Lecture 8 Flashcards
Intravascular Fluid (IVF)
▪ continually with the interstitium
▪ move by diffusion, except protein because presence of protein indicates disease
▪lab tests performed on intravascular compartment
* Easiest to get & to see cellular defects
▪ Whole blood:
* plasma
* serum
separated by capillary
Also part of extracellular compartment :
interstitial fluid
▪ an ultrafiltrate of plasma
▪ lies in the spaces between the cells (tissue spaces)
▪ dissolved substances move by diffusion
- cerebrospinal fluid
- intraocular fluid (vitreous)
- peritoneal fluid
- pericardial fluid
- synovial fluid
Osmotic Pressure
Water moves from areas of low solute concentration to areas of high solute concentration
o Proteins (albumin) in our blood exert an osmotic pressure ( oncotic pressure) which draws water into the vessels
-when dehydrated water is lost from blood stream increasing osmotic pressure
-If osmotic pressure is high, then blood has lost water and is hypertonic more solutes. increased pressure for water to move out of cells
The etiology of edema
-albumin maintains colloidal oncotic pressure (osmotic pressure) and prevents edema
▪ water moves freely through cell membranes and into the intravascular space by osmosis
▪ the high concentration of proteins in Intravascular fluid allow movement of water into vessels
▪ normal blood pressure and cardiac output allow circulation to evenly distribute the fluids
▪ if concentration of albumin is decreased, fluids leave the circulation and accumulate in interstitial spaces → causes swelling of soft tissues (edema)
Composition differences between intra and extravascular fluid
-differ due to their separation by a semipermeable cell membrane
o membranes vary in pore size
▪ ability to select molecules of different size and shape
▪ Examples:
* Lungs
* Bone marrow
* Skin
o differences in concentrations across the membrane cause movement to establish equilibrium
o this movement exerts osmotic pressure (“salt sucks”)
Facilitated diffusion
▪ occurs down a concentration gradient,
▪ does not require energy, is passive
▪ carrier-mediated (facilitated)
* membrane-embedded protein
shuttles the water like molecule that cant get across the lipid membrane
sugar aa
o Active transport
▪ against a concentration gradient
* membrane -bound protein now
requires energy
Sugars, aa, ions
Reasons for composition differences
o What happens when one side of the membrane contains a non-diffusible ion (e.g. protein)?
▪ ions that can move will diffuse across the membrane
▪ the distribution of diffusible ions at equilibrium will be unequal
o cells cannot tolerate osmotic pressure differences
* normally pressure identical inside and outside the cells
* this pressure depends on number of osmotically active particles that reside on either side of the membrane, not on whether or not they are ions or molecules or their MW
o concentration differences can be corrected by active transport mechanisms. unequal distribution is due to a transmembrane NA pump
o failure to balance osmotic pressure causes cells to swell and burst
▪ Na+ / H+ exchanger trades H+ for Na+
▪ Na+ / K+ exchanger trades K+ for Na+
* ATP-dependent
* internal binding site for Na+ and ATP
* external binding site for K+
* Na+ is pumped out in exchange for K
Role of kidney
o in the glomerulus, the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA), maintains blood pressure by regulating blood volume and sodium concentration
o responds to
▪ decreased sodium delivery (aldosterone)
▪ decreased circulating volume (antidiuretic hormone)
o principal mineralocorticoid
▪ steroid hormone regulating salt homeostasis and ECF volume
* Regulates Na+ reabsorption and K+ excretion in the kidneys
o synthesized in the adrenal cortex
o major control mechanism is renin-angiotensin system
The released of ALD is triggered by low Na or low blood volume
The low Na causes H2o movement from plasma increasing OSM leading to low blood volume.
Low blood volume stimulates the volume receptors in renin angiotensin system in glomerular region =renin releases angiotensinogen = angiotensin 1 releases angio converting enzyme = angio ii which stimulates the adrenal cortex to release the ALD that increases Na reabsorption in exchange for K and H
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
(AVP-arginine vasopressin hormone)
o determinant of H2O excretion
o hypothalamic osmoreceptors detect increase in plasma osmolality. If plasma osm decreases the hypothalamus signals the pituitary to decrease release of ADH
▪ responds to drop in plasma volume
o synthesized by hypothalamus, excreted to and stored in, posterior pituitary
o secreted from posterior pituitary in response to increased plasma osmolality
o promotes increased H2O reabsorption by distal tubules
what do electrolytes help with
o maintenance of volume, osmotic pressure and H2O distribution , proper pH
o participate in metabolic reactions
o transmission of nerve impulses
o muscle contraction,
o enzyme cofactors Mg,Zn
o maintain cell membrane permeability
Physiological functions of sodium
- major cation of ECF 90% and bone
▪ responsible for about ½ of osmotic strength of plasma - exchanged for H+ in pH regulation and acidification of urine
- Regulates permeability of cell membranes
- propagation of action potential and transmission of nerve or muscle impulse (along with potassium). Na+ enters an excitable cell during depolarization, and K leaves an during the repolarization
o nearly completely absorbed by active transport in the small intestine body load
o determined primarily by kidneys urinary excretion in response to aldosterone
Sodium - clinical significance
o disorders of Na+ homeostasis can occur due to excessive:
▪ loss
▪ gain
▪ retention
o too much or too little extracellular water will have a similar effect as too little or too much sodium
decrease plasma/serum [Na+], 125-130 mmol/L – symptoms primarily gastrointestinal
o <125 mmol/L – more severe: nausea, vomiting, muscular weakness, headache, seizures, coma
o <120 mmol/L – (acute)
▪ Neurological
* weakness and mental confusion
* bulbar/pseudobulbar palsy
* mental impairment
o CNS (neuro) symptoms are due to swelling of cells as water moves inside cells to maintain osmotic balance
o decreased levels are caused by:
▪ increase water retention
o extrarenal loss:
▪ malabsorption
▪ vomiting & diarrhea
▪ burns
▪ sweating (abnormally high – Cystic fibrosis)
Renal loss:
▪ mineralocorticoid deficiency (Addison’s disease)
* adrenal insufficiency
* decreased production of aldosterone
▪ diuretics
▪ increased ADH (SIADH)
▪ salt losing” diseases
* polycystic kidney, chronic
interstitial nephritis
▪ serum K+ deficiency
* tubules conserve K+ and excrete Na+ in exchange