Lecture 8 Flashcards
Choroidal nevus
- What is it?
- __% have surface drusen
- Internal reflectivity?
- How many covert
- Size?
Benign choroidal melanoma- focal accumulation of melanocytes in the choroid. 80% with surface drusen Low internal reflectivity 1/4000 convert Less than 6DD in size.
Choroidal Osteoma
- What is it and where is the location
- Appearance
- When does it arise
Acquired, slow growing intrachoroidal, bone like tumor.
Yellow-white-orange because boney and near ON.
Arises late in childhood and changes size throughout life.
- What is it
- Appearance
- Complications/evolution
Benign, primary tumor of the ON that arises from melanocytes.
Elevated, black lesion on the disc with flayed edges that follow the NFL. Small! Less than 2mm.
Slow growth, but may cause vit seeding, exudate, fluid, and edema.
Another name for optic nerve glioma
Juvenile Pilocytic Granuloma
Most common primary neoplasm of the ON
Optic nerve glioma
Optic nerve glioma
- Originates from what tissue
- Location
- Management
- Glial tissue
- Usually retrobulbar and causes proptosis, strab, limited EOMs.
- Image the orbit and send to neuro to check for ON compression!
How does age of dx of optic nerve glioma affect the outcome?
Dx young at age 4-8? common and benign.
Dx older? More malignant form- glioblastoma. Pt passes shortly after.
Complications of optic nerve glioma
If dx older, death.
Optic atrophy, blindness.
If you see an optociliary shunt, what is the next step? (collateral vessels of the ON that connect choroidal and retinal circulature)
Rule out retrobulbar mass unless it’s due to POAG
How does age of dx of ON meningioma change outcome?
Dx younger than 20? More aggressive.
Dx older than 30? Less aggressive.
ON Meningioma
- What is it
- Location and appearance
- Risk
- Symptoms
- Complications
- Management
Benign neoplasm of the ON sheath
Retrobulbar –> Proptosis, ONH edema, optociliary shunt, APD, ON atrophy.
Women, ionizing radiation, NF2
Reduced VA, field defect, decreased color VA, HA
May erode into the bony orbit
Usually radiation- can’t excise or will likely cause blindness. Tx is especially important in pt’s under 20- more aggressive.
Glioblastoma is dx in adults. Called ___ when dx in kids?
ON glioma
Choroidal osteoma is at high risk of developing what
CNV! –> VA loss
Melanocytoma presentation with IVFA compared to malignant tumors
Appears hypo, whereas malignant tumors are hyper bc high vascularization.
Astrocytic Harmatoma is associated with
Tuberous Sclerosis and NF