Lecture 9a Electrophoresis/ Mass Spectrometry Flashcards
Using light absorbance to measure/ follow reaction rates
Many enzymes do not use substances that change absorbance in a usable wavelength range so synthetic substrates designed to produce change in absorbance may be used
E.g. proteolytic enzyme chymotrypsin can be assayed using a synthetic substrate containing a compound that absorbs in visible region on hydrolysis
Fluorescent proteins
Jellyfish Aequora victoria have green fluorescent protein. This is due to the aequorin enzyme that catalyses a reaction causing blue light and green fluorescent protein that generates green fluorescence on blue light excitation.
Green fluorescent protein widely used for probe or reporter in mol and cell bio
Can be expressed in transgenic organisms to produce fluorescent phenotypes that can be used to characterise cell-cell gene expression
Using invitro mutagenisis and recombination protein technology a range of modified fluorescent proteins with range of colours have been produced widening potential use
Light absorbance/fluorescence summary
Absorbance and fluorescence of UV and visible light results from excitation of electrons in molecules to higher excitatory levels
Simple line spectra is broadened/complicated by molecular motion (vibration/rotation/translation) and interactions with solvent molecules
Leading to broad peaks in absorbance and emission where Maxima is fixed by electronic transition.
Absorbance in solution proportional to conc. Of absorbing compound - allows us to determine conc. Of compounds
Fluorescence results from emission of light instead of dissipation of absorbed energy by molecular motion - a property of specific compounds
Fluorescence is useful for imaging and detection - availability of a range of highly sensitive detectors for emitted light available today
Fluorescence in solution is proportional to concentration of fluorescent compound
Separates proteins by molecular weight, charge and isoelectric point
Can use agar heat activated or acrylamide chemical activated to make a gel from powder.
Used for protein and nucleic acid analysis
SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE) process:
Polyacrylamide gel slab prepared
Protein mixed w/SDS that acts as a detergent (e.g. SLS)
Proteins binding to hydrophobic residues form a complex where SDS bound per amino acid residue is nearly equal
SDS denatures
Reduced to remove disulfide bonds
Behave like linear molecules on electrophoresis
- SDS swamps protein charge so migration is solely due to size of polypeptides
SDS PAGE - why popular choice?
One of the most widely used protein analyses, simple, cheap, sensitive to a microgram of protein (10-⁶g) or even ng (10-⁹g) with suitable stains, also quick
Determines polypep weight not protein molecular weigh
Western blotting
Proteins on a gel are transferred to a membrane by passing an electric current at right angle through gel sheet
Uses antibodies to detect a protein - an antibody binds to target protein and secondary protein binds to this enzyme. When linked to the secondary antibody a visible colour change (blot) is produced
Gel 1 runs samples in pH gradient low to high
Proteins migrate to isoelectric point (where they are neutral)
Gel 1 is placed on SDS polyacrylamide slab and run to separate polypep. weights
Allowed 1000 proteins to be identified in E. coli sample
Protein spots can be extracted for analysis
Mass spectroscopy : Malditof
Superceded isoelectrofocussing
Identifies proteins based on sequences specific clearance into fragments
Matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight spectrometer aka Malditof mass spectrometer
Malditof mass spectrometer used to measure polypeptide weight
1) put proteins on surface
2)add inorganic compound to surface to form crystals
3) irradiate crystals with a pulse of powerful laser
4) proteins will be blown off (desorbed/ionised)
5) proteins sucked into mass spectrometer vacuum
6) protein identified
Electrospray ionisation (ESI)
SDS PAGE protein band cut from sheet
Unknown protein digested by trypsin
Protein fragments aka tryptic peptidase
Put into TOF MS for analysis
Identified via data base search of trypsin
Protein can be identified by polypeptide fragment fingerprints
Protein sequencing
Can be determined directly or predicted from encoding gene
Sequencing comparisons unform evolutionary links
Direct determination of protein sequence requires large quantities of purified proteins
Based on biochem techniques
Earliest technique used N terminal sequencing via Edman degradation (used to compare proteins from diff organisms)
Edman degradation- amino acid residues chemically removed from N terminus of protein one at a time and identified by chromatography.
Possible to identify 50 aminos in 24 hrs but then it would have to be stopped
Edman degradation
Edman degradation- amino acid residues chemically removed from N terminus of protein one at a time and identified by chromatography.
Possible to identify 50 aminos in 24 hrs but then it would have to be stopped so overlapping fragments had to be sequenced. So this was very time consuming.
Mass spectrometry
Also used protein sequencing (proteomics) is most common method for directly sequencing a protein
DNA sequencing
Currently most used
Fast and easy, uses molecular biotechnology. Readily automated so current machines can determine an entire bacterial genome (~5million base pairs) in 2hrs.
There are more predicted protein sequences based on DNA than on direct protein sequences
Edman degradation process
1) break down protein into fragments by protease
2)purify fragments - determine sequence of fragments by removing N terminal residues one at a time.Each amino elutes at defined time from chromatography column
3) assemble fragments into complete sequence
Mass spectrometry (MALDITOF)
1) break protein into fragments with protease
2) ESI MS to separate/identify fragments by mass: liquid>electrospray needle> electrospray ionisation: converts spray to droplets containing soluble ions - Liquid around ions dries as they are sucked into the machine
3)Sub-fragmentation of fragments retained in ‘ion trap’ identify amino residues
4) compare sequence of fragments
To protein DNA sequence database to identify proteins
Protein sequencing provides
Amino sequence related to an encoding gene for ID comparison
It shows post transcriptional modifications and disulphides that cannot be seen in DNA sequencing
Orthologues and paralogues
Sequence comparisons:
Orthologues: info regarding evolution distance between organisms
Paralogues: evolution link derived between diff proteins
E.g. human and bovine ribonuclease are orthologues - same function/diff origin
Human ribonuclease and angiogenic are paralogues - same organism diff function
Proteins w/similar structure likely to have similar functions
Phylogenetic research
Muscle - sequence alignment
Clustal omega
Multiple sequence aligners form phylogenetic trees
Divergent radiation from common ancestor
Convergent evolving to same function from diff ancestors
How are protein structures determined?
Research began in 1950’s with X ray crystallography
- X ray crystallography has been used to identify 90% of extant structures
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy used for small, flexible proteins
Electron microscopy for large protein - provides overall shape but res approaching X ray cryst uses cryo- EM which challenges X ray cryst for utility
~1mg protein required for identification of structure and this size is reducing w/crypto EM
Protein structure predicting software is not yet reliable but Alpha ‘fold’ AI is usually correct
X ray crystallography
X ray source projects a beam onto a protein crystal, the diffracted beam is collected on detector film
Diffracted rays detected as a series of dots, from position and intensity of dots the spacing of atoms in the crystal can be deduced and interpreted like a map
Of electron density into which aminos fit
It is a slow and complex process requiring the protein to be crystallised - many proteins cannot be crystallised and dynamic structures cannot be observed
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Done in solution to look at dynamic structures. It is non- invasive and requires a large quantity of protein. Useful to see flexibility, limited to small proteins
Electron microscopy
Can show low resolution images of large molecules such as protein complexes
Resolution of cryo EM now as good as X ray crystallography, good for large complexes with no need for crystallisation and computerized so much faster - takes only a few hours.
Cryo: Electrons projected onto flash frozen sample on a grid, magnetic lense beneath forms an image
Neg. Stain method: same but sample coated in heavy metal