Lecture 9 - Physical Health Flashcards
What are the basic steps that sleep and obesity may be linked?
- Endocrine changes
Ghrelin marked increase in first part of night decrease in leptin
Speigal et al 2004 experimental 10hr vs 4hr constant routine protocol - Decreased sleep low energy expenditure
- Increased tome to eat
what is melatonin how is it involved in sleep
Morris et al (2012)
Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland under control of the SCN
seems to be involved in sleep regulation concentration high at night and very low in the day
Genetic disorder inverted melatonin pattern leads to behavioural problems in the day as they are awake in the night
light inhibits the release of melatonin
admin of melatonin can shift the phase of SCN activity
Morris et al (2012) drowsiness and decreased sleep latency in controls use of ASPD/DSPD
Obesity throughout life span
Reily et al (2005)
8risk factors
Von kries et al (2002)
Sekine et al (2002)
Reily et al (2005)
8 early life risk factors sig for dev of childhood obesity
parental, v early BMI, ST dev for weight and 8 months
catch-up growth
weight gain in 1st year
> 8hrs TV per week @ 3years
Von Kries et al (2002)
6862 kids 5 and 6 years 13 confound variables
dose-dependent decrease in the prevalence of obesity by the duration of sleep 11.5 hours and decrease the risk of obesity and excessive body fat mass to < half
Sekine et al (2002)
8274 japense kids
investigate parental and lifestyle factors link to obesity
8 confounding variables
idenitifed dose dependent between late bedtime, short sleep hours and childhood obestiy
obesity through lifespan adolescene
Lowry et al 2011)
<4hr OR=-.-
>10hr OR=-.-
Gupta et al (2002)
a______ to define sleep patterns in 383 adolescents 11-15yrs
noct awak pred DT act
TST pred O
Every hr of sleep odds of O——- dec by –%
Lowry et al (2011)
quadratic relationshipin females not males
high school students
aprrox 7/10 slept less than 8 hours a night
<4 OR = 2.1
>10 OR = 2.0
Gupta et a; (2002)
actigrahpy to define sleep pattens in 383 adolescents (11-15yrs)
noctornal awakenings predicted DT activity
TST predicted obesity
Every hour of sleep, odds of obesity decrease by 80%
Obesity through liespan adults
Hasler et al (2014)
Landhuis et al (2008)
—- C –> adult
hasler et al (2014) zurich cohort
interviewed 498 over 13years 4 times
control for confound identiifend assocaition SSD <6hrs and obesity and a SD and BMI association
X generalisable - lean ppts
X high risk of psychiatric diease
Landhuis et al (2008)
1037 childhood to adulthood
sleep habits sig assocoited with adult BMI after adjustment or confounds
> sleep in childhood decrease risk of obesity in adulthood
it goes both ways increase = decrese and increase = decrease