Lecture 7: Mixed design ANOVA Flashcards
What is mixed design? - (2)
A mixture of between-subject and within-subject
Several independent variables or predictors have been measured; some have been measured with different entities, (pps) whereas others used the same entities (pps)
You will need at least two IVs for
mixed design
What is decision tree for mixed design ANOVA? - (7)
Q: What sort of measurement? A: Continuous
Q:How many predictor variables? A: Two or more
Q: What type of predictor variable? A: Categorical
Q: How many levels of the categorical predictor? A: Not relevant
Q: Same or Different participants for each predictor level? A: Both
This leads us to and Factorial mixed ANOVA
Example of mixed design scenario for ANOVA - (2)
a mixed ANOVA is often used in studies where you have measured a dependent variable (e.g., “back pain” or “salary”) over two or more time points or when all subjects have undergone two or more conditions (i.e., where “time” or “conditions” are your “within-subjects” factor),
but also measure DV when your subjects have been assigned into two or more separate groups (e.g., based on some characteristic, such as subjects’ “gender” or “educational level”, or when they have undergone different interventions). These groups form your “between-subjects” factor.
In mixed design ANOVA, in SPSS we would use both
within-subject variables and between-suject variables