Lecture quiz 1 Flashcards
Weathering that results in physically breaking down earth materials intro smaller bits is?
Mechanical Weathering
melting the materials that will become mamga and eventually igneous rocks involves?
Bringing heat up with convection, taking the crust deeper with subduction
geology is historical science and that means?
it has the results and must determine the processes
because minerals have unique sets of physical properties we can tell us?
the components of an igneous rock( felsic and mafic minerals) can tell us
if it formed as part of the continent, if it formed on the ocean floor
silicate minerals are the most common minerals in the earth’s crust because
silicon and oxygen are the most common elements
the texture of sediment and sedimentary rocks (size, shape, and arrangement of the particle) is influenced by
the distance transported away from the source, the amount of energy in the desposotional environment, the mode of transport.
volcanic or extrusive igneous rocks form at the earth’s surface, whereas______ igneous rock from deep within the earth’s crust
the final steps in converting loose sediment into sedimentary rock
compaction, lithification, cementation
weathering is the process that breaks down rocks exposed at the surface of Earth, and its rates tend to be highest
where the weather is most extreme, in the mountains, the tropics
the components in sedimentary rocks (fossils, rock fragments, mineral grains) can tell us
what type of environment, what life on earth was like, what the climate was like when the sediment was deposited
a theory differs from a hypothesis in that
it has been rigorously tested, it has a higher probability of being correct
controversial theories in science are commonly some of the best theories because
they have been tested the most
the main driving force that results in the movement of the crustal plates is
mantle convection
internal earth processes are most responsible for producing these type of rocks
igneous, metamorphic
regional metamorphic rocks are associated with
mountains and mountain building
the processes that lead to the creation of sedimentary rocks include
weathering and erosion, lithification, transport and desposition
the way to determine if the sediment in a sedimentary rock has been transported by either a stream or a glacier is to look at the
minerals are important because
they give earth materials their properties, they are used for just about everything