Lecture Exam 3 Flashcards
What are the top 3 (in order) destinations for wood exports from Kentucky?
What are the top 5 (in order) wood products exported from Kentucky?
What percentage of land in Kentucky is owned by private individuals, and how many individuals make up that number? What percentage is owned by corporations and public agencies, respectively?
Define silviculture
The art and science of controlling the establishment, composition, structure, and growth of a forest stand to meet the landowners’ objectives on a sustainable basis.
Three keys: it is manipulative. it is objective driven. it is sustainable.
What are 2 assumptions of silviculture?
What are 3 types of silvicultural prescriptions?
What are two types of age structures used in reproduction silvicultural systems?
Describe the diameter distribution curves of a mature even-aged stand and a mature uneven-aged stand
What is rotation length and when does it occur on a stand’s growth curve to maximize economic value?
What type of harvest will produce a single aged stand?
What are 3 types of harvests that will create a two-aged stand? What’s another name for this class of harvest methods?
What are 2 types of harvest that will result in uneven-aged stands? What age class structure defines an uneven-aged stand?
What’s the purpose of site preparation and what are the two main methods?
What are 2 types of mechanical site prep? What are 2 objectives and 2 negative effects?
What are 2 objectives for herbicide application? What are 2 effects of using this method?
What are 2 major types of intermediate treatments and what are the effects of each?
What 4 layers make up the vertical structure of a forest?
What 3 things determine the goals when managing a forest stand for wildilfe? What 3 habitat factors should be the focus?
Describe forest succession and how it might affect the presence of various wildlife like woodcock, deer, turkey, ruffed grouse, etc.
What’s the use of constructed brush piles for wildlife?
Describe crop tree release and what it is used for
What is edge feathering for? About how far into the forest should this method be used?
Why is snag management important?
Many species depend on them for habitat. Various states of decay and sizes allow for niche partitioning.
Explain the two categories of cavity nesting birds and name a few of each
Who was the only wildlife biologist to ever head the USFS, and what model was he known for creating? What are the required variables for his model?
What are 2 important ways that larger snags differ from smaller snags? What % of standing trees in a natural forest are snags? How does the distribution pattern of snags relate to territory size and species use? What’s the minimum density of snags per acre for wildlife, in general?
Describe the 1-9 classification of standing snags and the 1-5 classification of coarse woody debris (CWD)
What are den trees? What causes them? What is the recommendation for how many should be left standing?
What are 3 methods for creating den trees?
What is habitat fragmentation and what are the 2 major components of it?
Name and describe the 4 degrees of habitat fragmentation
Describe species recognition or scale of perception of habitat
Name and describe the 4 characteristics of a habitat matrix
What are habitat patches?
What is a habitat corridor?
What is a metapopulation?
Name and describe 4 types of metapopulation spatial structure
Describe Island Biogeography Theory. Who is credited with this theory?
Describe source/sink patch dynamics
Describe the relationship between area size and species richness, and how it changes on islands vs sample plots
What is SLOSS? Who came up with it? Describe the relationship between the shapes in this diagram.
Describe the 3 types of areas in the gradient between undisturbed wildlife habitat and human settlement
Describe the relationship between patch size, shape, and edge
Describe the multiple use model elements that should be present in an urban wildlife reserve
Who is credited with the Pacific Northwest model of forest management aimed at sustaining old growth forest? Describe what it is based upon.
What are the 4 primary variables that affect habitat restoration design?
What is the goal of grading for slope? What is the max % slope that should be allowed? What % is the maximum for planting row crops?
What are 3 main categories of terracing methods and what is each for?
Describe 4 different bench terracing methods
Describe the 4 main categories of surface/soil preparation
Describe 3 steps that might be used to ensure proper nutrition in the seedbed
Describe the 3 main seeding methods
What 3 elements should a good seed mixture contain and in what ratio? Describe what PLS means and how to calculate it.
What are the best times of year to plant seed here in Kentucky?
What are the ideal tree spacings when planting on steep slopes, upland/bottomland forest, or for KDFWR wildlife habitat?
How do objectives (forestry, wildlife) affect the efficiency and cost of planting?
Why might the planting pattern on the right be preferred for wildlife habitat?
Provides better visual obscurity and cover for prey animals
What are 3 considerations specific to dealing with humans when it comes to management of parks and refuges?
What are 4 categories of management actions that are often restricted and cause more challenges when managing parks and refuges?