Lecture Material ABOUT Readings Flashcards
11/4 Benson-‘Teaching the Experience and Ethics of Consumption and Food Supply’
see other people’s notes on this-nothing in the slides and I missed lecture
11/6 Linnemann
This is your face on meth
white trash in rural war on drugs
meth=crack of rural america
the campaign blamed users for making a supposed choice to have a ‘meth face’ or meth mouth
what Linnemann talks about in ref to the Faces of Meth Campaign
uses fear as detterent (not necessarily effective)
focus on crime (mug shots)
no stats or context of how it effects life
invites people to participate in ongoing spectacle of white trash
moralization of drug use (why would someone ever do THAT to themselves)
11/6 zirnite-
talks about ‘the militarizaion of the drug war in Latin america’
even after cold war US has increased role of military and intelligence present in Latin America
now w aim of controlling drug trade=”source country operations’
investments in miliary and training in some drug heavy latin american countries
no proof that policies limit the international drug trade
only evidence of increased violence in Latin America
support dicatatorships and human rights abusers
why do we focus on supply rather than demand and treatment?
Michelle Alexander 11/6
the new jim crow
argument is that mass incarceration that took off in the 70s doesn’t really havea public health role but simply recodes racism as an issue of crime
shift from “race” as focus of segregation and discrim. to “crim”
it becomes okay to punish someone for a crimeven though that crime has become racialized
crime and drug use rates have declined or stayed same but incarceration has soared
80% of black men in Chicago have a criminal record
felons are disenfranchised and suffer in labor and housing markets and cant get welfare or food stamps–driven to steal so they end up back in jail
70% of prisioners return within 3 years
11/9 Proctor
why ban the sale of cigs?-the case for abolition
point-should regulate and make tobacco illegal
dont have to worry about a black market so that idea shouldn’t deter us
11/9 Benson on corporate paternalism
orporate paternalistic thing is that they want to help by looking at youth and education and family and youth and what tobacco does there
this is proven ineffective
Tobacco companies (Phillip Morris USA) focusses on education for this reason exactly.
what we should be doing is having a heated debate about the industry itself and we should impose taxes because we know this works
cecilia van hollen 11/11
invoking vali: painful tech of modern birth in South India
poor low caste women in south india demand childbirth with labor-inducing drugs and refuse anesthesia because of vali
vali is a Tamil word for pain or ache, but also strength and force
cultural view of motherhod and womanhood as scarificial- linked to pain and suffering and also reproduction
anesthesia is also often too expensive or unavailable for low-caste women
weston 11/16
nostalgia for earlier moment in capitalism which is simple and promising to workers who were given a car (when they were working in assemply line to make cars) bc of higher wages and lower cost of car
these purchases lead to huge issues tho
weston main points 11/16
comepting and complelling images of future and past in contemporary environmental debates- nostalgia
car is symbol of progress
sustainable cars are posed as salvation but she notes that these cars don’t help the porblem of infrastructure that is created for cars in general and destroys nature
precariousness becomes a permanent condition
political ecologies of precarious-idea that people are drawn to participate in their own demise, thinking that they are working against it
lexchin 11/18
pharma industry sponsorship and research outcome and quality-review
who funds the research–> different outcome in research
this is a problem of publication bias and comparison of new drugs to poor performers (like the BiDil case)
NIH and CDC don’t fund all medical research in US-medical research is corporporatized
leads to incentive to make drugs that affluent people can purchase
incentive to use Me-TOo drugs because we already know they’re effective
Light 11/18
demythologizing the high costs of pharmaceutical research
high cost often said to be due the drive to develop drugs for the world’s poor
not really true b/c incentives encourage companies to develop boutique and lifestyle drugs for the affluent consumers
shareholders become the demos (the people)
shareholders are looking for a return and tend to be affluent
biehl 11/18
pharmaceuticalization AIDS treatment and global health politics
idea that there is a transformation of public health problems (like smoking) into medical problems (ex-Abdivo)
studied HIV in Brazil where there is a pharmaceuticalization of public health (awarded as model program)
the program focussed on treatment and accompaniment (scaled back prevention efforts) maybe at cost of structural reforms
Biehl says focus should be on prevention not delivery of ART
ideal subject of testing is someone exposed to phramas regualarly and can deal with side effects NOT treatment naive population
the development gift
free gifts vs conditonal gifts
NGO becomes mediator between wealthy donor and poor recipients
NGOs dependent on donations and must compete for income (do this by presenting images of poor and hyping up their problems)
the money sometimes doesn’t go where its intended-ends up in hands of corrupt govs
Kleinman ‘Idi Bosquet-Remarque’
meant to affirm the idea that you can strive for meaning and impact even if the enviro youre working in is uncaring and difficult and even if the is worsening conditons of where you work (sometimes its out of your control)
idi bosquet remarque is a french american woman who dedicated life to doing humanitarian work with the poorest people in Africa and elsewhere
had a positive impace on many peoples lives and she refuses to let critical attitude about humanitarianism limit her work
strives for meaning and impact in uncaring world
communities she worked with got worse in the end because of ethnic conflict and disease
Kleinman affirms this work