Lecture 4 Flashcards
Vitreoretinal tufts - 3 types and their main differences
Non cystic- 50% bilateral, small, adhered well, at base. Most common, found in 72%
Cystic- composed of degenerating retina, may cause traction, varying sizes, unilateral
Zonular- Extends towards zonules. 15%.
Meridional fold. How many people have? Unilateral or bilateral?
40% of pop
55% bilateral
Meridional fold is associated with
atrophic hole, oral pearl, cystic tuft
Common location of meridional fold
Degenerative retinoschisis is considered an advanced form of
Cystoid degeneration.
Microcystoid degeneration –> macro cyst –> degenerative retinoschisis
Stats of degenerative retinoschisis
- Unilat or bilat?
- location in retina
- 10% progress to __
70% IT
2 types of degenerative retinoschisis
- Splitting at OPL
- bilateral in 64%
- Rarely associated with breaks
- Splitting of layers anterior to OPL
- Thin, transparent ballooning with sclerotic vessels.
- Associated with heme, neo, RD (1/3)
- More common than typical
- Bilateral in 15%
- Increased incidence of inner and outer layer breaks, often at the posterior boarder of the schsis.
Lattice appearance
85% RPE hyperplasia 80% sparkly, yellow specs Fishbone vessels Chorioretinal atrophy in the lesion May have flap tear at boarder
Lattice degeneration
- What is it
- percent of people with it
- Common locations and in who
Strong attachment of the vitreous to retina next to thin retina. Low risk of detachment, especially if pt has already had PVD.
8-11% of pop
12 and 6 o clock
Common in myopes
Differential- paving stone, retinal dialysis
Snail tracks
Variant of lattice
Atrophic hole makes up __% of retinal breaks
What about opercolated holes ?
Atrophic: 76%
Operculated 13%
Atrophic hole is usually associated with (4)
Lattice / myopes
Meridional fold
Cystic retinal tuft
Zonular traction tuft.
% of opercolated holes associated with PVD
Commotio retinae is called __ When in the posterior pole
Berlins Edema
Which has a beaten metal appearance?
Flat retinoschisis