Lecture 9 - Mycin Flashcards
What is MYCIN?
An expert system for identifying bacterial infection and appropriate antibiotic treatment
When was MYCIN developed?
Early 1970s
What were the three “programs” used by MYCIN?
Consultation Program
Explanation Program
Knowledge Aquisition Program
What were the two modules and purposes of these modules in the consultation program in MYCIN?
1 Diagnosis - Identify possible organisms
2 Therapy - Select appropriate treatment
What was the purpose of the explanation program in MYCIN?
Provide an explanation for the conclusions reached and the questions asked during a consultation
What was the purpose of the knowledge acquisition program in MYCIN?
Used to build and modify the rule base
How did MYCIN represent most of the entities it reasoned about?
Object-Attribute-Value triples
John is 37 would be represented as (John, Age, 37)
How many attributes (parameters) did MYCIN use?
65, split into 6 groups depending on the type of object
What types of object did MYCIN know about?
Surgical Procedures
What sort of things did MYCIN contain in it’s static knowledge about each parameter?
Range of possible values
How to ask the user for its value
Whether the value must be obtained from a lab test
Which rules refer to the parameter in their condition part
Which rules may draw conclusions about the parameter
“Context” refers to what in MYCIN?
The object that the system is currently reasoning about
Why is context important in Mycin?
It allows rules to be used in more than one situation
What does the action part of a rule in Mycin do?
Draw conclusions about values of paramaters of objects
Evidence of a particular strength for or against a particular fact being true
What type of interpreter does MYCIN use?
Exhaustive Backward Chaining
So all evidence for and against every possible conclusion is gathered before the final conclusion is made
Why are uncertainties in MYCIN not based on rigorous foundations?
Data in science is rarely, if ever, certain
Even if it is certain youd need massive amounts of data to build a system using Bayesian methods
How does MYCIN represent uncertainty?
Certainty Factor
Ranges from -1 (certainly false) through 0 (no belief either way) to +1 (certainly true)
In MYCIN, how is the certainty of a rule concluded?
Cconclusion = Cpremise X Cconsequent
certainty of two conditions ANDed is the lowest certainty
certainty or two conditions ORes is the highst certainty
Uncertainties -0.2 >= x >= 0.2 are treated as 0
IF the stain of the current organism is gramneg
AND the morphology of the current organism is rod
AND the current patient is a compromised host
THEN CONCLUDE there is evidence of strength 0.6 that the identity of the current organism is pseudomonas.
Suppose the following facts had been established: Stain of the current organism is gramneg with certainty 0.4 Morphology of the current organism is rod with certainty 0.7 Current patient is a compromised host with certainty 0.9
what is the certainty of the conclusion?
- 4 * 0.6 = 0.24
i. e. fairly weak evidence to support the conclusion
If two or more rules draw conclusions about the same fact then the evidence must be combined. What formula does MYCIN use to combine new evidence with existing certainty?
Use CFold and CFnewev to refer to the confidence values
CFnew = CFold + (1-CFold) x CFnewev
Suppose we have two rules:
R1: If A AND B Then Conclude X With Strength 0.6
R2: If C Then Conclude X With Strength 0.5
Suppose the system has already discovered A with certainty 0.8 B with certainty 0.7 C with certainty 0.6
Calculate the certainty of X
Rule 1: 0.7 * 0.6 = 0.42
Rule 2: 0.6 * 0.5 = 0.3
Combined: 0.42 + (1-0.42)*0.3 = 0.594
What two questions is MYCIN able to answer?
Why - why the system asked the user a particular question
How - how the system reached a particular conclusion
What does MYCIN form as the consultation proceeds?
A record of all the rule activations, including rules fired to satisfy conditions of other rules
Forms a tree of goals and subgoals
How does MYCIN answer a WHY question?
Looks up the tree from the current position to identify the goals the led to the current question
How does MYCIN answer a HOW question?
System looks down the tree from the current position to identify the evidence that led to the current conclusion
WHY and HOW questions are only possible when using _________ chaining
What are two benefits of WHY and HOW questions?
Increases user’s confidence in answers
Enables developer to debug the system easily
What do meta-rules do in mycin?
Determine the order in which rules are tried
The therapy module of MYCIN uses ________ chaining
Forward chaining: generate and test to find suitable set of antibiotics
Give an example of a rule that is actually implemented using forward chaining in MYCIN
IF patient is male THEN CONCLUDE not pregnant
Why is conflict resolution not needed in backward chaining?
Only the rules which are relevant are ever used, so the order of firing is unimportant