Lecture 7 - MSK testing Flashcards
What construct does grip strength measure?
What construct does push-ups measure?
What construct does sit and reach measure?
What construct does back extension measure?
What construct does 1-leg stance measure?
_______ ______= the maximum force that a muscle or muscle group can exert in a single contraction (or over a very brief period)
muscle strength
_______ _____ = the submaximal force that a muscle or muscle group can sustain over number of repetitions or over an extended period of time.
muscle endurance
What are 2 things to consider when assessing muscular strength and endurance?
- Joint angle and ROM
2. Velocity of contraction
Dynamometers and cable tensiometers are measures of _____ muscular strength and endurance.
Free weights and resistance machines are measures of _____ muscular strength and endurance.
________ = the maximal force that a muscle group can exert without movement.
MVIC (maximal voluntary isometric contraction)
MVIC is specific to joint ______ and muscle _____.
angle; group
_____ to ____ correlations with simulated work tasks for physically demanding occupations.
moderate to strong (0.63-0.91)
Reliability estimates exceed _____ for each test.
What is shown to be predictive of functional limitations later in life?
grip strength
In 1RM protocols, 1RM should be determined within __-__ maximal efforts.
What is the most common way to express maximal strength values?
absolute or relative values
______ strength = maximal amount of force measured by a strength test with no adjustments for body mass
______ strength = divide test outcome by body mass.
Strong relationship between muscle endurance and ____.
1 RM
Can predict ____ from muscle endurance tests.
What is the CSEP end criteria and repetition scoring for push ups?
max # before loss in form
For what test is it important to prescreen for LBP first?
Back extension
Jumping tests and sprints (are/are not) highly correlated with mechanically measured power.
are not
Two different people will not generate the same power if they don’t ______ the same,e
_____ ____ = the peak capability of a muscle to generate force.
muscular power
______ _____ = the maximum rate of ATP utilization using anaerobic metabolism, per unit time.
anaerobic power
The Cunningham and Faulkner tests are measure of what?
Anaerobic capacity
What is the reliability of the Cunningham and Faulkner test?
The _____ measures leg power.
What is the reliability of the WAT?
r = 0.89-0.98
What is the equation of power for Margaria-Kalamen Stair Sprint Test?
P = (mass x 9.81 distance)/time