Lecture 8 -- Peptidoglycan/Lipopolysaccharide/Lipoteichoic Acid Flashcards
inside the cell (must be moved outside except for mutans and levans)
where are extracellular polysaccharides synthesized?
acivate sugar –> transfer to a lipid (undecaprenyl phosphate) –> move across membrane & possibly assemble outside
Steps for extracellular polysaccharide transfer from inside to outside the cell
Peptidoglycan, Teichoic Acid, and Lipoteichoic acid (LPS)
What uses the Wyz mechanism?
Which uses both the ABC transporter mechanism and the WYZ mechanism?
contributes to cell shape, rigidity, and resistance to osmotic pressure
(5-20% of cell envelope in Gram-negative)
(90% of cell envelope in Gram-positive)
Functions of peptidoglycan
lots of variation in peptidoglycan; fairly constant composition and structure of peptidoglycan
Gram positives; Gram negatives
punches holes in peptidoglycan and the high osmotic pressure causes large bubbles to form
treating non-typeable bacteria with lysosome
the o antigen in the LPS layer
What does the immune system see in a gram negative cell?
N-acetyl muramic acid, N-acetyl glucosamine linked by glycosidic bonds, peptide crosslinking in G+
Components of peptidoglycan
links 4 to 3, made up of amino acids
Mur A–> MurE require ATP and add peptides, MurF adds dipeptide, parks nucleotide at end of Mur, sugar peptide is transferred onto undecaprenyl phosphate (lipid I) –> lipid II
Peptidoglycan synthesis steps of assembly
Assembly (Murs), Transport (Lipid Cycle through the intermembrane), polymerization (adding pentapeptide)–alternating NAG and NAM
Three phases of peptidoglycan synthesis
cation homeostasis, trafficking ions nutrients proteins and antibiotics, regulation of autolysin – what snips and adds pieces to peptidoglycan, presentation of envelope protiens
function of anionic polysaccharides
linker region covalently attached to peptidoglycan (TA) or free hydroxyl (LPS), and a highly phosphorylated polymer
structure of teichoic and lipteichoic acids
alanine, glucose, or glucosamine
R group in P-glycerol teichoic acid
R1 can be glucose or GlcNAc, R2/R3 may be alanine
R group in P-ribitol teichoic acid
their outer membrane is impermeant to large hydrophilic molecules and prevents rapid diffusion of small hydrophobic molecules
Why are G- more resistant to hydrophobic antibiotics and detergents than G+
small hydrophilic molecules through nonspecific protien channels (porins), large molecules such as vitamins and iron chelates through specialized channels
What crosses outer membrane and through what?
adding sugars to Kdo-Lipid A, sugars donated from sugar nucleotide diphosphates, sugars modified after being donated
Core synthesis
prototype, widespread, involves hetero- and branched-polysaccharides
overall WYZ dependent details
widespread, used for non-branched polysaccharides
overall ABC-Transporter dependent details
- growth is from the reducing end of the polysaccharide
- no ATP requirement
function of Wyz dependent o-antigen synthesis
- requires ATP hydrolysis
- long linear polymer with undecaprenyl phosphate and terminating sugar (passed through middle assembled)
function of ABC transporter
- activated sugar pushes through the membrane as it is synthesized
synthase dependent polysaccharide synthesis