Lecture 9-Health and Disease Flashcards
What is a disease?
any disorder of any bodily or mental function
Two categories of diseases
Communicable and non communicable
Communicable diseases
include all diseases caused by other living organisms. These organisms may be transmitted from one person to another either directly or indirectly, causing them to spread. In our first session we will look briefly at a few examples of communicable diseases, including AIDS, in some detail.
Non-communicable diseases
cannot be “caught” from the external environment. They have their origins within us. We cover diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer, at present the four most important “killers” in the Caribbean. They are of interest not only because of their heavy social cost but because they are largely preventable or controllable. Substance abuse is also included here because of its connection to AIDS, other STDs and other conditions of ill health.
Communicable diseases A brief look at incidence in the region
The incidence of many communicable diseases in the region has been reduced. With few exceptions, those that have the potential to be fatal are on the wane. This can be credited to the health services of the region and a reasonable basic standard of living compared to many other developing countries. A few countries are free of malaria. Nevertheless, we remain vigilant as travel to sources of infection can cause its return. Cholera, yellow fever, and typhoid are mostly confined to specific areas.
Successful vaccination campaigns have eliminated many vaccine preventable diseases. Smallpox and poliomyelitis have been eradicated, and we are the first region in the world to have got rid of indigenous measles (CAREC, 2001). High rates of childhood vaccination, higher than in the United States, have been responsible for this. Vaccinations against diptheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio are required for acceptance into public schools in some territories.
Dengue fever remains a problem. Outbreaks of this mosquito borne viral disease have increased in frequency and intensity over the past ten years. The mosquito that spreads the disease, the Aedes aegypti, is present throughout the region. In 1998, there was an outbreak in Jamaica, and in the following year, Trinidad and Tobago had its first major outbreak of dengue haemorrhagic fever which is potentially fatal.
Tuberculosis is also of concern. After years of decline, the incidence level began to increase in the early 1990s. Figures of 37.5, 25.4, and 22.7 per 100,000 in the population are estimated for Guyana, Bahamas, and Trinidad and Tobago, respectively. In Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the figures are much higher. Some of this increase is no doubt associated with the increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS. But in addition to this is a weakening of the infrastructure to deal with the disease. There has been a reduction of funding and trained staff because it was felt that tuberculosis was no longer a cause for concern in the English speaking region.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
Many of the traditional sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have declined in recent years. These include the bacterial diseases syphilis and gonorrhoea and the viral disease Herpes
genitalis (Herpes simplex virus 2 or HSV2) which causes genital sores. However, about 10 to 15% of sexually active women have been shown to have the bacterial infection Chlamydia(CAREC, 2001). The rate of infection with these diseases is important, since their presence in individuals may make infection with the AIDS virus easier.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
IDS is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1. The time between infection and the appearance of symptoms varies, and may sometimes be years.
HIV transmission in the Caribbean
The predominant mode of transmission in the region is by heterosexual intercourse (60%). As a result of this, the number of women with the disease is rising and with that the possibility for infection of children before or at birth, or through breast-feeding. Infection through blood products is less than 3%, but this is not good enough. We must improve the safety of our supplies still further throughout the region. Sharing needles by substance abusers is not a common source of infection but high crack-cocaine use seems to be associated with high risk of HIV, as shown in the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica (CAREC, 1999). This association may result from impaired decision making, as in the case of alcohol and marijuana users. For example, it is highly likely that persons under the influence of a drug will have unprotected or indiscriminate sex, sometimes to support their habit.
Populations at high risk provide a pool of infection for further transmission of the virus. In addition to substance abusers, other high risk groups include:
- young people (they may be unprotected by condom use, especially as sexual activity tends to begin early)
- male homosexuals
- newborns of HIV-positive mothers
- pregnant women (Cuba has no sign in this group)
- commercial sex workers
- persons with a history of STDs. (As at 2000, some 39% of AIDS cases in Jamaica had a history of other STDs
Treating AIDS
In the English-speaking Caribbean, AIDS is the largest cause of death in the 15–44 year group (63% in 1996). The high rate is due to many factors, including lack of access to drugs to treat HIV, and to medicines to deal with the secondary infections, like tuberculosis. The absence of strategies to prevent mother to child transmission (vertical transmission) is another factor. Both of these are linked with the inability of governments and/or people to afford the required drugs.
A programme to help prevent vertical transmission is now in place in Jamaica where one in 100 pregnant women are HIV infected, and one child so infected is born every week. There is free voluntary testing of pregnant women. Women found positive are given two tablets of Nevirapine at the onset of labour, and the child a single dose of the drug within the first 72 hours of its life. Breast-feeding is discouraged in these mothers, since the virus may be passed on in this way, and mothers are provided with a substitute formula. The programme started in four parishes and is being extended to cover the entire island. Vertical transmission has been reduced considerably in the industrialized countries by providing drug assistance for the mothers. We can do the same.
