasingly turning their attention to the affective component of attitudes?
To provide a richer understanding of attitudes than that based solely on the cognitive or “thinking” component.
What are the two types of benefits and attitudesof affective component
- Utilitarian/functional benefits and attitudes
- hedonic/emotional benefits and attitudes.
Affective component: What is the impact of aestheically pleasing product design`?
- Aesthetically pleasing or interesting product designs can evoke powerful emotional responses
- that are such a critical aspect of the affective component of attitudes
What are the three components of an overall attitude?
- Affective Component (feelings),
- Cognitive Component (beliefs),
- Behavioral Component (response tendencies).
What are factors that may account for inconsistencies? (Attitude components)
- Lack of need
- Lack of ability
- Relative attitudes
- Attitude ambivalence
- Measurement
- Situational factors
- Weak beliefs and affect
- Interpersonal influence