Lecture Notes Flashcards
People who live in a specific geographic territory, interact with one another,and share many elements of the sand culture.
Social heritage of people. Learned patterns for thinking, feeling, and acting that are transmitted from one generating to the next.
The conerstone of every culture
Social Imperative
Survival depends on developing social bonds that result in a common culture and the creation of societies.
Expectations and rules for proper conduct that guide the behavior of group members. A rule that is socially enforced.
Shared ideas about what is socially desirable, correct or good that most members in a society share
Assertions about the nature of reality;statements held to be true
Penalties or rewards society used to encourage conformity and phish deviance.
A set of people with distinct sets of behavior and beliefs that differentiate them from the larger culture of which they are a part.
Counter cultures
Groups who values and norms run counter to those in the mainstream
The tendency to evaluate the customs of other groups according to ones own cultural standards. O
Culture relativism
Evaluating a culture according to it’s own standards
Term used to describe many cultures and learning to get along with one another with mutual respect.
Ideal culture
What people should do according to the norms,values, beliefs of that culture
Real culture
What people actually do in everyday situations