The social cost
One enormous challenge associated with the AIDS epidemic is the plight of children of parents with the disease, whether or not the parents are alive or the children are left as orphans. A second is our economic inability to treat and care for patients properly. A third is the adverse effect the epidemic is having on our economy from three angles:
* The enforced reduction of our labour force leading to decreased productivity.
* The burden it creates on our health systems: UWI/CAREC estimates are that some 3.5% of our gross national product could be spent on AIDS over the next 20 years, and we still shall not have spent enough.
* The effect it will have on our tourism and foreign investment: We are perhaps the most tourist-dependent region in the world, and tourism is very sensitive to disease.
Preventing AIDS – what needs to be done
The emphasis has to be on preventing the disease. Public understanding of the disease and how it is spread is not good enough at present. As with the nutrition-related diseases, the situation calls for aggressive educational programmes. These need to be geared to reach all ages and levels, but especially the young. In the Caribbean, sexual activity sometimes starts at the ages of 10 and 11 so school populations below and above these ages need to be targeted. School dropouts and street children must also be reached.
Further research is also needed, but this is not likely to be very successful if cases are not reported. HIV/AIDS, by law, is a notifiable disease only in Jamaica, St Lucia, and Belize. Perhaps this should be standard throughout the region. Should there be mandatory testing of rapists as happens in the Bahamas and Bermuda? These are issues that must be addressed at the level of the policymakers. The presence of a CARICOM-led task force on HIV/AIDS which has developed a Caribbean Regional Strategic Plan of Action for HIV/AIDS, 1999–2004 is evidence of some recognition at the policy level of the seriousness of the situation.
As the director of the Medical Research Foundation in Trinidad is reported to have pointed out very recently, the HIV virus is the cause of AIDS, but is not the cause of the pandemic. It has spread rapidly because of certain contributing factors (Mackoon, 2001). We need to publicise and eliminate these factors if we are to succeed in stemming the spread of the disease.
Non-communicable diseases
Non-communicable diseases include a wide range of disorders. They include the so called “human-induced” or self-inflicted diseases such as lung cancer and alcoholism, inherited diseases, mental illness, nutritional disorders, and metabolic disorders, some of which are also linked to nutrition. There are no rigid boundaries between the different groups. Non-communicable, nutrition-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension along with cancer, now rank as the leading cause of death in the region. Between 1984 and 1691989, 24–57% of all deaths in the region were due to these diseases. Malnutrition and infectious diseases accounted for only 2% to 7% of deaths over the same period.
Nutrition related diseases
Some of these nutrition-related diseases are influenced by hereditary factors. They seem to “run in families” (see Session 3.2, The Basis of Inheritance), although the disease itself is not inherited. The precise genetic linkages are not known but such families seem to be predisposed to developing the disease.
Diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease all fall into this group. What they also share in common is that they can be prevented, delayed or controlled by changes in lifestyle such as diet, exercise, and stress relief and abstention from smoking and excessive use of alcohol. It is important to note that changing lifestyle after being diagnosed with any of these diseases is not nearly as effective as taking preventive measures.
Diabetes mellitus- pt 1
In diabetes mellitus, blood levels of glucose (the simple sugar that our bodies use as a source of energy) are higher than normal, because the body either does not produce, or does not use insulin efficiently. Insulin is a hormone (secretion of a gland that goes directly into the blood stream) produced by special cells in the pancreas. Insulin promotes the uptake of glucose from the blood into cells for use or storage, thereby lowering blood sugar. Blood sugar levels between 70 and 110 milligrams per decilitre are considered normal. In most persons the level rises after a meal, but goes back to normal after about two hours. This does not happen naturally in diabetics. Excess stays in the blood, unavailable to the cells that need it, and is excreted in the urine. In persons with Type I (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)) the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas have been destroyed. These diabetics develop the disease at an early age, usually before 30. To survive, they must take insulin injections. Not many people have this type of diabetes. Most diabetics have Type II (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)). In these diabetics, normal levels of insulin may be secreted but the cells that should, do not respond to it. Some young people have this type of diabetes but it tends to develop in older age groups. Type II diabetes may be controlled by a diet and exercise regimen, or by using oral drugs along with this. In some cases, it may become necessary to use insulin.
Diabetes mellitus pt 2
Diabetes may cause several long-term complications. Heart attacks and strokes are more common. Damage to the blood vessels of the eye can cause poor vision. Poor blood supply to, and damage to the nerves of the skin reduce sensitivity, making injuries more likely, and wounds heal slowly. More women than men have diabetes. This may be linked with the fact that more women than men are obese, obesity being an important risk factor.
