Lecture 9 Flashcards
Infinite gap between God & creation/man, therefore grace & nature. Even if we desire union with God that comes from grace, still infinite gap. Therefore, not possible that grace is something God owes us. If nature was beginning of grace, then since he gave us nature, then He would owe grace.
Henri de Lubac (understand idea)
Not as if God first decides to make us with desire for Him & then decides whether or not to give us fulfillment. Rather, God decides to make being whom He can give gift of union with himself. God then decides to make creatures with desire for Him so they can desire union
Henri de Lubac reworded (understand idea)
A thing gets it’s nature from end/purpose. Suppose by nature we don’t desire union with God, then it doesn’t have union of God as end/purpose. Then grace making us desire God would fundamentally change our nature.
Henri de Lubac again (understand idea)
- Observes secularization and says the more you take position of grace changes nature, more secular your view is
- accused of nouvelle theology
Henri de Lubac
“new theology”–departure from correct view
nouvelle theology
What is today’s teaching on grace & nature?
More in line with Henri de Lubac. “We desire grace by nature”
originated “Pastoral Consitiution of the Church” (Gaudian et Spes)
Vatican II
“Pastoral Consitiution of the Church”
*Vatican II
Gaudian et Spes
Peritus (“expert theologian”) at Vatican II. Good friends with Pope Benedict XVI
Henri de Lubac
“Church Study”
Why Church of Christ exists
Christ founded Church and united it to him in an inseperable way
“Church is perfect society”
*perfect organizational structure part typical exaggerated in meaning
St. Robert Bellarmine
“most fundamental thing about church is not organizational structure, but Communio”
Henri de Lubac
relationship of people that begins with Trinity
- Christ took on human nature, so brings human nature into Trinity life
- When Christ lives, dies, and rises, He sends H.S.. Thereby unites us to himself and we are brought into the Trinty
We are united with God and others in the Church
Pre-VII view of Church of Christ
Is Catholic Church