lecture 7 - how the brain creates perception, illusions and hallucinations Flashcards
- Ames’ Window - linked to ‘perceptual constancy’
- The moon illusion - linked to ‘perceptual constancy’
- Lotto’s Cubes - linked to ‘perceptual constancy’
- Van Lier’s Stars - linked to after-effects in general
Ugly faces - linked to after-effects in general
ame’s window - diagram in notes
what is perception
Perception isn’t seeing an “image” (a “picture”).
Perception is interpretation
scene interpretation, object recognition, face recognition, word recogntion
its knowing the difference between meaningless stuff and meaningful stuff
and it happens automatically (once your brain has learnt)
therefore perception is the product of learning - for a baby therefore its not knowing difference between meaningful and meaningless stuff
llusions are the brain’s interpretation of confusing sensory signals.
They reveal the clever things our brains do during the everyday perception
we take for granted. They reveal the inner workings of the system we
normally have no awareness of.
They are rare in real life.
INTERESTING QUESTION: Consider when these illusions would start
‘working’ for a baby?
KEY CONCEPT 2: Illusions
Illusions are not just proof we are fallible…
Think also about cognitive examples where something well learnt
interferes in unusual tasks (e.g. Stroop effect – would that happen for
young children?)
llusions are the brain’s interpretation of confusing sensory signals.
They reveal the clever things our brains do during the everyday perception
we take for granted. They reveal the inner workings of the system we
normally have no awareness of.
We need to keep clear in our discussion the difference between the
- ‘stimulus’ of the illusion (which we might be misinterpreting in a narrow
- ‘what the object would most likely be in real life’ (which our perceptionis
designed to see and nearly always gets right)
the moon illusion
the moon looks bigger near the horizon but its size has not changed
perceived size
Perceived size depends on perceived distance and on the size of nearby objects
Your brain has learnt that small stimuli far away are actually large objects,
while big stimuli close by are actually small objects
depth illusion
image in notes
same size. What about the facial expressions - identical but fear on the part of the pursued and rage on the part of the pursuer
What have we learnt so far:
Basic features such as size and shape
are perceived (i.e. automatically interpreted)
relative to their context and your lifetime of experience
What about colour?
That’s even more basic isn’t it? Determined by the receptors in our retinae?
lottos cube
Colour also depends on perceived lighting,
shape and shadow
So Colour (a ‘basic’ sensory feature)… actually takes into account
environment, what the lighting is likely to be, shape and shadow
colour vision
an example of how basic signals
combine with adaptation and interpretation
Raw signal depends on cones in the retina:
And the types of cone we have are
entirely determined by our genetics…
(look up colour blindness if you are interested).
And the firing rate of these cones tells
us what colour an object is.
But is it that simple
Perception comes from the COMPARING activity in different neurons
n our eyes there are three types of
‘cone’ light receptors.
They are activated by different
wavelengths of visible light:
long wavelengths (L cone),
middle wavelengths (M cone),
short wavelengths (S cone).
Colour is indicated by the comparison of
activity between these types of cone.
But is it that simple
when adapted to red - cone becomes less sensitive relative to the others. leads to a greenish-after-effect
adapted to green - M cone becomes less sensitive relative to the others so pink colour
adapted to yellow - L and M cone becomes less sensitive relative to the S cone. colour is bluish
adapted to blue - S cone becomes less sensitive relative to the others. colour is yellowish
graphs in notes
van lier’s stars
simultaneous contrast - for lightness
illusion in notes
orientation adaption and after effect
2 - Perceptual filling in… so perception is created
within the brain (as part of interpretation)
3 - Some signals are ignored: e.g. After image
perception is affected by context (e.g. lines
Why? Because an after effect is an
ambiguous signal – the brain does not
always know if to believe it.
And in the real world, faint colours that
represent real objects are normally
bounded by edges, whereas faint
colours that are irrelevant (because
they are due to lighting, shadow,
aftereffects) tend not to be bounded
by edges.
So the brain has learnt to ‘believe’
colours that are bounded by edges.
This is why we don’t see after effects
all the time every day
what have we learnt so far?
Basic features such as size, shape and colour are perceived (i.e. automatically interpreted) relative to their context and your lifetime of experience
Perception is based on comparison – locally, with context, with what you’ve seen before.