-The high rates of diabetes and its complications exert a heavy toll on hospital services in the Caribbean. The estimated cost of medication, treatment in hospital for amputations of infected limbs, eye disease, and other related services for diabetics is in excess of US$30 million annually. A study recently co-ordinated by the Commonwealth Caribbean Medical Research Council (CCMRC) showed that in Trinidad’s Port-of-Spain General Hospital, diabetic patients occupied approximately 26,659 bed days per year. This cost the hospital over US$1.8 million
-. In Trinidad and Tobago, the average cost of one diabetic admission was calculated as approximately US$516. This sum would cover the cost of treating up to nine diabetics in a government primary care setting for one year. We can only imagine what it will cost 10 years from now if preventive action is not taken seriously. Many of these admissions would be avoided with better preventive management in these primary health care settings (cited in Henry et al., 1997, from Gulliford et al., 1995).
Hypertension/blood pressure
is a condition in which the pressure of the blood in the arteries is persistently abnormally high. Mostly, the cause is not known, but excess fat in the diet, long-term smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and obesity seem to be among the contributory factors.
Hypertension expanded
-When we check our blood pressure, we measure the pressure of the blood against the walls of a large artery. Two figures are recorded. The higher is taken when the heart contracts (systole) and the other when it relaxes between beats (diastole). For example, a reading of 120/80 (mmHg) means that the systolic pressure is 120, and the diastolic 80 mmHg. Blood pressure differs with age, activity and time of day. Normal figures for an adult range between about 120/80 mmHg and 130/85 mmHg, but the characteristic is very individual. Persistently higher readings may suggest to the doctor a need for monitoring, depending on the individual and other factors.
- A diet with severely reduced salt intake is believed to improve the condition, as does exercise and measures to relieve stress. A low-fat diet is often recommended as well. Various kinds of drugs are used to control blood pressure; some are expensive and others have unpleasant side effects in some people.
-Studies on Caribbean populations show that on average, 30% of adults have hypertension, compared to 12–15% of adults over 35 years, who have diabetes mellitus. In the Bahamas the prevalence of hypertension in males increased from 8.6% in the 20–40 year old group, to 23.1% in the 40–60 age group, and 32.7% in the 60+ age group. The trend in females was similar. So the disease, whilst most common in the elderly, is not limited to this group.
Heart disease
-Hypertension and heart disease are on the increase in the Caribbean. This increase parallels, as it does in other parts of the world, an increase in the quantity of fast foods, junk foods and other lifestyle changes regarded as modern. The glamorous but stressful lifestyle of the busy executive who attends numerous cocktail parties and does not get enough sleep or exercise is a recipe for developing hypertension and heart disease. At equal risk is the underpaid night watchman who eats starchy foods with lots of greasy gravies or the stressed out, overworked, overweight housewife who snacks all day. A recent report (CAREC, 2001) puts heart disease first in a list of leading causes of death in the region (strokes, diabetes, cancer and injuries are the others in that list).
He-High levels of fat in the diet are known to contribute to heart disease. Fatty deposits in the coronary artery which supplies the heart muscle with oxygen and food, can obstruct the flow of blood to the muscle. With exertion, or when the artery becomes completely blocked, the blood supply may become insufficient, causing weakening or death of the heart muscle from lack of oxygen. This is accompanied by intense pain and the weakened heart muscle may fail to pump adequate amounts of blood either to itself or to the brain and other tissues. It may then cease to function altogether. This is what has happened when someone is said to have had a massive heart attack. When small branches of the coronary artery are blocked only a part of the heart muscle is affected and a person may experience pain for a short time and have a mild heart attack. This warning is sometimes ignored. There is little data on blood cholesterol levels in the Caribbean population.
Heart disease conclusion
In order to prevent these nutrition-related chronic diseases, healthy lifestyles should be acquired early in life. As a region, this depends on education campaigns based on the most recent scientific evidence. The success of these educational efforts will depend on the entire population, that is, on each one of us.
-There are probably few people in the Caribbean who have not lost a relative or friend to cancer. Although much more is known about the disease than was known 20 years ago it is still in many ways a mystery. There are many different kinds of cancer. What they have in common is that they are all uncontrolled growths that if left untreated invade normal tissues to their detriment.
-The relationship between nutrition and cancer is a complex one. The most obvious link is perhaps the occurrence of carcinogens (cancer-promoting agents) in some foods. However, these various carcinogens may only form a small part of the link between diet and cancer. Besides, not all persons exposed to them develop cancers. Research in this area is continuing but it seems likely that dietary components such as fibre, fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods such as garlic and onions, may play a protective role against the development of some cancers. Other dietary factors seem to have a negative impact. These include high intake of fat (especially saturated fat) and cured or smoked foods such as ham, bacon, pig tails, smoked herring and so on.
