Lecture 7 - Preimplantation development Flashcards
Cleavages: what are they, when do they occur, and what do they give rise to?
Asynchronous divisions of the larger embryo into smaller pieces, without net growth
Occurs every 10-12 hours while moving through the fallopian tubes
Compaction: what is it and what are cells like precompaction?
The name given to the cleavage of the embryo to form a compacted morula
Display totipotency - one singular cell from a blastomere can form a complete organisms, all cells have similar gene profiles precompaction
Cavitation: what is it, when does it occur, how does it occur, and why is it necessary?
The formation of the blastocoel, a fluid-filled cavity that defines the blastocyst
After capacitation, at around day 5 after fertilisation
Na⁺/K⁺ ATPase pump results in the movement of Na⁺/K⁺ ions which causes water to flow into the embryo
Necessary step for embryonic development
How is water retained and not lost from the embryo after cavitation?
Tight junctions between the cells of the mature trophectoderm epithelium
ICM: what is it and where is it found?
Inner cell mass
Inside the blastocyst
dpf: what does it stand for, what is the progress through the days,
days post fertilisation
1 - Fertilisation (zygote)
2 - 2-cell
3 - 4-cell
4 - 8-cell (EGA from 4-8 cells, between days 3-4)
5 - morula (compaction from 16-32 cells, between days 4-5)
6 - blastocysts
7-10 - implantation
EGA: what is it and what does it do?
Zygotic/embryonic gene activation
Initial zygote development is controlled by stored maternal mRNA and proteins, but at this point, between 4-8 cells, the embryo takes over development - this step is required for capacitation and cavitation to occur
Lineage specification: what are the main lineages of it and what is their function?
- Trophectoderm - required for proper implantation, formed from polar cells
- Epiblast - the actual foetus, formed from non-polar cells
- Hypoblast (primitive endoderm) - feeding epiblast, potential in signalling patterning
Energy source during preimplantation development: what is the initial source and what is the later source?
Pyruvate until around the 8-cell stage
Glucose from this point, along with an increase in metabolic activity
Trophectoderm: what is it and what does it do?
Epithelium surrounding the inner components of blastocysts
- Capable of pumping fluid to generate a blastocyst cavity
- Capable of interacting with the uterus for implantation and generating all placental lineages
Epiblast: what is it and what does it do?
The ICM which contains the undifferentiated cells of the embryo, containing the genetic information capable of producing an entire organism
Protein synthesis in the early mammalian embryo: what regulates the first cell cycles and what occurs before EGA?
First cell cycles - regulated at post-transcriptional level by oocyte derived mRNA
Before EGA the embryo carries abundant transcripts for genes that stabilise/control/degrade maternal mRNA
EGA: what is it and what is the mechanism of the process?
Embryonic gene activation
- Release from transcriptionally oppressive environment with demethylation of paternal genome
- Opening of chromatin
- Protamine -> histone exchange
- Synthesis of transcription factor proteins from maternal mRNAs
- Post-translational modification of maternal transcription factors (disabling their function)
- Early translational initiator proteins
- Transcription activated even in arrested embryos (granted they’ve undergone the first mitotic division - unsure of exactly when the EGA switch is)
EGA proteins: what is their activation caused by and what are some examples?
DUX4 expression is present at 4-cell stage of embryonic nucleus - results in EGA-associated gene activation (ZSCAN4 produced for example)
TPRX, OCT4, LEUTX (following minor EGA)
DUX4: what is it, what does it do, when is it expressed, and what evidence is there of what it does?
Double homebox 4 - an EGA protein
Causes EGA-associated gene activation
4-cell stage of embryonic nucleus, though it has been reported to be transcribed at low levels after fertilisation
Force expression induces EGA-associated genes (ie ZSCAN4) in human-induced pluripotent stem cells and human embryonic stem cells
Pioneering factors: what are they, what do they do, and what are some examples?
Factors that can interact with the inactivated chromatin and remodel it
Allows for other factors to access the inactive chromatin and conformationally change it to result in its activation
DUX4 and OCT4
Compaction: what is it, when does it occur, what causes it to occur, and what also occurs at the same time?