This achieves some computationally complex interpretations taking into account distance, shapes, lighting and shadows, gaps in the signal (filling in),
Thus, perception is a creative process based on what’s already in your brains as well as the incoming (sometimes ambiguous) signals…
This creativity means it is only a small step to dreams and hallucinations…
which are created in your perceptual systems.
recognising faces
Faces are perceived (i.e. automatically interpreted) relative to their context and your lifetime of experience
Face perception is based on comparison – locally, with context, with what you’ve seen before.
This achieves some computationally complex interpretations; Face recognition is a very difficult processing problem
(computers are bad at it, and so are we sometimes)
Thus, face perception is a creative process based on what’s already in your brains as well as the incoming (sometimes ambiguous) signals…
face perception requires learnt expertise
“the thatcher illusion”
expertise with configuration - but only right way up which is how most of the learning occured
shows us … perception is … the product of learning
flashed faced distortion effect - neurons see faces as exaggerateingly different
faced conception is baed on comparison
– locally, with context,
with what you’ve seen before.
We’re all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our hallucinations, we call it reality - Anil Seth 2021Being You
mental imagery - Not confused with external reality
(How? Why?)
Experienced by most people
(but not all, aphantasia)
hallucinations - Often accepted as externally real
Normally considered rare
(but on a continuum?
common in right circumstances?
synaesthesia - Can be vivid and externalised
(but understood as unreal)
Evoked rather than spontaneous
(role of learning?
In all cases, people often express surprise in discovering that
others don’t experience the world as they do
what is perception
Perception isn’t seeing an “image”.
- e.g. we do not see the physical amount of ‘colour’ entering the eye from each location, and even after adaptation, we do not see raw colour information provided by the cones
Perception is interpretation
e.g. it integrates information from edges and colour, and tries to interpret colour using shadows and shapes appropirately
Perception is complex (but normally very clever and automatic for us)
e.g. we are not aware that our colour vision is doing all this for us, and because it is automatic, it’s very hard to get colours exactly right when you try to be an artist.
Perception is learnt
Some basic things are innate or learnt very young, but the majority of perception that we take for granted is learnt in the first few years of life. e.g. We take the ability to match shapes and colours for granted, but babies take a surprisingly long time to do it well (they can discriminate between colours from early on, but that’s not the same as perceiving them as adults do, and being able to match them between objects etc).
* Brain receives fragments of info from approx 1 million axons in each of the optic nerves and then combines and organises these fragments into the perception of a scene - objects having different forms, colours and textures, residing at different locations in three-dimensional space. * When our bodies or our eyes move, exposing the photoreceptors to entirely new patterns of visual information, our perception of the scene before us does not change. We see a stable world because the brain keeps track of our own movements and those of our eyes and compensates for the constantly changing patterns of neural firing that these movements cause. * Perception is the process by which we recognise what is represented by the information provided by our sense organs. This process gives unity and coherence to this input. * Perception is rapid, automatic, unconscious process * Occasionally we do see something ambiguous and must reflect about what it might be or gather further evidence to determine what it is, but this situation is more problem-solving than perception. * If we look at a scene carefully, we can describe the elementary sensations that are present, but we don't become aware of the elements before we perceive the objects and the background of which they are a part. * Our awareness of the process of visual perception comes only after it is complete; we are presented with a finished product, not the details of the process. We can also accurately judge objects relative location in space and their movements
perception of form - figure and ground
- Most of what we see can be classified as either object or background. Objects are things having particular shapes and particular locations in space. Backgrounds are in essence formless and serve mostly to help us judge the location of objects we see in front of them.
- Psychologists use the terms figure and ground to label an object and its background, respectively. The classification of an item as a figure or as a part of the background is not an intrinsic property of the item. Rather, it depends on the behaviour of the observer.
- If you are watching some birds fly overhead, they are figures and the blue sky and the clouds behind them are part of the background. If, instead, you are watching the clouds move, then the birds become background. If you are looking at a picture hanging on a wall, it is an object. Sometimes, we receive ambiguous clues about what is object and what is background.
One of the most important aspects of form perception is the existence of a boundary. If the visual field contains a sharp and distinct change in brightness, colour or texture, we perceive an edge. If this edge forms a continuous boundary, we will probably perceive the space enclosed by the boundary as a figure.
Organisation of elements - principles of gestalt
- Most figures are defined by a boundary. But the presence of a boundary is not necessary for the perception of form.
