Lecture 8: Contrasting impacts of extreme events & trend CC on Arctic ecosystems Flashcards
Arctic is warming, some regions __ DC warmer than in 1950’s
2-3 degrees C
- due to polar amplification
- poles warm more than rest of world
- arctic +0.09 DC / decade
- global av +0.06 DC/ decade
polar amplification -
greater warming a the poles
warming effect on terrestrial ecosystems =
- snow is melting earlier
- longer snow free period
- longer growing season
- = arctic greening as plants have longer to establish & warmer temperature
- looking at NDVI satellite images you can see greener land
- – longer growing season or bigger plants
“greening” of the arctic: shrubs
- shrubification
increase in shrub abundance 28% on hilltops to 160% floodplains between 1950 -2000
Arctic “shrubification” alters
- photosynthesis
- priming of soil C decomposition
- influence permafrost thaw
- alter surface energy balance (transpiration/albedo)
– carbon balance unknown, C into ground. microbes respire, release etc
arctic warming = more intense in summer/winter
more in winter than summer
- with more extreme climatic events
extreme winter events:
1) extreme winter warming
2) frost-drought
3) icing
Extreme winter warming
- e.g. Dec 2007 North-west Scandinavia
- max temp 4-12 DC for 5-12days
- ground surveys: 50% loss live biomass
- 26% reduction in NDVI
- – warming causes bud to burst (plants think its spring) & lose their freeze tolerance
- less snow so plants aren’t protected
- winter solar radiation on canopies but soil frozen -
- plants try to transpire BUT roots are frozen
- desiccation damage
- evergreen shrubs particularly vulnerable
- rain on snow (refreezing) & winter warming
- ice encasement of vegetation
- High CO2 or hypoxia, AS encasing stops gas exchange BUT questionable –> (Preece et al 2012 & 2013)
arctic browning & biotic drivers
Frost drought
extreme winter warming BUT OTHER THINGS TO
- biotic drivers accelerate browning
- maritime & warmer arctic may be early warming
– arctic browning now becoming an issue
things that make arctic brown
frost drought
extreme winter warming
things that make arctic green
- warming
- shrubification
arctic green/ brown
in 2015, 4 years browning trend (2010-2014)
- recent return to greening overall, but major uncertainty
- all models predict greening!!
where are we heading? (arctic environment)
- -> trends dominate, = greening!! with some browning episodes
- events dominate = browning will occur!
- hard to predict
trends =
events =
- events are sporadic, temporary (recover), hard to predict, and hard to monitor
extreme events in wine are ___ in frequency
extreme events caused
widespread plant mortality, often to dominant species
– have major impacts on community structure & C balance