Lecture 7 - Synaptogenesis I Flashcards
What are the three critical point when considering the formation and elimination of synapses?
- recognition of synaptic targets is specific
- Principles of synaptic differentiation are revealed at the NMJ
- Some synapses are eliminated after birth
What is the key idea to consider when thinking about how the growth cone recognizes synaptic targets specifically?
Want to get a critical idea about how does the growth cone know where to make a synapse and how does it transform into a presynaptic terminal and how does the postsynaptic terminal differentiate into a postsynaptic compartment
What are the 3 key processes that drive synapse formation?
- axons make choices among many potential postsynaptic targets (how does the decision get made and how does it pick which possible target to make a synapse with post axon guidance)
- What portion of the axon that contacts the target cell differentiate into a presynaptic nerve terminal and the domain of the target cell contacted by the axon differentiated into a specialized postsynaptic apparatus
- synapses continue to mature and model
What shapes synaptic structure and function?
interplay of molecular programs and neural activity
What strategies does nature use to cause synaptic specificity?
distinct molecules which are influenced by activity drive this process
What promotes selective synapse formation?
recognition molecules
What was the evidence the proves there was molecular recognition in synaptic specificity?
preganglionic MNs regenerate selective connections with sympathetic neuronal targets
Where do axons of preganglionic MNs from T2 project to?
the eye muscles
Where do axons of preganglionic MNs from T4 project to?
innervate the blood vessels of the ear
Even though preganglionic MNs from T2 and T4 are intermingled in the ganglion where do they form synapses?
in their selective synapgtic targets so they synapse with neurons that form synapses on synaptic targets
If you cut the axons in T2 and T4 and allow then to regenerate what will you see?
that they form synapses with the same synaptic targets - in adults there are similar segment specific patterns of connectuvey that are reestablished through reinnervation - support that synapse formation is selectuve
What two models were used to study synaptic targeting?
retinal ganglion neurons in the visual system and olfactory receptor neurons in the olfactory bulb
What type of synpases do retinal ganglion neurons form?
layer specific synapses - functinally distinct neuorns form specific connections to postsynaptic cells
Where do retinal ganglion cells project to and how do they project to this region?
they project to the optic tectum in the midbrain and have specific layers which they synapse onto
Where do the dendrites of retinal ganglion cells receive input from?
–interneurons (bipolar and amacrine cells) in a region subdivided into 10 sublaminae in the inner plexiform layer in the eye or retina
Where do specific subsets of internueons whcih set projections to the dendrites of rgcs in the eye in the inner plexiform layer and the rgcs which send inputs to the optic tectum send their projections to and arborize and synapse?
onto just one layer and these laminae specific connections determine which visual stimuli actuvate which rgcs
What are expressed in different subsets of retinal ganglion neurons?
immunoglbulin super family adhesion molecules - i.e. dscam, sdk1, sdk2, dscaml
What rule do these immunoglobulin recognition molecules follow for the RGCS?
like like rule of homotypic interactions
If you force a RGC to express dscam instead of what it originally did where will it go to?
dscam because it is solely depedndent on the adhesion molecule
If you KO an immunoglobulin adhesion molecule where will the RGC innervate?
all layers at random
What do olfactory receptors influence?
the targeting of sensory axons to discrete glomeruli in the olfactory bulb
How many receptors do the olfactory sesnory neurons express?
one and only one
What are the receptors in olfatcory sensory neurons?
GPCRs and they mediate smell so a thousand receptors which each mediate smell different smell through binding various odors and once one receptor type is expressed the olfactory neuron will shut down other genes in response to a particular smell and they are distributed all over the nose