- when small elements are arranged in groups, we tend to perceive them as larger figures.
- illusory contours – lines that do not exist
- In the early twentieth century, a group of psychologists, Max Wertheimer (1880–1943), Wolfgang Köhler (1887–1967) and Kurt Koffka (1886–1941), devised a theory of perception called Gestalt psychology (see Chapter 1); Gestalt is the German word for ‘form’. They maintained that the task of perception was to recognise objects in the environment according to the organisation of their elements. They argued that in perception the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Because of the characteristics of the visual system of the brain, visual perception cannot be understood simply by analysing the scene into its elements. Instead, what we see depends on the relations of these elements to one another (Wertheimer, 1912).
- Elements of a visual scene can combine in various ways to produce different forms. Gestalt psychologists have observed that several principles of grouping can predict the combination of these elements.
- The fact that our visual system groups and combines elements is useful because we can then perceive forms even if they are fuzzy and incomplete.
- The real world presents us with objects partly obscured by other objects and with backgrounds that are the same colour as parts of the objects in front of them.
- The laws of grouping discovered by Gestalt psychologists describe the ability to distinguish a figure from its background.
- The adjacency/proximity principle states that elements that are closest together will be perceived as belonging together (Wertheimer, 1912).
- The similarity principle states that elements that look similar will be perceived as part of the same form.
- Good continuation is another Gestalt principle and refers to predictability or simplicity.
- Often, one object partially hides another, but an incomplete image is perceived. The law of closure states that our visual system often supplies missing information and ‘closes’ the outline of an incomplete figure.
The final Gestalt principle of organisation relies on movement. The principle of common fate states that elements that move in the same direction will be perceived as belonging together and forming a figure. In the forest, an animal is camouflaged if its surface is covered with the same elements found in the background – spots of brown, tan and green – because its boundary is obscured. There is no basis for grouping the elements on the animal. If the animal is stationary, it remains well hidden. However, once it moves, the elements on its surface will move together, and the animal’s form will quickly be perceived.
Models of pattern perception-
Templates and prototypes-
- One explanation for our ability to recognise shapes of objects is that as we gain experience looking at things, we acquire templates, which are special kinds of visual memories stored by the visual system. A template is a type of pattern used to manufacture a series of objects (Selfridge and Neisser, 1960). When a particular pattern of visual stimulation is encountered, the visual system searches through its set of templates and compares each of them with the pattern provided by the stimulus. If it finds a match, it knows that the pattern is a familiar one. Connections between the appropriate template and memories in other parts of the brain could provide the name of the object and other information about it, such as its function, when it was seen before, and so forth.
- The template model of pattern recognition has the virtue of simplicity. However, it is unlikely that it could work because the visual system would have to store an unreasonably large number of templates. Despite the fact that you may look at your hand and watch your fingers wiggling about, you continue to recognise the pattern as belonging to your hand. How many different templates would your visual memory have to contain just to recognise a hand?
A more flexible model of pattern perception suggests that patterns of visual stimulation are compared with prototypes rather than templates. Prototypes (Greek for ‘original model’) are idealised patterns of a particular shape; they resemble templates but are used in a much more flexible way. The visual system does not look for exact matches between the pattern being perceived and the memories of shapes of objects but accepts a degree of disparity; for instance, it accepts the various patterns produced when we look at a particular object from different viewpoints.
feature detection models
- Some psychologists suggest that the visual system encodes images of familiar patterns in terms of distinctive features – collections of important physical features that specify particular items (Selfridge, 1959).
- We are better at distinguishing some stimuli from others. We are better at searching for the letter A among a series of Bs than we are searching for the letter B among a series of As; we are better at finding orange-coloured objects in a series of red ones than vice versa; we find it easier to find a tilted item in a series of vertical items than finding a vertical item in a series of tilted ones.
- Similarly, we are better at finding a mobile object in a series of stationary ones than a stationary one in a series of mobile ones. We can detect bumps in a display of bumpy and flat surfaces better than we can the absence of bumps, and we are better at finding a single stimulus in an array of different stimuli when there are many more different stimuli. It appears, then, that some stimuli have more distinctive features than others and this enhances discrimination.
