Lecture 8 Afferent Division Flashcards
change detectable by the body
Sensory receptor cells
- have cell surface receptors; respond to internal and external stimuli
- can be an afferent neuron or communicate with afferent neuron
- stimuli induce change in membrane potential
Sensory transduction
process of converting a sensory signal to an electrical signal in the sensory neuron. The process of reception is dependent on the stimuli itself, the type of receptor, receptor specificity, and the receptive field, which can vary depending on the receptor type.
- Influenced by receptive field (region of the skin surface surrounding the sensory neuron)
- Lateral inhibition-each activated pathway inhibits the pathway next to it.
Parts of the eye
Sclera-connective tissue, tough, white
Cornea- transparent, anterior
Choroid-pigmented, blood vessels
Iris-ring of smooth muscle, pigmented
contains sensory receptor cells
Aqueous: in front of lens, thin, 5ml/day
Vitreous: behind lens jelly
opening in center of iris
Thin, pigmented, smooth muscle
Circular Iris muscle
constrict pupil (PNS) (parasympathetic)
Radial Iris muscle
dilate pupil (SNS) (sympathetic)
- refracts incoming light
- Transparent, layered
- Shape determined by ciliary muscle and suspensory ligaments
- Shape determines where light is focused
Retinae and associated structures
Blind spot: Optic nerve, blood vessels
Macula lutea: surrounds fovea
Fovea: bipolar and ganglion cells pushed aside. light directly hits photoreceptor cells (many cones)