Lecture #9 - Protein Turnover Flashcards
Why is intracellular protein degredation compartementalized
Would be an issue if proteolytic enzymes are all over in cytoplasm –> instead degrative enzymes are sequestered into compartments
1. Protein limited (protesoomes that contain proteolytic enzymes)
2. Membrane Limited (lysosomes filled with proteases + lipases + dryloases)
Acess into to the compartments needs to be tightly regulated
Optimal pH of lysosom enzymes
ALL have acidic pH optimum
Lysomses if kept acidic by proton pump
Roles for protein degredation in cell
- Degredation allows cells to repond to chnaging conditions or physiological stresssed
- Ex - starvation causes cells to trunover all existing proteins to make new building blocks so new proteins can deal with stravtion
- Ex 2 - Hypoxia -Get rid of oxygen consuming enzymes and synthesize new program of cellular compoennts
- Ex 3 - Differentiation
- Protein quality conrtol
- Protein degradation can accomplish acute regulation
Faculty degradation is the cause of many disease
Protein turnover in Differentiation
Cells/tisues wnat to get rid of whole programs of proteins at once stage in dvelopment to make way for a whole new program of proteins
Example – In erythropeisis hematopetic stem cells differentiate into mature RBCs
Protein quality control
Protein quality control = misfolded proteins being degraded
Misfodled/damaged proteins can be harmful to the cell (need to be dgeraded)
- Misfolded proteins can have half function which leads to dominant negative effects (ex. Can bind to the receptor BUT can’t do downstream signaling )
How do misfolded proteins arise
Misfodling can arise due to mistakes in folding of newly synthesized proteins or due to syntheszing proteins from a mutant gene
Folded proteins can be unfolded because of physiological (Ex. oxidation or heat shock
Role of protein degredation in cell - Regulation
Acute regulation - degradation can rapidly turn cellular processes on/off (can turn things on/off faster than transcriptional regulation)
Example 1 - Cell cycle progression (time destruction of cyclins s the cell cycle can move forward)
Example 2 - After responding to extracellular signals cells can terminate the response
How is protein degradation studied
Overall – use pulse chase analysis to follow the fate of a small cohort of newly synthesized protein
Pulse chase - Process
- Pulse label cellular proetins for a few minites by adding radioactive Amino Acid (S-methione) to medium to be taken up by the cells
- After pulpse terminate labeling by addition of excess of unlabled “cold” methionin (swamps out the label)
- NOW have labeled a small cohort of newly synthesized proteins
- Chase by allowing cells to grow for increasing lengths of time
- At each time point after pulse prepare protein extract and immunoprecipiatte the protein of interest and run gel and could bands by autoradography
Graph from pulse chase
Graph shows half life
Half life = times it takes for 50% of the labeled molecules to be degraded (disappear)
Pulse chase reuslts:
Gel – After pulse chase labeling of cellular proteins (proteins are HA tagged Step6)
- Protein was Immunoprecipiated with anti HA antibodies
Used yeast strain (mutant with deleted Pep4 protease)
- Pep4p =master vacuolar protease (remove Pep4 protease –> no protease works in yeast lysosome)
Results - When delete Pep4 then the protein is stabilized
- Because protein is stable when remove Pep4 = means the protein is degraded in the vacuole
Vacouloe in yeast
Lysosome = vacule in yeast cells
Pep4p =master vacuolar protease
How is protein degradation studied now
Instead of pulse chase use cyclohexamide chase
- Chase = allowing cels to grow for increasing amount of time
- Prepare protein with Western instead
1. Add protein synthesis inhibitor (often inhibitor is cylohexamide) in cells so no new protein is made
2. Chase by allowing cell growth for increasing lengths of time in the presence of cyclohexamide
3. Prepare protein extract at each time point and detcet your favorite protein (YFP) by western blot
Cyclohexamide chase - results
- WT – over time there is no degradation of the protein (protein is stable)
- Mutant – Mutant version of the protein is rapidly degraded (Suggest that the protein is unfolded and degraded)
- Can see the half life
How to detemrine if a protein is degraded by the lysosome or the proteosome
To determine the degradation pathway –> use chemical inhibitors that block the lysosome or the proteosome can be included in the chase
