Lecture Fifteen - Animal adaptations I Flashcards
What are some animal responses to changes in the environment?
Avoidance = space and time.
Conformaluty or tolerance = undergoes internal change similar to external.
Regulation = maintain internal despite changes in external.

What are the mechanisms of homeostasis?
Moderate changes in the internal environment.
Receptor - detects change.
Control centre - processes incoming information and directs response.
Effector - effects response.
Thermoregulation = processes to maintain an internal temperature within a tolerable limit.

What are ectotherms and endotherms?
Ectotherms - Low metabolic rate, gain most of heat from environment. Mainly behavioural but commonly can tolerate greater variation.
Endotherms - High metabolic rate, can use heat to regulate body temperature.

How can animals balance heat loss and gain?
Heat gain/maintenance:
Feathers, hair = trap air, efficiency depends on how much still air is trapped.
Blubber - transfer of heat is 50-100 times faster in water, therefore water dwellers general have lots of blubber.
Vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
Counter current heat exchange - transfer of heat to fluid flowing in opposite direction.
Sun bathing.
Heat loss:
Bathing, panting, sweating, saliva on body surface.

What are the three biogeographical areas in Australia?

Describe frogs in arid conditions.
Escape the arid conditions.
Many burrow (fossorial).
Make cocoon.
Reduce metabolism so can survive five years underground - similar periodicity to El Nino.