Lecture 8 Flashcards
How does DD Palmer say life is expressed?
“Life is expressed by the process of metabolism, growth, reproduction and inherent powers of adaptation to environment.” DD Palmer
5 Signs of life AGERA
- Assimilation
- Excretion
- Adaptability
- Growth
- Reproduction
What is assimilation?
The selective ability of a living organism to take in certain matter/energy needed for growth and maintenance.
Is it a random stockpiling of materials?
no - It is an orderly function - under the
direction of Innate Intelligence.
How is assimilation determined?
Assimilation is self-directed – determined by the needs of the organism
Examples of Assimilation
Food, water, oxygen, information
* All actively assimilated from the environment into the organism.
what is excretion ?
The ability a living organism possesses to rid itself of selective materials.
How does innate intelligence have a role in excretion?
Innate Intelligence determines which materials are no longer needed or destructive to your body.
Can excretion be done educatedly?
Examples of Excretion
- Metabolic waste (CO2, H20, NH3)
- Excess energy
- Surface epidermal layer
- Clearing cellular wastes
- The vertebral motion unit
Excretion common origin of the perception of sickness
- Vomiting/diarrhoea
- Rashes
- Fever
- Immune system effluvia
Describe growth:
The ability a living organism has to enlarge itself to a mature size, according to an intelligent plan.
Innate intelligence influence on growth
The bodies innate intelligence uses assimilated energy to assemble matter into the structures and function of life.
What exists within each and every organism ?
an innate control of growth.
Why is growth self- directed?
influenced by the genetic potentials and environmental “assimilants”
ADIO views
Above down inside out
expression heath outwards
innate intelligence
OIBU views
outside in below up
inside to body to affect body
describe reproduction
The ability a living organism has to produce a similar, separate copy of itself.
How is the process of cellular reproduction acomplised by and why
the process of cellular reproduction is not accomplished by chance or with our intelligent control.
* If such were the case cells would be reproduced in an in-coordinative manner - pathology can be the only result.
E.g. Cancer
Describe adaptability:
The ability a living organism possesses to respond to all forces that impinge on it whether innate or universal, so as to survive itself.
Where does the ability to adpat come from?
Innate Intelligence
Where does the expression of adaptability comes from?
material organisation (structure/function) of the organism
What is considered the primary sign of life.
Intellectual ability an organism possesses to
respond to all forces it faces (innate and universal).
Universal Forces
Any force in unniverse
Innate Forces
Constructive use for the living thing force
Where is Adaptability expressed?
At all levels of living function
Describe adaptabilty
Adaptability is a potential (the ability to respond) that must be expressed from moment to moment as actual responses (adaptations)
Compare adaptability and adaptions
Adaptability is intellectual, whereas adaptations are physical
Intellectual adaption
a mental process
which take place in the brain cell.
Adaption define
Physical process that takes place as the
expression of intellectual adaptation.
What is adaption an example of ?
Personification of intellectual adaptation.
What does adaption reflect?
Denotes the actual response a specific individual or species makes in response to a specific survival challenge. - Innate intelligence
The Four Steps of Adaptation
- Environmental challenge
- Innate awareness
- Intellectual adaptation
- Physical personification (Adaptation)
- Environmental challenge
- May arise from internal or external environment
- May be enthalpic, homeostatic, traumatic.
- Innate awareness
- Innate intelligence “judges every circumstance of environment which may, even remotely, have something to do with the organism.”
- Intellectual adaptation
- “The plans of Innate to meet circumstances.”
- “It differs from adaptation in that intellectual adaptation
is a mental (immaterial) process.”
- Physical personification (Adaptation)
The immaterial expressed in material
* “Innate’s plans coming true.”
Adaptive range
Denotes the full range of possible survival responses an individual or species could make
How do we adapt to the environment?
The Function of Innate Intelligence - The function of Innate Intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body, so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit. (SP23)
What two ways do we adapt to the enviroment?
- The function of innate intelligences to adapt universal forces
and matter for use in the body - OR It will adapt the body (matter) so it is not damaged by universal forces.
What does it mean to “create” in a philosophical sense?
To “create” means to invest with new character.
How does innate intelligence adapt universal forces?
Innate intelligence of the body takes universal forces already in existence and changes their character, making them into innate forces which coordinate and adapt the physical matter of the body.
Can you provide an example of innate intelligence at work?
Just like a musician invests airflow with new character to create harmonic tones, the innate intelligence of the body invests universal forces to coordinate and adapt physical matter.
How does an artist “create” a masterpiece?
An artist “creates” a masterpiece by investing paints and canvas with new character, similar to how a musician invests airflow to create harmonious tones
What are the factors that limit an organism’s adaptability?
An organism’s adaptability is limited by its form, the time adaptive processes require, genetics, history, diet, and neurological integrity.
How does subluxation affect adaptive responses?
Subluxation is considered a limiting factor in the expression of any specific adaptive response.
Is adaptive range constant throughout an individual’s life?
No, adaptive range varies throughout an individual’s life depending on factors such as age, form, and vigor. It can expand or decrease over time.
What factors influence the potential adaptive range of an organism?
The potential adaptive range of an organism is influenced by its form, the time adaptive processes require, genetics, history, diet, neurological integrity, age, and vigor.
What caused this subluxation?
Subluxations can be caused by various factors such as physical trauma, poor posture, repetitive motions, emotional stress, or biochemical imbalances. These factors can lead to misalignments in the spine, disrupting nerve function and causing subluxations.
Why do these subluxations keep occurring?
Subluxations may recur due to underlying issues such as ongoing stressors, poor lifestyle habits, lack of proper spinal hygiene, or incomplete correction of the initial misalignment. Addressing these factors comprehensively and regularly seeking chiropractic care can help prevent recurrent subluxations.
Why didn’t that last adjustment hold very long?
Several factors could contribute to an adjustment not holding for long, including underlying muscle tension, poor posture habits, unresolved spinal misalignments, or lifestyle factors that put strain on the spine. Additionally, individual differences in healing rates and the complexity of the subluxation may affect the longevity of the adjustment.
Is there anything I can do to stop these subluxations?
Yes, there are several proactive measures individuals can take to help prevent subluxations. These include maintaining good posture, engaging in regular exercise to strengthen supporting muscles, managing stress effectively, adopting ergonomic practices, staying hydrated, and seeking regular chiropractic care for spinal alignment maintenance.
Why do I have to come in for so long?
The duration of chiropractic care varies depending on factors such as the severity of subluxations, individual health goals, response to treatment, and overall spinal health. Consistent chiropractic visits over time are often necessary to address underlying issues comprehensively, promote spinal health, and prevent recurrent subluxations. Additionally, regular visits allow for adjustments to be made as the body adapts and heals.
How do patients often describe the timing of their health issues?
Patients often claim that their health has failed very recently.
What signs may indicate prolonged adaptational attempts during analysis?
Signs such as findings on X-rays may indicate prolonged adaptational attempts.
Is health buildup or decline instantaneous?
No, neither health buildup nor decline can be instantaneous.
What direction is a practice member’s health momentum typically moving?
A practice member’s health momentum is typically moving either towards building health or losing health, with neither direction being instantaneous.
What is enthalpy in the context of living organisms?
Enthalpy refers to the ability of a living organism to maintain itself in active organization against the effects of entropy.
What does healing signify in living organisms?
Healing denotes the ability of a living organism to repair, replace, and/or compensate for damage to its physical structure.
Define homeostasis in the context of living organisms.
Homeostasis represents the ability of a living organism to maintain constant, optimum internal conditions despite constantly changing external conditions.