Lecture 7 values Flashcards
Allport and Vernon 1931; Spranger 1928 6 personality types characterised by most prominent values.
Theoretical: truth, intellect and individualism
Economic: practicality and usefulness
Aesthetic: beauty and harmony
Religious: spiritual development and unity with the world
Social: love respect and relationships
Political: power and control.
Main features of a value
A belief (tied to feeling and expression)
A goal (driving behaviour)
Transcends specific actions or situations
Ordered by importance
Are relative in terms of importance of multiple values.
Schwartz theory of basic values (1992) based of the Rokeach 1973 values list
Participants asked to rank how important values are to them.
Creating a map of correlations.
Map was further sectioned into motivational domains.
Values placed opposite each other are opposing and not likely to occur simultaneously (see-saw effect) where as those next to each other compliment each other.
Dark triad personality traits (Kajonius et al 2015)
385 uni students completed the Schwartz value survey and dark triad personality test.
Narcissism and Machiavellianism (being cunning and manipulative)
Whereas psychopathy was related to power and hedonism (own pleasure)
3 ways of measuring values
Schwartz value scale 1992
- ppt given 2 lists of values, one list as nouns and one as adjectives/ nouns.
- Rate how important they are in guiding their lives.
Portrait values questionnaire (schwartz et al 1999)
- For 11-14yrs. Measure 10 basic values across portraits.
- How similar are you to the person?
Picture value-based survey for children (Doring et al 2009)
- sorting values into boxes based off importance by placing images into the boxes.
Criticisms of measuring values
High risk of social desirability effect.
Yet to be tested if the values have the same definition across all cultures.
Values and Music (Boer et al 2011)
Participants were recruited thoruhg music internet websites.
People were most attracted to those with similar music taste to them.
Because music allows us to express our values and personality.
(Gardikiotis and Baltzis 2010)
Ppts completed Schwartz value survey and music preference survey.
Those with high self-transcendence: sophisticated/ native folk music
Those with openness to change : alternative
Values and choice of study (Bardi et al 2014)
Psychology and business students across all 3 years.
Psych students were high on benevolence and universalism with power as the lowest.
Values and Society
Elements such as age, social class, education, race, migrant status, family circumstances, sex, belief, religion and political environment impact our values.
Priorities of values can change due to social environment and experiences.
We are more likely to upgrade a value if it is easily attainable
In times of economic crisis there is more importance placed on security and power than comfort (Inglehart 1997)
Values and age (Vecchione et al 2019)
Participants grouped by age.
- During 20-24 increase in value of conformity, security and tradition.
- Self-enhancement decreases.
- Openness to change was stable.
Values and parenthood (Lonnqvist et al 2018)
- Hetero couples with vs without children.
mothers were higher on conservation and self-transcendence than non-mothers.
Fathers were higher on self-transcendence than non-fathers - Parents to-be
Rated self and spouse upon positive pregnancy and 6 weeks post birth
No change into self-transcendence from self-enhancement
Self and spouse rating both showed mothers move from openness to change to conservation.
Women perceived their spouses changed to conservation but men did not.
Values change due to Covid-19 (Daniel et al 2019)
- Significant global/life events change importance of values.
- Evolutionary theory suggests that infectious disease may induce collective behavioural reactions to minimise the spread inline with conservation and self-transcendence values.
- Value changes examined over 3.5 yrs at 3 points: before (2017-19) outbreak 1 (April 2020) and outbreak 2 (nov-dec 2020) in Australia.
Conservation increased after both outbreaks.
Whereas opposite openness to change decreased after the first outbreak, it then increased again after second out break (accepting new way of life and used to lockdown)
Values and consumer behaviour (pepper et al 2009)
Looked at consumer values in regards to conscious purchasing (cruelty free, fair trade)
Those high in self-transcendence more conscious of what they are buying.
High conservation is more focused on quality and planning to buy only what is needed.
Values and politics
Centre left: high in universalism, benevolence and self-direction but lower on power, tradition, achievement and conformity than centre right. (Capara et al 2006)
Those who have high self-transcendence are more willing to allow high number of migrants than those with high conservation (Davidov et al 2008)
Criticisms of value research
Based solely off individual reports and testimonies.
Values my not be sol predictors of behaviours
May not be universally applied to all cultures
Are there more values not discussed? (spirituality being removed.