lecture 8 Flashcards
Refers to the willingness and ability of
an organization developing or using an
ML system to be transparent and share
information with all its stakeholders
about the whole ML pipeline (data and
its provenance, annotation process,
algorithms used, purpose, risks)
Refers to the process of “providing
information” about how the ML model
reached a given output(s), often based
on input data and/or features.
Examples of harms
Asymmetrical concentration of power
* think of google facebook amazon and apple
Social sorting and and discrimination
profiling and mass manipulation
minority erasure
When a good thing happens: The
“system” does what it is supposed
to do as it is “intended”
When no bad things happen: The
“system” and its usages do not cause “unintended” harm (including metal-health discrimination, leading to bad decision-making, etc.) to users (non-users, society, the environment, etc.)
The “responsible(s)” for the failure should be held accountable and take the burdens e.g., repairing the consequences and damages
The harmed parties are owed “duty of care”: indentities, medical care, mending reputation damage, etc. This often depends on the nature of the harm but also its causes
What is the difference between ideal and the actual ML transparency?
For ideal Transparency:
* implies accountable
* ensures Fairness and Justice
* increases trust
Actual ML Transparency
- Seriously missing transparency
- Lots of papers and research projects are on this topic
- Makes the News Headlines often
What is the difference between ideal explainability and actual explainability
ideal explainability:
* explains the outputs, like trust and uncertainty
* explains biases and help alleviating biases
* collaborates and augments human knowledge and intelligence –> helps humans improve and come together on knowledge and intelligence
Actual Explainability
* involves a lot of debugging
* improves the model accuracy wise
What is the difference between interpretability and explainbility?
There is no clear answer but:
* is dependedent on the model architecture (model specific)
* is computationally fast
* can be inferred (deduced, concluded) from the model alone
* Focus on model agnostic (where the structure of the model is not taken into account; black box model approach –> solely focus on observable elements)
* is computationally intensive
* is based on feature values and predictions
who needs explainability?
who are we explaining to?
Three groups are most often proposed:
* practioners: consisting of data scientists and ML engineers
* Observers: consisting of business stakeholders and regulators
* Users: consisting of the domain experts
Additional groups:
* decision subjects: persons who are directly affected by ML usage
* non-users: persons or groups directly or indirectly affected by the ML usage
* civil-society watch dogs
What is desiderata
the desirable properties or characteristics that a model or algorithm should possess
What will explainable AI = XAI bring?
Explainability desiderata
Todays age questions the understanding of the machine learning process is unclear. The machine learning process leads to a learned function that performes a task or makes a decision or recommendation which is unclear to the the users what happen and why choices were made.
In the future (with XAI) there is a new machine learning process that leads to an explainable model with an explanation interface. Ensuring that the user can understand the task performed or why not and what happened inside the model.
Why is XAI needed?
Model will improve
* the quality of model will increase
Verify performance
* confirmation that model behaves as expected
Build trust
* Increase confidence in the reliability of the model
* Understanding what actions to take to alter a prediction
Understand model behaviour:
* Can be used to construct a simplified model in the users mind, which can be used as a surrogate for understanding the model’s performance
Monitoring (and Accountability)
* There is an ongoing assessment that a model’s performance remains acceptable and compliant (to the eventual standards and regulations)
Stakeholders desiderata. Who to involve and why?
Users affected by the model decisions
* to understand their situation and verify fair decisions
Domain experts and the user of the model
* to trust the model itself and gain scientific knowledge
Regulatory entities/agencies
* to certify model compliance with the legislation in force audits
Managers and executive board members
* to assess regulatory compliance, understand corporate AI applications
Data scientists, developers, product owners
* to ensure and improve product efficiency, research and new functionalities
How to evaluate explainability, from the regulatory perspective?
The explanation should be …
- … meaningful; the system provides explanations that are understandable to the intended consumer(s)
- …accurate; the explanation corretly reflects the reason for generating the output and/or accurately reflects the system’s process
- …limited to the knowledge it has; system only operates under conditions for which it was designed and when it reaches sufficient confidence in its output
How to evaluate explainability from the business perspective?
Explainability evaluated on the basis of:
* comprehensible: how much effort is needed for a human to interpret it?
* succinctness: how concise is the explainability?
* actionability: how actionable is the explanation? What can we do with it?
* reusability: could it be interpreted/reused by another AI system?
* accuracy: how accurate iis the explanation?
* completeness: does the ‘explanation’ explain the decision completely, or only partially?
What is the taxonomy of explainability?
explainability is divided into:
* intrinsic explanation vs post-hoc explantion
* model specific vs model agnostic
* local vs cohort vs global
* different data types
Explainability: the diffrence between intrinsic explanation vs post-hoc explantion
Intrinsic explanation
Some ML models are inherently interpretable, meaning simple enough in structure that we can understand how the model is making predictions by just looking at the model.
post-hoc explanation
Some ML models are inherently more complex and less intuitive. Post-hoc methods then involve using the trained model and data to understand why certain predictions are being made.
In some cases, post hoc methods can be applied to models that have intrinsic explainability as well.
Explainability: the diffrence between model agnostic vs model specific
Model agnostic explainer or explainability method can be applied to any model
Model specific explainer or explainability method can only be used with certain model types.
Explainability, difference between:
Local vs Cohort vs global
Local explanation focusses only on a single prediction.
Global explanation attempts to make claims about trends and behaviours for model predictions across an entire dataset
Many local explainers can be turned into global explainers by using aggregations of the local results. Thus many techniques are useful in providing both local and global explanations.
cohort explanation is a global explanation, performed on a slice of the full dataset. This slice can, for example, be a subset defined by a single feature value.
This helps understand issues related to a particular subset or cohort
Explainability: the diffrence between data types
- Tabular data
- textual data
- images
- graphs
What is the idea behind LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) ?
Function of lime:
LIME tries to understand the features that influence the prediction of the area around a single instance of interest.
or in other words:
a technique that approximates any black box machine learning model with a local, interpretable model to explain each individual prediction.
The idea behind lime is:
complex ML models decisions boundaries are very complex, however, zooming in on a small enough area/neighbourhood, then decision bounderies are in a local neighbourhood which can be much simpler and even be linear (no matter how complex the model is at global level).