Lecture 8-9 Gram negative bacteria (Part 2) Flashcards
Shigellosis is primarily a disease in what age group?
Is the infectious dose of Shigella large or small and why?
Small. They are very acid resistant and are able to survive the stomach acid ‘sterilization process’.
What 2 main methods are used by Shigella to cause shigellosis?
- Infecting the mucosal epithelium of the colon by bacterial-directed endocytosis of M-cells (specialized phagocytic cells of the gut)
- They also can induce formation of actin-directed pseudopodia that thrust bacteria directly into adjacent mucosal epithelial cells without exposure to plasma proteins or phagocytic cells.
Is the infection local or systemic with Shigella?
Local. Local inflammatory ulceration of mucosal cells creates blood and pus in the stool. (dysentery)
What is the Shiga toxin?
An A-B toxin that cleaves ribosomal RNA, disrupting protein production in the cell.
What is the primary manifestation of Shiga toxin?
Damage to the intestinal epithelial cells.
What is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome?
In a small number of patients (mainly young children), the shiga toxin gets into the blood stream in high enough concentration where it mediates damage primarily to the glomerular endothelial cells, resulting in renal failure. (Systemic)
What E. coli strain also contains a plasmid encoding a Shiga-like Toxin?
Where does Shigella infect
Where does Salmonella infect?
The G.I. mucosa similar to Shigella
How does Salmonella typhi act?
It can break through the Gut epithelium and enter phagocytic cells which then act as Macrophage Taxis to take the pathogens throughout the body.
What the is the method by which enteric gram negative bacteria are spread throughout the body after inserting themselves inside the macrophage.
- They block lysosome fusion and multiply within the phagosome of machrophages
- Hitch a ride into draining lymph nodes, bloodstream, or other tissues (all while being protected from immune system)
- released upon the death of the macrophage causing bacteremia and infection.
Enteric Fever caused by bacteremia is also called what?
Typhoid Fever
Typhoid Mary was an example of what?
A permanent carrier of Typhoid fever
Most infections of Salmonella result from what?
Ingestion of contaminated food products
What age group does Salmonella infections affect?
All age groups