To inhibit lysosoem - becuase lysosomal proteases have a low pH optimum if you raise the pH of the lysomes you block protein degredation
- Raise pH with Weak bases (Ex. Chloroquine or NH4Cl) OR drugs that interefere with lysomal acidifcation (Ex. Bafilomycin A1 –> inhibits the the lysomal H+ ATPase)
To inhibit the proteosome - Use proteosome-specific inhbitor drugs (Ex, MG132 Bortezomib which binds to and blocks the protease active sites in the proteosome)
Issue in cylohexamide chase
Cytohexamide chase is NOT as robust as normal pulse chase
Pulse chase is non-evasive (not changing the cells) Vs. In cylohexamide chase you block all protein synthesis which can have secondary effects
Pathways for entry into lysosomes
- Endocytosis
- Autophagy
- Chaparone-mediated autophagy (CMA)
Overall – cell surface proteins are internalized into a clathrin coated vescile–> veciles travels and fuses to form the early endosome –> early endosome matures to the the late endosome (MVB) –> late endosome fuses with the vacule and all the contents of the endosome are degraded (go to the lysosome to be degraded)
Example of endocytosis
Ligand binds to the EGF receptor –> binding cuases autophosphorylation of the receptor –> allows the receptor to be signaliong molecule at the cytosolic tail –> truns on downstream pathways –> eventually the cell needs to terminate the signal and uses recetor down regulation to terminate the signal
Down regulation = internalization of activated receptor in clathrin vescile –> Clathrin falls off –> vesicle fuses to form the early endosome –> ultimately get lysomal degredation
What hapepsn between the early endosme and the lysosome in downregulation of EGFR
Overall - internilized recpetpors are incorpoated into multi-vescilualr body (MVB)
MVB = late endosome
Why is incorpoatig receptor into MVB important in terminating the signal
Protein keeps topology over the course of membrane traficking –> cytoslic part of teh EGF receptor stays in teh cytoplasm after internilization AND in the early endomses = receptor can still do siganing because it is still facing the cytosol
IF the early endosome (with the receptor) fused to the lysomes the signaling end would still be sticking out and would not be degraded and could continue signlaing
Solution – form an intraluminal vescile (MVB) –> once receptor is inside the intraluminal vescile the signling is termoniated
- Once MVB fuses with the lysosme the whole molecule of the receptor is able to be degraded
Budding in MVB
IN MVB the budding is budding away from the cytosol into the lumen of the endosome
Different from other budding:
- Example - When have clathrin coats they defrom the membrane and form endosomal veciles and then clathrin falls off and is recyled VS. In MVB if defomed the vescile with clathrin coat then once fused with the lysosme the coat protein would be degraded
Solution there is a ESCRT complex is used instead of coat
How does the MVB form?
The early endosome matures to became an MVB when intralumenal vesicles are pinched off the membrane into the interior –> signaling stops when receptor is in the ILV
THEN The MVB fuses with the lysosome –> ILVs and the proteins they contain are degraded
ILV allow for the enter protein to be deraded Vs. no ILV the lysosomal hydrolases would not have access to the entire molecule and would therefore not effectively degrade and inactivate
ESCRT complex
Function - mediate Intraluminal Vesciles
ESCRT compoenets are organized into complexes:
- ESCRT 1 - Recognzes cargo and begins the process of intraluminal vescile formation
- ESCRT2/3 Finsihes the formation of the vescile
Overall – ESCRT 1 Complex recgiznies –> ESCRT 2,3 complex assmebly –> Cargo/sorting vescile formation –> diassmebly and Recycing of MVB sorting components
What mediates intraluminal vescile
Monounbiquitin of cargo mediates its sorting into intraluminal vesciles
- Monoubiquination signlas that the protein should be included in inraluminal vescile
What do ESCRT complexes promote
ESCRT proteins unlike coat proteins don’t surround the intraluminal vescues BUT instead promote inward formation by pushing into the vescile to cause membrane deformantion and scission
ESCRT complex sits at the surface of the endosme and forms spiral like structures that pushes down the surface of the vesicle into the inteirior of the endosome
- Once push down the componets that have been sitting on the surface can be recyled and reused
