Lecture 7: Mechanisms and rates of speciation 2 Flashcards
contributors to speciation:
- chance
- ecology
- reinforcement
- sexual selection
sexual selection
the result of the differential reproductive success that arises from competition for mates and access to fertilisation
sexual selections which involves natural selection
- direct benefits to females
- good genes hypothesis
- sensory bias
sexual selection which don’t involve natural selection
- fisherian runaway selection
- chaseaway selection
sexual selection favours
mate acquisition and fertilisation
natural selection favours
survival and fecundity
___ may build linkage disequilibrium more effectively
sexual selection
-non-random mating reduces recombination
sexual selection can generate ___ isolation
Ecology and sexual selection: Food resources
Red crossbills
- -> choose mate on more efficient feeder
- -call type & feeder linked example of direct system (‘magic trait’)
Ecology and sexual selection: Food resources 2 different environment effects
Harsher environment:
- cape penduline tit
- monogamous, biparental care
Rich environment:
- Eurasion penduline tit
- sexual conflict over investment, 1/3 of broods deserted by both parents
Ecology and sexual selection: Predation
- males have spots to increase female attraction
- low predation, spot number decreases. less attractive to females
- high predation those with low spots count are more attractive (As she wants young to survive)
Ecology and sexual selection: Parasitism
- parasites may exploit Sexual signals of host
- parasite load has effect on host condition
- might lead to co-evolutionary cycle that help maintain honesty in sexual signalling
ecology and sexual selection: sensory environment
visual/acoustic/olfactory signals have to navigate an environment
- signal must work with the environment
- -acoustic adaption hypothesis urban vs city birds
how to measure level of SS
various proxies
- -genital size
- -mating system
- -dichromatism/dimorphism
how to measure speciation
no. of extant spp in a clade
does SS actually lead to speciation? correlation between no. spp and level of ss in a clade?
correlated! looks as tho more speciation happens when more SS
is there evidence to show SS doesn’t lead to speciation?
why is it hard to tell if SS leads to speciation?
- depends when u measure it
- also hard to measure SS
- -so at the mo, we still aren’t sure
rates of speciation: booms?
– you can get booms of speciation after things such as glacial refugia
rates of speciation: Lake Victoria & Cichlids
- Lake V contains 500 spp. of cichlids
- lake presumed to be 750,000 yrs old
- predicted cichlids are 200,000 yrs old
- Lake dried out 14,700 yrs ago, though all fish must have died and spectated after this but discovered that they used other nearby lakes as refuge
effect area size has on rate of speciation
bigger area, greater chance of speciation
less gene flow the ___ area needed to speciate
rates of speciation are ___ variable and ___ to estimate
extremely variable and hard to estimate
speciation rate depends on __
the area available and level of dispersal and gene flow between 2 population
Ecology & sexual selection: Parasitism
- parasites use sexual signals to find and parasitise hosts