Lecture #5 - Membrane Trafficking #2 Flashcards
Goal of membrane trafficking
Membrane trafficking sending proteins to the plasma membrane OR the endolysosomal system
- IF going to the memebrane = proteins will be secreted or transmemebrane proteins
ER –> Golgi –> Plasma membrane OR the endolysosomal System
ALL membrane trafficking has:
1. Porteins are co-translationally translocated to the ER
2. Protein is co-translationally and post-translationally modified
3. Topology of prteins is determined at the ER
What is required for protein trafficking to the membrane and what is the effect of endocytosis
Protein trafficking requires membrane budding and fusion
Endocytosis (endosome) leads to recycling and degradation of proteins
Pros of membrane traficking
Membrane trafficking is convinient and beneficial to compartmentalize things:
1. Can have all protein syntehsis machinery near ER (ER acts as a factory to make proteins)
2. After ER can send protein to the golgi –> sends proten to location
3. Compartemilization makes places where you can recycle things and degrade things (because of endosomes)
4. Proteins can move through different organelles but only ned to cross a membrane once (Cross membrane in ER translocation)
5. Sequential processing events can be compartmentalized
Challenges with membrane trafficking/vescile transport
- Need to target cargo to specific organelles/take crago to specific membrane (need signals on proteins to do things)
- Ex. Go to PM or endolysosomal system
- Need to divide and fuse vesciles from compartments (membranes need to fuse and divide)
Fusion and divison of membranes
Membrane traficking/vescile transport requires membrane fusion and division which is energetically unfavorable
Lots of ATP made in cell is used in membrane transport
- Example - when have less O2 going to brain membrane trafficking stops right away
Basic Principles of Vesicular transport
- Cargo moves through multiple compartments BUT only crosses a membrane once
- Membrane topology is always conserved
- Once you protein topology is detemrined at the first compartment the topology is conserved (Ex. sqaure is always in the cytoplasm)
- Have compartments for vescile transport
Compartments in vescile transport
For vescile transport have compartments:
1. Donor membrane/compartment
- At the donor = Need to concentrate cargo into the vescile that is budded off from the compartment –> vescile is then targeted to the next compartment
2. Target membrane/compartment (vescile will fuse to a second membrane)
Example – Vesicle budidng off of ER (donor) going to Golgi (target)
Steps in vesicular transport
- Budding –> uses Coat proteins + membrane bending proteins + cargo receptors + small GTP binding proteins
- Targeting –> uses Tethers proteins + targeting receptors + Small GTP binding Porteins
- Fusion –> uses Fusion proteins + disaasmbly factors
What does budinhg require
- Coats
- Adapters
- membrane bending proteins
Themes in Vesicular transport
Cargo recruited by specific cytoplasmic signals
Coats help deform the membrane
Targeting machinery is also including in budding vescile
Uncoating occurs after budding
Vescile transport (ER –> Golgi) - Overall process
Have soluble protein/ligand and receptor in the donor compartment (ligand binds to the receptors on ER membrane) –> Ligand and receptor gets concentrated in donor compartment –> coat proteins help with budding –> when vescile starts to bud off coat porteins help incprpoate other proteins into the vescile –> Vescile budds off from donor compartment –> vescile goes to acceptor compartment –> tethering components and GTPase on the vescile gets tethered onto the target membrane –> V-Snares and T-Snare engases which allows you to fuse the vesicles to a specific location
- ER membrane = donor compartment
Function of coat proteins
Coat proteins assist the mebrame bending events
- Help with budding (bud vesciles off of membranes)
- When vescile starts to bud off coat porteins help incprpoate other proteins into the vescile (Ex. V snare proteins and Rab GTPase and tetehring protein)
Types of coat proteins
COP2 - At ER
