Lecture 8: Brain Development Flashcards
What does the notochordal process induce formation of?
With what molecule?
Neural plate
Sonic Hedge Hog (SHH)
When does primary neurulation occur?
Day 22-23
Beginning of 4th week
What parts of the CNS form during primary neurulation?
Future Brain and lumbar Spinal Cord
What neuropore closes on day 25?
Cranial/Rostra Neuropore
What neuropore closes on day 27?
Caudal Neuropore
What part of the neural tube forms the brain?
Neural tube cranial to 4th somites
What are the three primary brain vesicles?
- Proencephalon: forebrain
- Mesencephalon: midbrain
- Rhombencephalon: hindbrain
What primary brain vesicles divide in the 5th week?
Forebrain (Prosencephalon)
Hindbrain (Rhombencephalon)
What does the prosencephalon give rise to?
- Telencephalon: cerebral hemipsheres and lateral venticles
- Diencephalon: thalami structures and 3rd ventricle
What are derivatives from the mesencephalon?
Midbrain and cerebral aqueduct
What does the rhombencephalon give rise to?
- Metencephalon: pons, cerebellum, and upper part of 4th ventricle
- Myelencephalon: medulla and lower part of 4th ventricle
What does the cervical flexure divide?
Hindbrain and spinal cord
Flexes forward
What does the pontine flexure divide?
Divides hindbrain into rostral metencephalon and caudal myelecephalon (pons/cerebellum and medulla)
What separates hindbrain from midbrain?
Isthmus Rhombencephali
What does the mesencephalic flexure divide?
Midbrain and forebrain
Flexes forward
What are some structures formed in the myelencephalon (medulla oblongata)?
- Nuclei Gracilus and Curneatus (sensory nuclei)
- Pyramids (white matter dealing with motor tracts)
- Alar and Basal Plates
What gives rise to sensory neurons that remain contained within the CNS?
Alar plate
What is the embryological origin of motor neurons that leave the CNS to go out to skeletal muscle?
Basal plate
What is the division between the alar and basal plates?
Which plate is medial and lateral?
Sulcus limitans splits alar (lateral) and basal (medial) plates