Lecture 9 Flashcards
Three desirable economic properties of the stochastic process for stock prices
- Price process should be consistent with weak form of market efficiency, present stock price impounds all information contained in a record of past prices
- The price process should also be scale independent
- Because of limited liability stock prices can never go below zero
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the continuously compounded risk less interest rate
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the current value of a European call
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the current price of the stock; the underlying asset
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the exercise price of the call
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the time remaining before the expiration date expressed as a fraction of a year
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the standard deviation of the continuously compounded annual rate of return of the stock
The Black-Merton-Scholes formula – Notation
the natural logarithm of S/K e = 2.7183
Assumptions behind the Black-Merton - Scholes Formula
- The stochastic process for the stock price is lognormal with constant parameters µ and σ.
- Short selling of securities with full use of proceeds is permitted.
- There are no transaction costs or taxes. All securities are perfectly divisible.
- No dividends during the life of the derivative security
- Security trading is continuous
- The risk free continuously compounded interest rate is constant and the same for all maturities
- There are No Risk Free Arbitrage Opportunities.
Value of a European Put today
P = K e^(-rt) (1-N(d2)) - S e-yt (1-N(d1))
the hedge ratio
the fraction of one share that you invest in in the underlying stock in the replicating portfolio
fraction of the present value of the exercise price that you borrow at the risk free interest rate
- Probability that the call will end up in-the-money at date of maturity using the Martingale probability p
Delta (∆)
European call: Delta call / Delta Stock price
European put: Delta put/ Delta Stock price
Theta (Θ)
European call: Delta call / delta time
European put: Delta put/ Delta time
Gamma (Γ)
European call: Delta hedge ratio / delta Stock price
European put: Delta hedge ratio / delta Stock price
Lambda (Λ)
European call: Delta call / delta Sigma
European put: Delta put / delta Sigma
Rho (ρ)
European call: Delta call/ delta interest rate
European put: Delta put/ delta interest rate
Omega (Ω) (Elasticity of an
European call: (Stock price * delta call)/ (Call price * delta stock price)
European put: (Stock price * delta put)/ (Put price * delta stock price)
Cash-or-nothing call price with payoff $1
C=e^(-rT) N(d2)
Asset-or-nothing call price:
Cash-or-nothing put price with payoff $1:
Asset-or-nothing put price:
Financial option VS Real Option (Notation)
Stock Price = Current Market Value of Asset
Strike Price = UpFront Investment Required
Expiration Date = Final Decision Date
Risk Free Rate = Risk Free Rate
Volatility of Stock = Volatility of Asset Value
Dividends = FCF Lost from Delay
Key Insights from Real Options
Out-of-the-money real options have value
In-the-money real options need not be exercised immediately
Waiting is valuable
Delay investment expenses as much as possible
Create value by exploiting real options