Lecture 11: maintenance of sexual selection Flashcards
what two types of benefits individuals get from mate choice
- direct benefits
- -material benefits (e.g. food, parental care) that increase the reproductive success of chooser
- indirect (genetic) benefits
- -good genes that will produce high quality offspring for the chooser
fertility =
ability to produce offspring
fecundity =
potential number of offspring that could be produced
direct benefits of mate choice =
- fertile or fecund mate
- good parenting ability
- resources (e.g. food/nest sites)
direct benefit of mate choice example:
- Mottled sculpin
- female choice of male parenting ability
- females prefer large males
- large males hatch more eggs
indirect benefit mate choice example:
Lekking males provide no direct benefits, females get only genes
how is sexual selection for indirect benefits maintained?
- Fisherian Runaway models (a.k.a sexy sons model)
- chase-away models
- good genes model
- compatibilty models
Fisherman runaway sexual selection
-females that choose males with attractive traits gain indirect benefits because they’ll produce attractive sons that will in turn be preferred by choosy females
fishers runaway model: long tailed mates
- females chooses a long-tailed male
- male offspring have long tail
- females offspring have preference for long tails
- tails keep getting longer until some natural selection cost (e.g. predation) limits the trait
under fisherman selection we’d predict that male traits and female preferences should be
genetically linked
chase away sexual selection:
exaggerated male traits evolve through antagonistic coevolution between the sexes
chase away model example drosophila
1) males seduce females into sub-optimal matings
2) females evolve resistance to such males
good genes model:
trait represents quality of male + reflect the viability of offspring
compatibility model:
individuals choose partners with complimentary MHC’s to them
major histocompatibility complex
the compatibility model predicts that individuals will prefer partners with __ MHC’s
== result in heterozygous offspring, greater disease resistance