lecture 10 - cognition and chemicals Flashcards
The brain - what is it made of?
neurone that have a body, dendrites (helps them recieve info than other neuron’s), axon (some neuron’s are short to next neuron or cortex and some are long so across the whole brain)
Camillo Golgi (1843-1926)
Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1952-1934)
The brain - neurons
10-100 billion neurones - do our data communication
~1000,000,000,000,000 synapses!
(each neuron has several thousand!)
KEY CONCEPT 1: Information processing is all about neural communication
KEY CONCEPT 2: Drugs affect neurotransmission
KEY CONCEPT 3: Networks learn: e.g. down-regulation.
KEY QUESTION: Is there a clear distinction between a medical/physical problem and “its all in the mind”?
A “brain cell” or neuron
diagram - schematic of a neuron
action potential travels down the axon - threshold -55mv
sodium ions + and cl- ions
resting potential is -70mv
action potential occurs when charged ions flow in or out across neuron’s membrane through channels : chloride (negative); sodium, potassium, calcium (positive)
the next neuron
when action potential reaches synapse it releases neurotransmitters
IPSP - inhibitory postsynaptic potential - have a negative effect so try make neurone more negative - try to stop neurone being active
EPSP - excitatory postsynaptic potential - after synapse. has a positive effect on the neurone so makes it more positively charged inside - trying to make neuron active
Post-synaptic responses are not “all or nothing
neural integration
if several excitatory synapses are active at the same time, the EPSPs they produce summate as they travel toward the axon and the axon fires. if several inhibitory synapses are active at the same time, the IPSPs they produce diminish the size of the EPSPs and prevent the axon from firing.
the neuron is an ‘adding machine’.
if excitatory potentials outweigh inhibitory ones it will be active but if inhibitory ones outweigh excitatory ones it will stay silent.
each neurone can have up to thousands of synapses on it.
Neuro-transmitter systems- the chemical brothers
Glutamate: Excitatory; sensory input / motor output - found everywhere in brain and spine
GABA: Inhibitory: (reduced in epilepsy; affected by many things, including alcohol) - everywhere in the brain
Dopamine: “Modulatory”. Pleasure / reward.
Serotonin: “Modulatory”. General well being. (anti-depressants) - both can be excitatory or inhibitory
Adrenalin / nor-adrenalin: Body brain communication; flight/fight Response
dopaminergic projections
in frontal lobe and sub cortex
dopamine system is affected in Parkinson disease
mesocortical pathway projects to the frontal cortex
mesolimbic pathways projects to the limbic striatum
serotonin projections
raphe projects throughout the cortex
also in sub cortex
what can drugs do?
neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles and bind to receptors and cause as electrical charger action potential to either flow in or out of the next neurone - Na +, Cl -, K +
after neurotransmitter either bounces out into the extracellular space or gets taken cal into the cell by a reuptake transporter - a pump and shuts the synapse down. a lot of drugs target the reuptake system as if its bio cued the neurotransmitters is in the synapse for longer making it more powerful, or inhibited also means more neurotransmitters escapes
if you add receptors more responsive - more effective synapse
if you block receptors - less responsive
General concepts:
Agonist: - helping inhibition
Enhances neurotranmission - effect is larger
Reduces neurotranmission - less effective synapse
e.g. Benzodiazepines help epilepsy by enhancing the effect of GABA: they are….
GABA agonists - overall have an inhibitory effect
e.g. SSRIs (selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are…..
serotonin agonists
Anti-depressants: e.g. Prozac, block reuptake of 5-HT / serotonin.inhibit pump that pumps serotonin out of synapse so stays in synapse and effect on neuron is stronger
Alcohol: GABA agonist (+ complex non-specific effect acting on many bodily tissues). - enhances GABA system - sleepy effects of alcohol - also dehydrates cells
Nicotine: Activates a class of acetyl choline receptors. Activates sympathetic nervous system.
Cocaine: Cocaine blocks reuptake of dopamine into synaptic terminals. Also serotonin and noradrenalin
Amphetamines: Also dopamine, serotonin and noradrenalin
Opiates: (heroin & morphine): Opiate receptors in limbic system led to discovery of “endogenous” opiates endorphins and enkaphalins. - act on endorphins
Opioids and pain
Opioids regulate some networks (e.g. here it regulates glutamate pain transmission, reducing pain)
1 - substance P along with glutamate and other pain producing neurotransmitters produce depolarisation potential in pain neuron. glutamate binds to the receptors and has a positive effect.
2- opioid peptides (including morphine - has a negative effect on both sides) and opiod drugs one ligand gated K+ channels to decrease the intensity of depolarisation. it allows potassium to escape. makes it more difficult for more action potentials. takes longer for glutamate to build up positive charge so action potential happens.
depolarisation - allows action potential to happens
ligand - something that binds to a receptor as anything that binds to a protein is called a ligand.
3 - opioid receptors on sensory neurone when stimulated open Cl - ion channel and block Ca +2 channel to inhibit firing of sensory neuron.
(Don’t worry about substance P or which exact ions are involved, just take home the concept of regulating the pain transmission).
how drugs and opiates have long term effects
Example 1 - inhibitory auto-receptors (do not try to learn the other details) auto = self
auto-receptors shut themselves down - so when serotonin gets revealed it affects the next cell and also affects receptors on the same cell that just released the serotonin and shuts itself down. the same cell that releases serotonin also gets shut down by serotonin. it helps you keep things under control and efficient info transfer.
gives brain balance as if too much serotonin
why effects of SSRIs don’t have full effects immediately
this is where long-term learning can happen
effect of SSRI on somatodendritic region
before SSRI - serotonin that escaped from synaptic bound to autoreceptors and shut the cell down. need a lot of auto receptors. this cell is more sensitive to serotonin.
after SSRI - causes increase in the somatodendritic area of the serotonin neuron and down regulation of 5HT1A auto receptors
new state of balance - inhibits cell still
Down-regulation, example 2
opioids (just take home the concept of downregulation)
Opioids regulate some networks (eg here it regulates glutamate pain transmission, reducing pain)
Here it regulates a reward pathway, increasing reward - diagram
short term enhancing of the reward pathway
1 - opioid drug inhibit GABA mediated inhibitory control over serotonin and dopamine neuronal firing to increase release in the terminal regions
2 - greater release of serotonin in the prefrontal cortex releases glutamate from the inhibitory influence of GABA
3- excitatory glutamate input produces an extra increase in dopamine neuronal firing to facilitate reward perception
But… the reward pathway adapts (learns) in this new opioid-rich environment, and downregulates itself, so that reward signalling now relies on the presence of the opioid… (otherwise the GABA inhibition is now too strong)