ESCRT proteins Vs. Coat proteins
Coat porteins (Cops) = promote budidng into cytosol
ESCRT promote budding away from cytosol
- Used in Intraluminal vescile formation and retrovial budding
ECSRT proteins are recycled (similar to coat proteins)
Retroviruses and Coat proteins
Retroviruses (HIV) recruit and use ESCRTs to bud out of the cell
Hrs/Vps27 sits on the surface of the endosome and recruits the ESCRT machinery to the late endosome
HIV Gag protein sits on the plama mebrane mimics Hrs –> recruits the ESCRT machinery to the plasma mebrane along with viral particles, –> ESCRT facilitates budidng of viral particle away from the cytosol for viral budding out of the cell
Autophagy = process that allows cells to break down obsolete parts of itself for disposal or re-use
Autophagy occurs during stravation
During starvation autophagasomes deliver bulk amounts of cytoplasmic molecules and or whole organelles to the lysomes
Image of autophgasome
Image = autophagasome in EM (see the double membrane srutcuere)
Steps in Autophagy
- Starvation signal that intitaes the phagafore formation (double membrane stcuture)
- Phagafore becomes the autophagasome - Formation of a double-membrane around cytosolic components, to form an autophagosome
- Autophagy invloves enclosure of cytosolic proteins or an orgenalle by a double membrane phagaphore
- Autophagosome fuses with the lysosome allowing for degradation
- Lysosomal hydrolases break down the autophagic body –> allowing recycling of molecular components
Idetofying components in autophagy
Used Yeast genetic screen, based on loss of viability upon starvation –> yielded 35 ATG (aka APG) genes
Yoshinori Ohsumi Found the compenents of autophagy
Autophagy is currently in the research spotlight –> linked to diseases (cancer + neurodegeneration + pathogen infection +aging)
Data can be conflicting –> some evidence suggests that autophagy protects against cancer, other evidence suggests it promotes cancer
mTOR and autophagy
mTOR = kinase complex on the lysosmes that senses nutrient levels and is master regulator of autophagy
- During starvation mTOR interpets signals and intiates autophagy
When mTOR is on autophagy is off ; when mTOR is turned off autophagy is turned on
- Rapamycin = inhibitor of mTOR and induces autophagy
What is autophagy involoved in
Autophagy is invloved in almsot eveyrthing
Many diseases and physiological states involove autophagy as the major player
Image - shows many things that autophagy is involoved in
Selective Autophagy
In addition to starvation induced BULK autophagy (A in image) autophagy can be selective
Selective autophagy = removes specifc damaged organelles (ex. peroxisomes/mitocondria)+ protein agregates + pathogens (B in image)
- Have mitophagy + Agrgrepagy (protein aagregates) + Xenopagy (bacteria) + pexophagy
How does selective autophagy work
Way selective autophagy works – orgenelles or strctures expose some kind of signal that makes them crago for a receptor and they can interact wot the phagaphore forming structures
Crago binds to receptors –> recepotor binds to ATG8/LC3
- Specific autophagy RECEPTORs recignize different types of cargo for delivery to the autophagasomes
Fate of Autophagasomes and ILVs
Autophagasomes and Intraluminal vesicles from the MVB have the same fate –> BOTH end up docking with and fusing woth the lysosome for degredation
Image shows Autophagy Vs. Lysosomal degregation
- Autophagy = double membrane vs. Enodsomes have 1 memebrane and have intraluminal vesciles
Chaparone mediated Autophagy
Occurs during stavation
Overall - Proteins enter the lysomes by a non-vescular pathway
- Proteins use Hsc70 chaparones and a protein transport chanel on the lysosome to enter the lysasome
How do proteins get to lyssome in CMA
Uses KFERQ recognition motif
- 20% of protein have something that can be recognized as KFERQ
- KFERQ reocognition motif is reognized and bound to by Hsc70 proteins in the cytosol –> allows for delivery to lysomal membrane protein lamp2A
2/3. The chaperone-protein complex is delivered to lamp2A
–> when have crago bound to lamp2A it multimerizes to form a transport channel - Protein unfolds and passes through Lamp-2A transport channel inot the lysosome by a Hsc70 chaparone inside of the lysosme
- A Hsc70 chaperone in the lysosome helps to reel in the KFERQ-protein and the protein is degraded by proteases
Hsc70 family direct import of select proteins through a protein channel into the lysosome