Lecture 8 Flashcards
How are predation/ carnivory and grazing/herbivory and parasitism/disease related?
What are brood parasites and how are they examples of paratism in veterbrates?
What does the lotka volterra model look like and how does it make sense (explain the cycle).
a. Canada lync and snow hare example
b. Mites and 6 spotted mites example
c. How measels are not an example (immunity)
Why don’t we see the lotka volterra model in real life?
What is antagonistic co-evolution in predator and prey interactions?
a. Example gartner snale and rough-skinned newts
b. Strongly correlated graph
What is the life-dinner principle in terms of the antagonistic co-evolution theory?
What are examples of inducible defenses in plants and humans?
How does predation effect species diversity in a community? (maintains biodiversity)
a. Use robert paines piaster and muscles experiment as an example
Invasive species and the enemy release hypothesis
Difference in parasite life cycles. What are vectors and zoonotic diseases
Community of ecology of disease: competing ideas of the dilution effect and amplification effect between disease and their hosts and their risk on other organisms.
a. Amplification effect example and malaria
Why do tropics have high species richness? Two hypothesis
a. How does this relate to disease and pathogen distribution? What is the actual predictor for pathogen richness though?