Lecture recording 1 Flashcards
What is operations management?
operations are a set of activities creating value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. OM concerns itself with maximizing the value created.
Name the three essential functions in OM?
- Marketing
- Production/operations
- Finance/accounting
What is productivity?
Productivity measures process improvements. It represents output relative to input.
What is single factor productivity?
This is units produced/ inputs used
What is the learning rate?
The learning rate (L) means that each time the number of units produced doubles, the time needed for producting a unit will be the original production time *L
What is the learning curve effect?
The time needed to produce a unit decrease with each additional unit. This decrease in time follows an exponential curve
What are the two important factors in capacity planning?
- Facility size
- Equipment procurement
What is a channel?
This refers to the number of servers
What is modularisation?
Cutting up your entire production process into multiple subprocesses.
What is queueing theory about?
This is a theory about finding a balance between service costs and waiting costs
What is an arrival?
1 person/ machine etc that arrives and demands service
What is a queue?
waiting line
What is queue discipline?
These are the rules for determining the order that arrivels receive service
What is a phase?
This refers to the number of steps in a service
What does the labda stand for?
Labda stands for the mean number of arrivals
Name the three types of queuing models?
- Simple (M/M/1)
- Multi-channel (M/M/S)
- Constant service (M/D/1)
What does mule stand for?
Mule stands for the mean service rate
What does (M/D/1) stand for?
- Poisson distributed arrivals
- Deterministic
- 1 server
What does (M/M/S) stand for?
- Poisson distributed arrivals
- Negative exponential distribution
- Number of servers
What does (M/M/1) stand for?
- Poisson distributed arrivals,
- negative exponential distribution,
- 1 server
How do you calculate utilization rate when there is one server?
labda / mule
How do you calculate utilization rate when there are multiple servers?
labda / S*mule