The formation of a tight cluster of cells from the blastomeres
After EGA
Not exactly sure but PKC-α and β-catenin are theorised to be involved, Ca²⁺ is required
Polarisation - development of a polarised distribution of surface microvilli at one pole of the cell (apical pole)
Cell-cell adhesion: what does it require and what does it result in during compaction?
Requires E-cadherin (and therefore Ca²⁺ as E-cadherin requires it to function)
Results in the usually contractile embryonic cells to adhere, it also later results in trophectoderm (TE) formation
Embryonic polarity following compaction: what protein accumulates as a response and what does this cause to happen?
Ezrin at the outer membrane
Involved in cytoskeleton reorganisation
Polarity and compaction: which happens first and why?
Either or, they are independent processes that happen at very similar times but do not directly depend on the other (they utilise similar mechanisms)
Divisions during the 8-16 and 16-32 stages: what are the types, what do they cause to form, and why are they necessary?
Conservative division - symmetric division generate polarized outer cells
Differentiative division - asymmetric division, generates polar outer cells and apolar inner cells
the inheritance of the polarized state is influenced by the orientation of the cleavage plane in the blastomere
Models for how TE and ICMs form: what are the types?
Inside-out model - dependent on cell contact, higher (inside) and lower (outside) levels result in differences in gene expression
Polarity model - presence or absence of an outer polar domain (ezrin-aPKC-Par6 complex) result in differences in gene expression
Cell contractility model - mechanical properties of cells affect their position, which is affected by polarity of the cells
aPKC-Par6: what is it and what does it do?
Atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and partitioning defective 6 (Par-6)
Proteins that work together to establish cell polarity in multicellular organisms
Maintenance of ICM: what are the key proteins involved and what are their key features?
OCT4 - a pou domain (homeodomain) TF, unique to pluripotent cells
NANOG - divergent homeodomain protein, required for epiblast
SOX2 -Sry-related HMG box containing TF2, the first and most specific pluripotent factor in epiblast/ICM formation
Any cell types
Any embryonic cell lineages but not extra-embryonic lineages (the lineages that form during embryonic development, etc)
Cdx2: what is it, what does it do, why is it necessary, and what is its mutually antagonist gene?
Caudal-related homoeodomain transcription factor
Suppresses Oct4 in TE - necessary for blastocysts to not collapse and arrest
HIPPO pathway: what is it, how does it work
The pathway which causes the formation of the trophectoderm
HIPPO pathway kinases (LATS1/2) become active in unpolarused cells, causing the inhibition ofn
Hippo pathway active in adhering inner cells inhibits Yap and Taz so prevents nuclear localisation and activation of Tead 4 in inner cells
Nuclear Tead 4 only in outer TE up regulates CDx2
Gata 3 initiates some TE gene expression and needed for its proliferation
A number of these TE lineage-associated factors are also expressed in the
human embryo, though expression patterns are not necessarily always conserved
with the mouse. GATA3 is expressed in the human TE, but homologues
of key mouse TE factors such as ELF5 and EOMES are absent during
preimplantation development and absence of CDX2-regulated factors such as ELF5 suggests that Hippo signalling may not necessarily drive ICM-TE segregation or that Hippo signalling in humans regulates alternative TE factors upstream of CDX2.
The experiments revealed that the mother places two closely related proteins known as YAP1 and WWTR1 within each egg, which help to make placenta cells different from pluripotent cells.
The experiments revealed that the mother places two closely related proteins known as YAP1 and WWTR1 within each egg, which help to make placenta cells different from pluripotent cells.
FGF/ERK inhibitors
Despite conservation of some lineage-specific genes between mouse and
human embryos, it is likely that distinct signalling pathways are required at
these early stages. However, the FGF receptor was not targeted
independently of inhibiting Erk, so it remains possible that FGF might function
via an alternative downstream pathway to regulate lineage specification.
in marmoset embryos, Erk or Wnt inhibition increased the proportion of NANOG expressing cells within the ICM and diminished, but did not abolish, GATA6-only PE cells
Components of the Nodal signalling pathway are enriched in the human Epi, and inhibiting TGFβ/Nodal
in the human embryo was recently shown to result in loss of NANOG expression, however, the results are controversial as other group reach an opposite conclusion.