Substance abuse pt 1
substance abuse and its related health problems fall into the category of self-inflicted diseases. Despite this, they include effects that are caused by changes in the functioning of the nervous system making them very difficult for the affected individual to control. The social and economic effects of substance abuse go far beyond those of most other diseases, for example, an increase in crime. One of their many health-related effects is their association with the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
- Many of those admitted to our psychiatric institutions are substance abusers. In addition risk-taking behaviours, motor vehicle accidents, homicides and suicides are linked to substance abuse. The most frequently abused substances in the region, in descending order of frequency are alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and some psychotropic drugs. The habits begin young – at school.
Substance abuse pt 2
Alcohol and tobacco are socially acceptable, and this makes the temptation to use them much harder to resist. Alcohol abuse has been associated with road fatalities, violence, family disputes, sexual abuse, and poor job performance. Long term use causes liver damage that may be eventually fatal. Smoking tobacco is associated with lung cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, and emphysema. Emphysema is caused by the gradual breakdown of the thin walls of the tiny air sacs in the lungs. Eventually this results in decreased surface for gaseous exchange. People affected with emphysema show severe breathlessness and in later stages have an uncontrollable racking cough. It has also been shown that children living in homes where parents smoke have a higher incidence of diseases such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, and other bronchial diseases
-Marijuana (ganja, “herb”) is used in most Caribbean countries and has been for a long time. Its use has been associated with deterioration in mental function and with behavioural disorders (Mahy and Barnett, 1997). Smoking ganja also affects the lungs just as smoking tobacco does. However, marijuana has been shown to be of therapeutic use in some areas. One use that is well recognized is the reduction of the pressure within the eye. The extract Canasol, developed by Caribbean researchers, Manley West and Albert Lockhart, is registered and used in the treatment of glaucoma (National Commission on Ganja, Jamaica 2001).
-Many of our young people experiment with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, according to surveys done among them in Jamaica, Trinidad, and Belize. According to Garfield Douglas (2001) very few people begin to use alcohol and tobacco as adults – first use has occurred usually by the end of high school. He also suggests, that cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana are likely to act as “gateways” to using other drugs like cocaine. Clearly, prevention of the larger use of drugs should focus on the young, to delay the onset of tobacco and alcohol use.
Small summary
-Non-communicable disease – breakdown in the functioning of the body, cannot be transmitted from person to person.
- Types of non-communicable diseases – human induced, mental, metabolic, nutritional, and genetic disorders.
- Leading causes of disease related deaths in the region hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
-Incidence of hypertension and heart disease reduced by a low fat diet, increased exercise, limiting alcohol intake and smoking, and reducing stress.
-Cost of treating results of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes is very high. Primary preventive care costs comparatively little.
-A key factor in preventive management of nutrition-related disease is education.
-Causes of cancer still not well understood. High intake of saturated fats and cured/smoked foods suspected. Some foods may contain carcinogens, others appear to be protective.
- Throughout the region (and worldwide) increased incidence of these diseases coincides with changes in eating habits away from the traditional diets.
-Substance abuse associated with increases in HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
-Substance abuse has many social effects, including destruction of family life, crime, abuse, and poor job performance.
- In all cases prevention is cheaper and more effective than attempts at cures and treating the effects.
Food consumption trends
-For many years, the most important nutritional concern for the region was energy-protein malnutrition. Many children were getting neither the total calories, nor the protein supply they needed to develop properly, both before and after birth. So we focused our efforts on increasing the overall calorie and protein supply available to our country’s populations.
- Recent reports on food availability in the region suggest that we now have a sufficiency, or over-supply, of energy and nutrients to meet the nutritional needs of the population. On average, all countries in the region have available more than the 2,250 calories and 43 g protein requirement per person suggested by the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI) (Figure 3.2.a).
-We achieved this increased supply largely through enhancing the availability of foods from animals, fats and oils and refined sugar. Over the past 40 years, for example, average fat availability in the region has moved from 50 g to 80 g per person per day. Caribbean populations consume far more fat than recommended by CFNI
Food consumption trends pt 2
-But while we met calorie and protein needs, we ate fewer cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, roots, and tubers. As a result, what we now have is a very significant decline in under-nutrition rates, but 180 FD12Aan enormous increase in the incidence of chronic diseases that might more properly be thought of as related to a kind of “over-nutrition”. These diseases include diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, and some nutrition-related cancers. At the same time, iron deficiency anaemia remains a problem, especially in pregnant women and preschool children (Cajanus, 2000).
- We now face a very complex challenge. We must maintain the overall gains in nutrition levels, but make our populations more aware of how to select their diets in order to avoid or delay the chronic diseases mentioned above. To meet this challenge, we need to collect information in each territory on the factors that determine what people choose to eat. This includes availability of foods from each food group, access, patterns of consumption in different communities, and existing beliefs about food. With these findings in hand we would be able to make informed decisions and develop appropriate policies and plans to improve our nutrition status.