LECTURE 7 (sequencing) Flashcards
Historical perspective
60s - RNA is the first NA to be sequenced
70s - DNA is sequenced by sanger and maxam gilbert mechanisms
80s - modification of Sanger
90s - 1st human genome project
00s - human genome project finishes
10s - HTS (High Throughput seq) which allowsd the development of metagenomics.
What is sequencing?
The way of characterizing a molecule either determining the a.a of a protein or the bases of a NA
Describe Maxam-gilbert sequencing
We use 3 hazardous chemicals: Dymethil sulphate, hydrazine and piperdine.
DS: attacks purines
H: attacks pyrimidines
A: DS + piperdine
A & G: DS in formic Acid + piperdine
C: hydrazine + piperdine
C & T: hydrazine in NaCl + piperdine
overall: run on a gel and we have the whole seq
Describe Sanger sequencing.
a.k.a dideoxy sequencing. DNAP is a key thing for this sequencing e.g sequenase.
You synthesize the molecule up to a specific point and they terminate at a point (with a dideoxynucleotide) that it’s identified by the terminator. you end up with different fragments of different sizes that can be run on a gel to determine the positions of the different nucleotides.
What are dideoxynucleotides?
They’re chain-elongating inhibitors of DNAP used in sanger sequencing
What is cycle sequencing?
the introduction of Taq polymerase in sanger sequencing in the 80s. It’s similar to PCR it works by cycles of sequencing however it’s not exponential and uses a single primer.
the results are shown in a virtual chromatograph which shows peak that show the intensity of the fluorescence. Can be done by robots, easy to use but primers can’t be seen in the virtual chromatograph.
Which was the 1st bact whose genome was sequenced?
Xylella fastidiosa
How many genomes are sequenced today?
What is 1st generation sequencing?
Sanger and Maxam-Gilbert.
What is second generation sequencing?
HTS; there are three companies
Pyro-sequencing: for reading long seq
Polony: reads millions of bases
Solexa: Illumina cheapest
What is the market leader in sequencing?
Illumina sequencing.
What are metagenomics, what revolutionized metagenomics?
HTS revolutionized metagenomics which is the analysis of neandertal sequences.
Describe illumina sequencing (2nd generation sequencing)
It’s a type of 2nd generation sequencing therefore it’s a HTS. A flow cell is used.
Can we see primers in the virtual chromatograph of cycle sequencing?
Fluorescent dyes in sequencing are seen under laser or UV light?
laser light
Are fluorescent dyes used in sequencing? what do they dye?
yes for dying dideoxy nucleotides and for labeling sequencing primers
Can we do nowadays a whole genome sequencing? what do we need for it?
Yes with bioinformatics is becoming cheaper to do
Which polymerases are used in sequencing? (4)
Taq polymerase, klenow fragment, RT and sequenase.
Which three compounds are used for labeling NA
32P, 33P and 35S