Human embryos segregate putative hypoblast by day 7 of development. Human embryos were thawed and cultured in standard IVF medium until they formed cavitated blastocysts, upon which they were moved to N2B27 medium. Embryos were fixed and immunostained for Oct4 (white), Nanog (green) and Gata6 (red). At day 6 of in vitro development (A) Nanog is restricted to a few cells within the embryo, whilst Gata6 and Oct4 are broadly expressed. Confocal images of two representative embryos with a maximum projection of the 3D reconstruction of the blastocyst are shown. (B) A single slice in a z stack of each of the two embryos shown in (A), indicating that Nanog and Gata6 can both be expressed highly in the same cell (arrowheads) or that Gata6 can be low as Nanog is high (arrows). (C and D) Embryos were developed to day 7 in vitro and immunostained for Nanog (green), Oct4 (white) and Gata4 (red) (C) or Sox17 (red) (D). In contrast to the staining observed at day 6, Oct4 is restricted to the cells of the ICM. Gata4 and Sox17 are restricted to a subset of cells within the embryo, distinct from the Nanog positive cells: the putative hypoblast. In all embryos nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). The total number of cells in each embryo is written in the top right hand corner of the panel
Blastocyst components: what are their derivates as development occurs?
* Chorionic ectoderm (cyto-/syncytio- trophoblast) - chorion/placenta
Inner cell mass:
* Extra-embryonic ectoderm - Amnion
* Extra embryonic mesoderm - allantois, yolk sac, chorion/placenta
* Extra-embryonic endoderm - yolk sac
* Embryonic ectoderm - skin, hair, mammary glands, and part of the nervous system
* Embryonic mesoderm - muscles, bones, heart, circulatory system, gonads, and urogenital system
* Embryonic endoderm - allantois, epithelium of the digestive tract, lungs, liver, pancreas, and thyroid
Implantation: what must be separated from the blastocyst for it to occur, what causes it, and can this be done in vitro?
Hatching from the zona pellucida
- ZP thinning due to blastocyst cavity growth
- Stimulated by catechol-estrogen (a breakdown product of estradiol)
- Both uterine and embryonic serine proteases may be involved
Can be done locally - if not, IVF wouldn’t be possible
Regulation of early embryo development: does it require specific circumstances to occur, what is it influenced by, and what are the effects of
Occurs autonomously in vitro in a simple salt solution
Nutritional and growth factors:
* Glucose/energy substrates
* Amino acids
* Growth factors - IGF/HB-EGF/FGF, etc
* Steroid hormones
* Cytokines
* Metabolic regulators
Potential short-term responses - developmental plasticity:
* Epigenetic modification
* Altered intracellular signalling
* Metabolic stress
* Gene expression changes
* Apoptosis
* Cell proliferation disturbed
Potential long-term consequences:
* Low female birth weight - low maternal protein diet (in rat models)
* High male blood pressure - low maternal protein diet (in rat models)
* Reduced implantation capacity
* Unbalanced fetal/placental allocations
* Abnormal fetal growth rate
* Altered setting of neuroendocrine axes
* Abnormal birth weight/postnatal growth
* Cardiovascular/metabolic syndromes
Growth factors affecting early development? what are some examples and what do they do?
- IGF-1- survival factor for the human embryo and stimulates protein synthesis
- HB-EGF (Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor) - stimulates murine and human TE formation
- FGF–4 - maintains the trophoblast stem cell population
- In mice LIF is necessary in the uterus for implantation
Developmental programming: what is it and why is it important?
The ability of environmental factors to induce alterations during development to influence the health status of an individual
Prenatal epigenetic modifications are inherited during mitosis and can perpetuate specific phenotypes during early postnatal development and adulthood