COP1 - At golgo
Clathrin - At plasma membrane and trans golgi complex
COP2 vescile formation
Overall – concetrate cargoes by adapters
- For budding needs to concentrate cargoes
Process - Once cargo is assmebled –> Adapters bind to cargo and recruits the coat to membrane –> recruiting coat promotes budding –> evnetually membrane gets cut by protein –> NOW have a vescile that is released to the membrane
- Traget machinery is also included in the budding vescile
- Have exit signal on cargo receptor and exit signal on the soluble cargo protein
Folded vs. misfoloed proteins in COP2 vescile formation
Only properly folded and assembled cargo is incorpoated into Cop2 vesciles
Chaparones bind to unfoloded or misfolded proteins
Function of tethering proteins
Tethering proteins and GTPase in vescile getting tethered to the target memebrane makes specificity for targeting that specific target membrane
Example ER export how membrane budding actually happens
Have Soluble proteins with exit siganl and transmebrane receptors with exit signal –> soluble protein binds to transmebrane receotors on the ER –> Receptors in ER membrane (receptors are now bound to the solble crago) binds to adapters –> adoaters bind to coat proteins –> generate vesicles through addition of other proteins –> once vescie is made GTP hydrolysis happens and the coat disassembles
- Soluble protein leaving ER AND receptor BOTH have an exit signal
- Coat proteins = don’t bind to receotors directly (bind to the adapters that are bound to the receptors)
Different coat proteins
Different coat proteins are used for different steps in membarne transport:
1. ER to Golgi (ER budding) - uses COP2
2. Golgi membranes and retrograding traficking back to ER - Uses COP1 to make vesicle
3. Transgolgo network - uses COP1 or Clathrin
4. Endocytosies = reuqires Clathrin
Whee does coat protein bind
Coat protein (ex. clathrin) is NOT binding to cargo or membrane directeltly
Adapters bind to the receptors/crago complex and coat protein (bind to membrane and cargoes)
Where does adapter protein bind
Adapter protein complex binds clathrin (coat) and cargoes (cargo bound to receptor)
Have multiple motifs -
- Example motif –> Tyrosine motif (THIS is the motif that adaptor proteins bind to on LDL receptor
- If have one motif on cytoplasmic tail on the proteins then they can be sorted into clathrin coated pits (protein can be sorted into coated pits)
Example adapter protein = AP2 (works at plasma membrane)
Different types of Adapter proteins
AP1 and AP3 = binds to clathrin at the trans golgi network (calthrin works at trans golgi network)
Binding of AP1 (adater protein 1) and AP3 (Adpater protein 3) = determine where the crago is sent
- IF cargo doesn’t have binding to AP1 then it is sorted to AP3 and goes to certain location
- Binding to AP1 sends protein to basolateral side ; binding AP3 sends protein to apical side (Affinity for AP1 decides what protein goes to what compartment in cell)
- Adapter proteins bind the same sequence BUT the affinity of binding decides where the proteins go
Where does AP3 and AP1 work
Works in endosomes to sort proteins AND work at the trans golgi network
AP2 = works at the plasma membrane
What happens after budding
After budding have vesicles that is release from membrane –> have GTP/ATP hydrolysis and then coat disasembley
COP2 and COP1 coats use GTP hydrolysis of GTPase to disasemble the coat
- Sec23 is the GAP (GTPase activating protein) for Sar1
- Phosphorylation of COP2 subunits at the target membrane also contrubutes to uncoating
Clathrin uses ATPase that gets recruited to clathrin to disasemble the coat
What does targeting require
Targeting requires V-SNARES and T-SNARES
V-Snare (vesicular Snare) = on the vesicle
T-Snare (target Snare) = on target compartment
V-SNARE and T-SNARE make a specific pair that can mediate fusion
- IF they are not the right partners then they can’t mediate fusion = Confers specificity for fusion events
Function of Snares
SNAREs confer specificity and mediate docking and fusionof vesciles to target membrane
Specificity - only certain V-SNAREs and T-SNARES can interaction
