Lecture 9 Flashcards
Oral cavity & associated structures
Epithelium is called _____ if one cell thick, _____ if more than one layer
simple, stratified
Epithelium is _______ if elongated at right angles to the surface, _______ if square in profile, _______ if flattened parallel to the surface
columnar, cuboidal, squamous
T/F - in stratified epithelium, cells usually divide in the layer closest to the basement membrane & then move towards the surface where they are sloughed.
T/F - blood vessels usually penetrates epithelia with nerves
False, do not usually
______ - a protective modification in stratified squamous epithelia where the surface cells consist either wholly or partly of a proteinaceous material called _____
keratinization, keratin
Cells flatten as they move through the layers of epithelium & manufacture the precursors to keratin (_______ & _____)
tonofilaments, keratohyalin granules
If keratinization is complete, then the ________________________ including the ____ die.
organelles in the superficial layers, nuclei,
T/F - cellular structures are retained and desmosomes persist until the cells shed from the surface
Complete keratinisation is found in regions of high wear & tear & the epithelium is described as ___________.
If keratinization is partial & some organelles & the nuclei are retained in superficial layers then the epithelium is __________.
If no keratinisation occur then the epithelium is called ___________.
Non keratinised
T/F - recognise orthokeratinisation by all organelles including nuclei lost
T/F - recognise parakeratinisation with flattened nuclei but functional
T/F - recognise non-keratinisation with nuclei retained but very flattened & inactive
T/F - the enamel organ (an epithelial structure) incorporates capillaries during the formation of dentine & enamel
T/F - Epithelial-connective tissue junction is a basal lamina/basement membrane that separates epithelia from connective tissue
T/F - epithelial connective tissue junction in stratified squamous epithelia is no folded, and is usually flat.
False, it is folded not flat,
Connective tissue protrusions are called ________ ______ (dermal papillae in skin).
Proprial papillae
Epithelial folds between the proprial papillae are _____ ____.
Rete pegs
Proprial papillae may incorporate sensory structures: _________
Meissners corpuscles (nerve endings plus supporting cells)
Basement membrane is a ____ ________ structure which is immediately below the deepest cells of an epithelium.
thin, amorphous
The term ___________ is used to describe a layer beneath the epithelium which has a complex composition (_______,_______) but amorphous appearance.
basal lamina, proteoglycans, glycoproteins,
The term ______ _____ includes associated collagen, providing attachment & to some extent acts as a semipermeable barrier between epithelium & CT.
Basement membrane
Connective tissue beneath the epidermis is called __________________________.
Lamina propria in mucosa & dermis in skin.
If a second deeper layer is present in CT, it is called _________ in mucosae or hypodermis in skin.
T/F - submucosa may contain glands &/or fat.
T/F - Blood vessels & nerves are always a feature of the connective tissue beneath the epithelium & there may also be glands & in the case of skin, skin appendages.
List the layers of the oral mucosa
- basement membrane (basal lamina)
- lamina propria (connective tissue)
- sometimes submucosa (junction between mucosa and submucosa not easy to recognise)
T/F - If submucosa is absent , the lamina propria connects directly to mucoperiosteum.
False, LP connects to the periosteum directly if no submucosa.
Masticatory mucosa is located in _______ & ______.
Gingivae, hard palate
T/F - masticatory mucosa is thick
T/F - Masticatory mucosa can be ortho or parakeratinised
Junction between epithelium & lamina propria is characterized by _____ ______ ______ & ____ ____ - to help resist shearing forces
deep proprial papillae, rete pegs
Lamina propria is generally ______ ______ ______ ______.
Dense collagenous connective tissue.
T/F - the gingiva has a submucosa which is firmly attached to periosteum of bone
False, it lacks submucosa, and mucosa attaches to periosteum of bone.
T/F - (hard palate) submucosa is present on lingual gingivae and in midline raphe (elevation.)
False, submucosa is absent on lingual gingivae
T/F - (hard palate) submucosa with fat & salivary glands is absent between gingivae & raphe
False, submucosa is present
T/F - submucosa overlies palatine neurovascular bundles (greater palatine nerves, nasopalatine nerves & accompanying palatine arteries.
Name the lining mucosa according to lovaction
- Buccal mucosa
- Labial mucosa
- Alveolar mucosa
- Soft palate,
- ventral surface of tongue
T/F - soft palate has thick mucosa, whilst buccal and labial mucosa are thin
False, other way around
T/F - Lining mucosa is generally keratinized
False, generally non keratinized
T/F - Lining mucosa generally has a submucosa
T/F - Specialised mucosa is located on dorsal surface of tongue (presence of taste buds)
T/F - Dorsal tongue has thin keratinized simple squamous epithelium
False, it has thick, stratified
List the lingual papillae of dorsal tongue
- filiform
- fungiform
- foliate
- vallate
T/F - lingual papillae are small elevations on the ventral surface of the tongue consisting of epithelium & some lamina propria
Taste buds are ________ structures with cells oriented differently to the adjacent epithelium. Opening into taste bud is __________, the space beneath the pore & above the cells is the _________.
intraepithelial, Taste pore, taste pit,
T/F - Taste buds are found on lingual, vallate, fungiform lingual and filiform papillae.
False, they are found on every papillae, except filiform.
List the three cell types consisting in Taste buds
- Neuroepithelial/sensory cells
- Supporting cells
- Basal cells
T/F - Neuroepithelial sensory cells are elongated with an apical microvillus, extending from basement membrane to taste pit.