- An experiment by Neisser (1964) supports the hypothesis that perception involves analysis of distinctive features. Figure 6.10 shows one of the tasks he asked people to do. The figure shows two columns of letters. The task is to scan through them until you find the letter Z, which occurs once in each column.
You probably found the letter in the left column much faster than you did the one in the right column. Why? The letters in the left column share few features with those found in the letter Z, so the Z stands out from the others. In contrast, the letters in the right column have many features in common with the target letter, and thus the Z is ‘camouflaged’. - The distinctive-features model appears to be a reasonable explanation for the perception of letters, but what about more natural stimuli, which we encounter in places other than the written page?
- Biederman (1987, 1990) suggests a model of pattern recognition that combines some aspects of prototypes and distinctive features. He suggests that the shapes of objects that we encounter can be constructed from a set of 36 different shapes that he refers to as geons. Biederman suggests, the visual system recognises objects by identifying the particular sets and arrangements of geons that they contain.
- Even if Biederman is correct that our ability to perceive categories of common objects involves recognition of geons, it seems unlikely that the geons are involved in perception of particular objects. For example, it is difficult to imagine how we could perceive faces of different people as assemblies of different sets of geons. The geon hypothesis appears to work best for the recognition of prototypes of generic categories: telephones or torches in general rather than the telephone on your desk or the torch a friend lent you.
Biederman points out that particular features of figures – cusps and joints formed by the ends of line segments – are of critical importance in recognising drawings of objects, presumably because the presence of these joints enables the viewer to recognise the constituent geons. Figure 6.12 shows two sets of degraded images of drawings of five common objects. One set, (a), shows the locations of cusps and joints; the other, (b), does not. Biederman (1990) observed that people found the items with cusps and joints much easier to recognise.
Top-down processing - the role of context
- We often perceive objects under conditions that are less than optimum; the object is in a shadow, camouflaged against a similar background or obscured by fog. Nevertheless, we usually manage to recognise the item correctly. We are often helped in our endeavour by the context in which we see the object.
- Palmer (1975b) showed that even more general forms of context can aid in the perception of objects. He first showed his participants familiar scenes, such as a kitchen. Next, he used a tachistoscope to show them drawings of individual items and asked the participants to identify them.
- A tachistoscope can present visual stimuli very briefly so that they are difficult to perceive (nowadays we would use a computer to perform the same function). Sometimes, participants saw an object that was appropriate to the scene, such as a loaf of bread. At other times, they saw an inappropriate but similarly shaped object, such as a letterbox
- Palmer found that when the objects fitted the context that had been set by the scene, participants correctly identified about 84 per cent of them. But when they did not, performance fell to about 50 per cent. Performance was intermediate in the no-context control condition, under which subjects did not first see a scene. Thus, compared with the no-context control condition, an appropriate context facilitated recognition and an inappropriate one interfered with it.
- The context effects demonstrated by experiments such as Palmer’s are not simply examples of guessing. That is, people do not think to themselves, ‘Let’s see, that shape could be either a letterbox or a loaf of bread. I saw a picture of a kitchen, so I suppose it’s a loaf of bread.’ The process is rapid, unconscious and automatic; thus, it belongs to the category of perception rather than to problem-solving, which is much slower and more deliberate. Somehow, seeing a kitchen scene sensitises the neural circuits responsible for the perception of loaves of bread and other items we have previously seen in that context.
- Psychologists distinguish between two categories of information-processing models of pattern recognition: bottom-up processing and top-down processing. In bottom-up processing, also called data-driven processing, the perception is constructed out of the elements – the bits and pieces – of the stimulus, beginning with the image that falls on the retina. The information is processed by successive levels of the visual system until the highest levels (the ‘top’ of the system) are reached, and the object is perceived.
- Top-down processing refers to the use of contextual information – to the use of the ‘big picture’. Presumably, once the kitchen scene is perceived, information is sent from the ‘top’ of the system down through lower levels. This information excites neural circuits responsible for perceiving those objects normally found in kitchens and inhibits others. Then, when the subject sees a drawing of a loaf of bread, information starts coming up through the successive levels of the system and finds the appropriate circuits already warmed up, so to speak.
In most cases, perception consists of a combination of top-down and bottom-up processing. Figure 6.15 shows several examples of objects that can be recognised only by a combination of both forms of processing. Our knowledge of the configurations of letters in words provides us with the contexts that permit us to organise the flow of information from the bottom up.