Earth Science d2l questions final Flashcards
What are the major differences between a hurricane and a tornado?
Hurricane- requires warm tropical oceans, and low pressure. Tornadoes- Cold front produces super cells, extreme pressure gradients
How do tornadoes form?
Cold front produces super cells, extreme pressure gradients
How do thunderstorms form?
Cold front produces super cells, latent heat, updrafts, warm humid air rises to 15km
What causes lightning?
Strong updrafts, strong downdrafts, the up and down drafts pass each other friction happens, they cause electrostatic charges to separate
What is climate and how is it characterized?
Climate- the average weather experienced by a region. Influenced by solar radiation, topography, water
What are the 4 layers of the atmosphere, and what distinguishes each layer?
Troposphere- most dense, weather systems, temp goes down. Stratosphere- ozone layer, temp heats up. Mesosphere-middle, temp goes down. Thermosphere- upper atmosphere, temp heats up
What are the three physical states of water and what determines the state that water is in?
Solid, Liquid, Gas. The temp
Why does water have a major influence on weather and climate?
Because they can’t function without water.
What is relative humidity, and what determines how much water vapor air can hold?
The amount of water in air relative to the maximum amount of water the air could hold. How hot or cold the air is
What is the difference between high and low pressure, and what type of weather is associated with each?
High- cold dry air sinks and compresses, rotates clockwise, nice weather. Low- warm moist air rises and expands, rotates counter clock wise, cloudy
Why does the wind blow?
Air moves from high to low pressure. Widely spaced circles from the west
Which way do weather systems track across North America, and what is the name of the regional storm system that mixes cold dry air from the north with warm moist air from the south?
Track from west to east, they track because of westerly, trade winds
Which produces more precipitation and why - a cold front or a warm front?
cold front, moves faster
Why is the earth heated unevenly?
Tilt of the Earth’s axis
What is the difference between weather and climate?
Climate- the average weather experienced by a region. Weather- condition of the atmosphere in a particular area
What factors influence temperature on earth?
Proximity to H20, Latitude, evolution
What is the atmosphere and what is it composed of?
Thin envelope of air that surrounds the earth. Composed of nitrogen, oxygen
Why isn’t our atmosphere blown away from solar winds?
The magnetic field protects us
Where does the sun’s energy come from?
Nuclear fusion
What causes seasonality on Earth, and why is seasonality more extreme in the northern hemisphere?
Tilt of the Earth’s axis, because we are not by the equator
What is the difference in the position of the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon during a new moon and a full moon?
The new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and sun. At a full moon, the earth, moon, and sun are in approximate alignment.
What is solar insulation and how is it important to the seasons?
Duration of sunlight, amount of energy the sun gives off
Why do certain layers in the atmosphere show increasing temperature with increasing elevation?
Stratosphere temp increases because the ozone molecules absorb UV radiation.
In what climate zone does Fargo/Moorhead lie?
Wet phase