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3 step Mx to high BMs in T2DM
- Review drug chart + oral hypoglycaemics
- Check ketones if BM >12 (more than 2x in 24hrs)
- Ask diabetes specialist nurse
Mx of T2DM on steroids
Causes hyperglycaemia
May have high BM pattern
Double dose oral hypoglycaemics
add 2nd agent
Target BM in hospital
6-10 (4-12 acceptable)
Insulin dependent T2DM
Usually 2x daily regime Increased insulin by 10%
Monitor BMs
T1DM -Mx if hypos overnight?
Reduce basal insulin (night dose) - Decrease by 20%
Short Acting Insulin
- Examples
- Mode of Action
- Use?
Act-rapid, Humilin-S
Onset: 30mins
Peak: 2-4 hours
Lasts: 8 hours
Use: IV in variable rate insulin
Mx of DKA, high K+
Rapid Acting Insulin
- Examples
- Mode of Action
- Use?
Onset: 15 mins Peak: 40 mins
Lasts: 4 hours
Use: bolus insulin in T1DM (before meals/correction)
Mixed Insulin
- Examples
- Mode of Action
- Use
Rapid + Intermediate Number = percentage of rapid acting insulin e.g. Novomix 30
Used in BD dosing (e.g. T2DM)
Long Acting Insulin
- Examples
- Mode of Action
- Use?
Lantus, glargine, degludec
Onset: 2 hours Offset: 24-42 hours (brand dependent)
Often no real peak
Usually OD basal dose
Emergency Op in T1DM Mx
BM Target?
Continue basal insulin
Stop rapid acting
Start VR infusion using table
BM target = 6-10mmol
Indications for VR infusion
T1 DM - If missing 1 meal due to fasting - No background insulin
- If missing 1 meal and BM >12
- Poor control with HbA1c >49
- Emergency surgery
What is a VR infusion?
50 units act rapid in 49.5 ml normal saline
Run alongside Dex/sal infusion
Continue basal insulin in T1DM (at 80%)
T1DM Pre-Op
Admit night before
First on list
Stop short acting insulin
Start on VR infusion
80% basal insulin (DO NOT STOP)
T2DM Pre-Op
Omit oral hypoglycaemics (day before)
VR infusion if BM >12
If insulin dependent: - Stop insulin, give VR
VR infusion? Post Op
Stop VR 30 mins after giving short acting insulin
Increase basal dose to 100% when E+D
Mnemonic for Venturi’s
Barry White Yearns for Right-wing Government
Colour, % and L of venturi’s
Blue = 24% = 2L White = 28% = 4L Yellow = 35% = 8L Red = 40% = 10L Green = 60% = 15L
Right Hemicolectomy
Ascending colon removed
Anterior Resection
Sigmoid colon removed
Proximal Rectum removed
Abdominal-Perineal resection
Sigmoid colon
Rectum and anal canal removed
Anus is closed, colostomy created
Emergency - Sigmoid and rectum removed
Colostomy made
Can be reversed at a later date
Sub-total colectomy
Asc, trans, desc and sigmoid colon removed
Anastamosis with rectal stump to create storage pouch
Good as avoids stoma
Intra Op Complications
Damage to tissue
Anaesthetic risk
Post Op Complications 1-3 days
Post Op Complications 3-7 days
Infection - Wound, chest, urine
Anastamotic Leak
Post Op Complications >1 month
Chronic Pain
Requesting Scans?
- Criteria
What question are we asking?
How will that change management?
MRI Scans
- Co-morbidities to bear in mind?
MRI - pacemaker, metal fragments (eye)
Orthopaedic plates/replacements ETC ok as not magnetic material
- Co-morbidities to bear in mind?
Do PT in woman of childbearing age
CT with Contrast
- Co-morbidities to bear in mind?
Check eGFR
Review Meds e.g. metformin
May need to run IV fluids.
PRN Meds for Acute Abdo patient
Weak opiate - codeine
Strong Opiate - Oramorph
Anti-emetic - cyclazine
Acute Abdo Bloods
FBC, UEs, LFTs, Clotting, G+S, VBG
CRP, Amylase
ABG or cultures if indicated.
Gallbladder disease and Charcot’s Triad
Biliary Colic = RUQ pain
Cholecystitis = RUQ and fever (low grade)
Cholangitis = RUQ, high fever and jaundice
Amylase in acute Abdo
Double normal = diagnostic of pancreatitis
Raised <2x = PUD, AAA, gastritis
Glasgow Scoring
PaO2 <8 Age >55 Neutrophils >15 Ca <2 Renal: urea >16 Enzymes: LDH>600, AST >2000 Albumin <32 Sugar >10
Score 3+ in first 48 hours = significant pancreatitis
Examination in Surgery
- Heart
- Lungs
- Testicular
- Murmur = need ECHO
- AF= think bowel infarct
- Decreased air entry: effusion or infection
- In all men with lower abdo pain: must rule out torsion!
Acute Indications for Dialysis
A = Acidosis pH <7.2
E = Electrolyte e.g. refractory high K+
I = intoxication = lithium, anti-freeze, barbituates
O = overload, fluid not responding to meds
U = Uraemia = pericarditis/encephalopathy
OR lethargy, decreased appetite, metallic taste
Acute Mx of Hyperkalaemia
30ml of 10% calcium gluconate
10U actrapid in 50ml 50% glucose
Salbutamol 5mg neb
Follow Up Mx of high K+
Treat cause
Give fluids
Review Nephrotoxics
Pre-Renal AKI
Decreased intake
Fluid loss
Renal AKI
IV Contrast
Do Urine Dip for BLOOD and PROTEIN
Post-Renal AKI
Usually urological cause
- obstruction, UTI
Urine Dip
Bladder scan
Refer urology
Fluid Status Assessment
Urine output
Mucous membranes and skin turgor
treat SEPSIS
avoid TOXINS
Haematemesis Hx
When they last ate or drank (for endoscopy)
BG sx:
Weight loss/dysphagia/change of bowel habit = cancer
Dyspepia = gastritis, GORD
Abdo pain
SHOCK: what impairs physiological response?
Drugs e.g. beta blockers
CV co-morbidity
leads to organ failure as cannot increase HR or BP
Drug Hx in Haematemesis
NSAIDS? ulcer
Antiplatelets: clopidogrel, aspirin, ticagrelor, dipyridamole
Anticoagulants: warfarin, DOAC
Post GI Bleed Complications
Renal Failure
Intestinal/liver ischaemia
Glasgow Blatchford
Do they need endoscopy?
Used in A+E to discharge patients
Score 0-1 = OGD endoscopy