Specilized Snares
Different membrane fusion events use diffrent SNAREs AND use different Rab GTPase/receptors for tethering
- Specialized SNAREs mediate fusion at each trafficking step in the cell
BOTH Snares and Rab GTPase confer specificity of vesicles to target membranes
What disassembles SNAREs
NSF ATPase dissembles SNARE pairs
After Fusion with SNARE assembly –> Cis-Snare Complex needs to be dissassembled
- Cis-Snare complex = one of the tightest complex found in cell = requires energy (ATP) to unwind/disassemble
- NSF = ATPase that unwinds the Cis-SNARE complex –> THEN can recycle Snare protein for next vesicle fusion event
Tether proteins
Tether proteins bind Rab GTPAse
- Rab GTPase binds to Rab effector (Rab effector = tethering protein) –> binding of Rab to tether protin mediates tethering
Function - targets vesicles to certain locaton
- Each vesicle has specific Rab GTPase associated with them and have Rab receptor for tethering proteins on target membrane that binds to Rab = send certain vesciles to target membrae
- Rab receptor = addresss to send certain vesicles to the target membrane
What happens once Rab binds to receptor
Once Rab binds to receptor = SNARE proteins are associated and mediate fusion events
- Only fuse once Rab binds to receptor
Golgi - Overall
Golgi = shipping center –> sends particular protein to certain locations (sort at begining and end)
- All the proteins are sorted at the Trans golgi network and are sent to the traget membrane
After golgi the protein can go to Plasma membrane or endolysosomal system
Image - See Golgi Stacks (each stack has different function)
Additional functions of golgi
Different Stacks have diferent functions
Main function = modify proteins –> As protein comes form ER the proteins are sorted in golgi THEN the glycosylation on the proteins can be further processed in golgi
Example functions - Sorting of proteins and lipids + protolycan assembly + Processing of N-linked oligio saccarides + o-glycosytlation (Ser and Thr residues) + Phosphorylation of sugars + Proteolytic procesisng + Tyrosine sulfanation
Sugar modifications in golgi
- Galactose can be added + NANA can be added to glycosylated proteins
- Important for distiction of self to foreign materials so body knows proteins are not foriegn (if have issue with this pathway your immune system makes auto-AB against proteins that are secreted)
- O-glycsylation –> Added on OH on Ser and Thr
- Important for adhesion molecules
Where do proteins go after golgi
Two places proteins can go from the golgi = Plasma membrane or endolysomal pathway
- Plasma membrane (defaut oathway)
- IF there is no other modification that happens on the protein then protein goes to the PM
- Get secteroy vesicle or PM protein
- Can send proteins to the endolysosomal pathway (proteins go to lysosomes)
Options for proteins at the plasma memebrane
At plasma mebrane can have regulated secreion or constitutive secretion -> have exocytosis at the plasma membrane
- Ex – Insulin has regulated secretion –> Have external signals that says when to release ptotein
- IF have no regulation = Have exocytosis at the plasma membrane (secretroy vescile) = constitutive secrtory pathway
Constitutive secretroy pathway = default pathway
Function of lysosomes
Lysosomes = Degrades proteins and lipids + Lysosomes are also a signlaing hub
- Lysosmes has acid hydrolases to degrade things
Need to send many enzymes to lysosmes
- Membrane trafficking from ER to the golgi = way to send proteins to the lysosomes
IF you can’t send proteins to the lysosomes = get disease (Ex. Gauchers ; Tay Saches ; Mucopolipidosies)
How do you send proteins to the lysosomes
Overall – done by further modifying sugars on proteins
- Lysosomal proteins are tagged with mannose-6-Phosphate
Process - Glycosylated protein from the ER goes to golgi –> GlcNac-Phosphate is added on the mannose surgar on protein you want to target to lysosome by phosphotransferase (added to the mannose 6 position) –> THEN GlcNac is removed by phosphodiestrase –> NOW only mannose-6 phosphate is on the sugar molecule