T/F - Supporting cells are not elongated & not difficult to distinguish from the neuroepithelial cells
False, they are elongated and difficult to distinguish
T/F - Only neuroepithelial cells not supporting cells have elongated nuclei & extend from basement membrane to taste pit.
False, both cells have these properties
T/F - Turnover time for both neuroepithelial cells and supporting cells is about 10 days
T/F - Basal cells are adjacent to basement membrane and extends to taste pit.
False, they do not extend to taste pit.
Function of basal cells?
probably a reserve population of cells
T/F - Basal cells have rounded nuclei adjacent to the basement membrane.
The bulk of the tongue is ___________ (not cellular when fully formed). The precursor cells called _______ fuse to form a multinucleate masses of cytoplasm called ______ which are the muscle fibres. When this happens the nuclei relocate to the edges of the _______. The peripheral nuclei are used to distinguish ________ from smooth muscle which retains its cellular form with nuclei centrally positioned within the cells.
Skeletal muscle, myocytes, syncytia, synctium, skeletal muscle
T/F - Serous intrinsic salivary glands
(of Von Ebner) are situated between bundles of smooth muscle.
False, skeletal muscle
T/F - glands of von ebner consist of serous secreting endpieces emptying into branched ducts which open into sulci (indentations) between papillae or into vallum (moat) around vallate papillae.
T/F - The tongue has mucous intrinsic glands which dominate the anterior part of the tongue.
False, they dominate the pharyngeal/postsulcal part of the tongue
T/F - Ventral tongue is thick usually non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (thinner than dorsal) with a rough surface
False, it has a smooth surface.
T/F - extrinsic salivary glands all develop as outgrowths from the developing oral cavity.
T/F - Extrinsic salivary glands are all lobulated glands
Extrinsic salivary glands consist of groups of hollow ___________________, each surrounded by a small amount of connective tissue.
Secretory endpieces called acini
T/F - The epithelium of secretory endpieces consists of either serous or mucous secreting cells or a mix of the two.
T/F - each secretory endpiece empties into a small duct, which in turn coalesce into even smaller ducts
False, even larger ducts
T/F - extrinsic salivary glands ducts are lined with columnar epithelium
False, simple epithelium.
Extrinsic salivary glands are collectively called _______ if they are within a lobule. They are also excretory ducts mostly located in ___________.
intralobular, interlobular connective tissue
List two types of intralobular ducts:
- intercalated ducts
- striated ducts
T/F - intercalated ducts are the smallest ducts and drain the acini, having a smaller diameter than the acini.
T/F - intercalated ducts are lined with columnar epithelium, and a number of these coalesce to form larger striated ducts.
False, they are lined with flattened or cuboidal epithelium.
T/F - striated ducts are lined with cuboidal cells which stain deep pink (due to numerous mitochondria, which are also responsible for the poorly resolved striations seen in LM).
False, they are columnar cells
T/F - striated ducts modify the composition of saliva.
__________ in turn form when a number of striated ducts coalesce. They are as large or larger that the striated ducts & lack their deep pink staining. They ____________________________________.
Excretory ducts, run initially in the sparse intralobular connective & then through the connective tissue between the lobules.
T/F - Excretory ducts coalesce to form the minor ducts that drain into the oral cavity or vestibule.
False, they form the main ducts
_________ - a connective/fascia concentration surrounding ENTIRE extrinsic salivary gland (parotid & submandibular only).
T/F - the capsule in both parotid and submandibular glands is part of the investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
T/F - the sublingual salivary gland is immediately below the oral mucosa and has a capsule.
False, it does not have a capsule.
List the individual salivary glands
- Parotid
- submandibular
- sublingual
T/F - parotid gland is completely serous
T/F - submandibular gland is mostly mucous cells
False, mostly serous acini plus acini with mixed serous and mucous cells
T/F - sublingual gland is mostly serous cells
False, mostly mucous, some acini have a mix of serous & mucous, purely serous acini are rare
T/F - intrinsic salivary glands within oral mucosa
T/F - intrinsic salivary glands are classified according to location
T/F - intrinsic glands are mostly serous except von Ebners which are mucus
False, they are mostly mucus, von ebners are serous
T/F - intrinsic salivary glands have secretory acini which empty into a long duct which passes through the oral mucosa
False, its a short duct
T/F - intrinsic salivary glands lack a capsule
Lip includes skin of ______, ____ _______ & a specialized region in between skin & mucosa unique to humans called the _____ or ___ _____ or ____ ____ to the oral mucosa of the vestibule
face, oral mucosa, vermillion, red zone, transitional zone
T/F - Skin is typical thick skin with thin keratinized epidermis with large skin appendages including hair follicles, sbeaceous glands & sweat glands.
False, they had small skin appendages,
List properties of oral mucosa
- thick non keratinized epithelium
- dense underlying lamina propria
- minor salivary glands in lamina propria/submucosa
Describe Vermillion Zone
- thin lightly keratinized epithelium
- deep dermal papillae with numerous blood vessels which give the vermillion zone its characteristic colouration & specialized nerve endings which perceive touch.
- absence of sweat glands & hair follicles,
- few sebaceous glands,
T/F - Lip skeletal muscle exists in deep part of lip between skin and mucosa.
T/F - mostly orbicularis oris moves lip
List the age changes in oral mucosa (4 changes)
- oral mucosa may thin with reduction of rete pegs
- reduction in number of filiform papillae
- atrophy of some of the intrinsic salivary glands
- changes due to tooth loss or wear or wearing dentures or to medications