Lecture 7: Upper Extremity Osteology Flashcards
What all technically constitutes the Upper Extremity?
Axillary Region
Brachium (Arm / Bicep Region)
Antebrachium (Forearm)
Manus (Hand)
What special kind of fracture is common to the Clavicle in children?
A Greenstick Fracture
What is the name of the beak-like process of the scapula?
The Coracoid process
(Not Coranoid! The extra C is for Crow)
What attaches to the Supraglenoid Tubercle?
The Long Head of the Biceps Brachii Muscle
What attaches to the Infraglenoid Tubercle?
The Long Head of the Triceps Brachii Muscle
Where does the Deltoid attach on the Scapula?
The Deltoid Tubercle (on the spine of the scapula)
(NOT the Deltoid Tuberosity, which is on the Humerus)
What is the clinical significance of the Surgical Head of the Humerus?
It is where the Humerus is most likely to break
What three muscles attach to the Greater Tubercle of the Humerus?
Supraspinatus M.
Infraspinatus M.
Teres Minor M.
What muscle attaches to the Lesser Humeral Tubercle?
Subscapularis M.
What important structure runs through the Intertubercular Groove of the Humerus?
The Long Head of the Biceps Brachii M.
What muscles attach to the intertubercular groove of the humerus?
Teres Major (the wierdo)
Pectoralis Major
Latissimus Dorsi
Where does the Deltoid attach on the Humerus?
The Deltoid Tuberosity
(NOT the Deltoid Tubercle, which is on the Scapula)
What is the origin on the Humerus for several antebrachial extensors?
The Lateral Humeral Epicondyle
What is the origin on the Humerus for several antebrachial flexors?
Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus
What important nerve sits in the groove adjacent to the Medial Humeral Epicondyle?
The Ulnar Nerve
What does the Capitulum do?
Articulates with the Fovea of the Radius
What are the two anterior depressions on the distal end of the Humerus?
Coranoid Fossa
Radial Fossa
What is the posterior depression on the distal end of the Humerus called?
The Olecranon Fossa
What injury can be caused by severe abduction of the extended elbow?
Avulsion of the Medial Humeral Epicondyle
What attaches to the Ulnar Tuberosity?
The Brachialis Muscle
Where does the Ulna articulate with the Carpals?
It doesn’t!
There is an articular disc that keeps them separate.
What sort of fracture is a “fractured elbow?”
Avulsion Fracture of the Olecranon Process
Difficult to repair because the Triceps Bracii Muscle pulls it away.
What attaches to the Radial Tuberosity?
The Biceps Brachii Tendon
What are the four bones of the Proximal Carpal Row?
What are the four bones of the Distal Carpal Row
What is the most commonly fractured carpal?
Scaphoid B.
What are the structures of the medial and lateral border of the Carpal Tunnel?
Medial Border:
Hamulus of the Hamate B.
Pisiform Bone
Lateral Border:
Tubercle of the Scaphoid B.
Tubercle of the Trapezium
What travels through the carpal tunnel?
Tendon of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis M.
Tendon of Flexor Digitorum Profundus M.
Tendon of Flexor Carpi Radialis M.
Median Nerve
What tunnel is being compressed by someone leaning on handlebars?
The Guyon Tunnel
What makes up the Guyon Tunnel?
Bones: The Pisiform and the Hamulus of the Hamate
Ligaments: The Pisohamate Ligament and the Pisometacarpal Ligament
Ulnar Nerve travels though
What is suscepitble to injury in a Boxer’s Fracture?
5th metacarpal
What special osteological feature does the third metacarpal have that the others don’t?
A Styloid Process
What bone does the Pollux not have?
An Intermediate Phalanx
What ring of fibrocartilage surrounds and deepens the Glenohumeral Joint?
The Glenoid Labrum
A rapid contraction of the Biceps Brachii M. can eventually cause a tear in what structure - and what part is likely to be affected?
The Glenoid Labrum can be torn in this manner.
Usually (especially when pitching a baseball) this happens in the anterosuperior part.